
The Realm Of Darkness

The grandchild of Spirit Detective, Yusuke Urameshi, finds himself plummeting down a metaphorical rabbit hole and uncovers the multiverse. Forced to confront a past he doesnt remember, and having to take up the fight against a force that devours worlds, he is lead to an uncertain future and choice. To save or to destroy... the MC will be an OC from an AU of Yuyu Hakusho. There will be elements of other works such as worlds he will visit or enemies he will face. For example many people may recognize elements of Kingdom Hearts in the first chapter as it was inspired by it. I want to blend alot of my favorite series into this story and have him encounter familiar faces but this wont be the type of adventure where he can conveniently travel worlds as he pleases and will have restrictions on travel. I plan to have each world he visits be a volume on it's own. As far as relationships go, harem tag is not yet decided. This is written for fun. I had this idea for awhile and decided to see where it goes. if it receives support, I'll do my beat not to drop. Worlds(Not Fully Decided feel free to pitch ideas.) Inuyasha (current) Danmachi (maybe) Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun (maybe) DXD (maybe) One Piece (maybe)

Sir_Stronghold · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

Ch. 14 To Go Even Further Beyond

[Hello! Next Chapter is on Saturday. That will be the conclusion to this saga's first real battle. Enjoy and please show your support with shiny stones or reviews. 😘]

Yura chuckled as the power surged within her. In front of her is Jei being roasted in a fiery hairball.


His screams reverberated across the battlefield, but inside him, there were changes happening.


In the dark corner of his mind as his conscienceness drifted between reality and a dream, a feather wreathed in flame began gently pulsing with energy.

A new vitality was forming within Jei, his body suddenly able to adapt. However the nuances of this change were unknown to him.

'Fire? Why does it suddenly feel comfortable?'

As the demonic flames burned his skin, some remnant power of the sacred jewel was also mixed in with the flames, making them provide a more potent energy.


Jei screamed with a primal fury and Yura's flames began to vortex around him.

"What is this?!" Yura's eyes widened in shock.

'He is absorbing my fire and is rapidly growing in strength. What the hell is happening?! Why do I suddenly sense he is a full demon?! Was he not actually a human?'

Yura's thoughts were chaotic as the scene unfolded before her. She was so immersed in the spectacle that she forgot he was an enemy and was now growing in power.

The flames around Jei burst with a flash, dispersing the fiery hair and Yura's heart was in suspense as the dust settled.

In front of her stood that young man, however great changes could be seen with him...

His muscles became more compact and toned, and he had blue tribal-like tattoos covering his arms, chest and face.

His hair had grown into a full mane and reached his ankles. It also became a beautiful silver color that reflected the light.

This hair color was derived from the genes of Yoko Kurama. While he didnt show any more foxlike characteristics at this time, he was far more nimble that Yusuke was when he first transformed.

His face was twisted into a snarl and sharp canines could be seen clenched together.

But the most surprising change was his body was pulsating with chaotic demonic energy.

It was like a feral beast stood before her and for the first time in a long time she felt fear.

This demon was still a juvenile but the power he possessed hinted at the absolute monster he would become when he reaches maturity, since the Mazuku are known as S class demons. His power level has jumped to Mid A, that's only because he has not matured enough in this form, but his power will steadily rise as he fights.

Yura's back went cold when he turned his face and locked his now crimson eyes with hers. His voice even echoed with his power.

"You will pay for your insolence."

In this state he was prideful and had the bearing of an absolute ruler. Or even a tyrant.

Jei had transformed into the legendary Mazuku.

The Mazuku is a fire demon considered an elite among the demons in Demon World.

If an high S class is considered a planetary entity, the Mazuku might potentially go beyond and reach an interstellar level of power.

[A/N: There's alot of debate on Yuyu Hakusho power levels especially when compared to DBZ, so I'm gonna do a quick breakdown of my thought process. Sensui, who Yusuke fought when he first transformed was stated saying he had to operate at only a third of his power while in the human world because he could crack the planet if he was careless. Or something like that. So for my story I'm gonna say that a High S Class is a planetary being since maybe Sensui, a Mid S class ,was just cappin a bit.

In DBZ terms, which are often ambiguous, maybe first form namek saga Frieza, being a planet buster, is a High S Class in Yuyu Hakusho power scale? Well he is now. And My boy Jei at mid A might be on par with Raditz but can grow to Frieza's level someday. Lol. The difference is that vast between A and S. At least now according to me. Deal with it.]

"What are you-" Before Yura could ask her question, Jei had disappeared from his spot and was next to her.

A fist coated in red and black energy smacked right into her face, sending her flying through the trees, leaving the ground destroyed where she landed.

"Ugh." Yura shook off the hit and an anger swelled up inside her.

"You may have gotten stronger, but I am still growing in power also. I'll take that pretty hair of yours right off your scalp!"

With a series of movements with her hair, she reached the spot she just had been launched from.

Jei was standing there with his arms crossed, looking at her with distain.

"You still want to defy me? You should kneel..."

Again he disappeared, and a knee planted itself right into Yura's gut, causing her to fold.

But before she could recover, Jei clasped his fists together and sent her back down to the dirt with a hammer blow.

But he didn't let up and followed her down and stomped her deeper into the ground.

When his combo was finished, he stepped back and crossed his arms again.

"That's a better look for you. A bug should be in the dirt."

His arrogant words reached Yura's ears and a newfound rage bubbled up inside her.

She is Yura! The one who possesses the sacred jewel and the next queen of this world.

'How dare this child?! I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him...'

<+ ><+ ><+ ><+ ><+ ><+ ><+ ><+ >

Snek's body surged with power and his gaze held pride in his masters demonic form.

He had heard that before he hatched, such a thing happened and now he was seeing and feeling his master's power, he was in awe.

Even his own strength grew while his Master was in that state.

However he was reminded of annoying pests trying to break his scales. He decided it was time to make a move of his own to help his master.

Inuyasha was unconscious and he was being made to attack Snek in an effort to reach Kagome.

For Snek, this was not a problem. He could sit there all day, and Inuyasha and the other puppets would be no closer to inflicting any damage. Especially now when he is being empowered further by his master.

Snek recalled the pure spiritual power that Kagome had and decided to have her use that power against Yura. In case Yura is able to overpower Jei, which in his opinion might happen, because the sacred jewel is also empowering her.

He flared his spiritual aura just enough to shock the dogboy back to consciousness.

A wave of spiritual energy rolled out like a crashing wave against Inuyasha and the villagers, causing Inuyasha to stir awake.

And then with a quick inhale of breath, the scales around his throat burned with a bright blue energy and then he exhaled.

A blue fire swept over the area and burned the hair that was holding all the puppets.

With all their strings cut they all plopped to the ground.

"Ow! Uh-huh? What happened?" Inuyasha was groggy and took a second before getting his bearings.

"What the hell..?" After gaining clarity, he observed his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the battle between Jei and Yura.

"Is that... that guy? He suddenly smells like a full demon. How is that possible?!"

Inuyasha eyes began sparkling and he was mesmerized by the sheer magnitude of power in the battle before him.

Isn't this what he wanted? The power to become a full demon? He needed to know the secret!

Unknown to Jei, he just got himself an annoying follower, that would pester him for a long time.