
Chapter 2

I came back from school on a hot afternoon tried and famished, my mum and my siblings were home and also a visitor whom I haven't seen before, I noticed my mom was quite frightened, I greeted and I went inside to change, then I held the visitor saying to mum that she has only a month left before the exchange, what exchange I asked myself feeling scared. what has my mum got to exchange what type of business did she do that involves exchange? I need to ask her when the visitor is gone.

After having my lunch I went to our fellow neighbors to see if they any work that needs to be done. after going around doing all sort of domestic jobs the whole afternoon I came back home with the little pay I got , on getting close to the our apartment I heard my dad shouting, I ran in hoping he was not drunk as usual.

And where did you think you are coming from my dad shouted pointing at my direction, work I said, you called those errands work my dad asked raising his hands at me, I understand my dad's abuse, so I jumped to the other side to prevent myself from getting hit or being beaten. Am so tired and I don't have the strength to endure any form of physical abuse tonight, but all that did not prevent my dad from rushing at me and started hitting me.

So your mum has passed her disobedience to you, how dare you avoid me when am talking to you he asked still hitting me, leave her out of this I heard my mum voice, she is not the cause of the problem you cause, why do you have to transfer your aggression to her, "bamm" suddenly I notice my mum laying on the floor unconscious, I screamed and ran to her side shaking her and trying to wake her my siblings came out of when they saw the scene they started crying.

Dan I said, take Lina back inside, Dave you help me and let take mum to the bedroom we can't allow the neighbors to come here and witness this, mum is going to be fine she just fainted and will wake up soon, but sister dad violence is getting too much we need to report this. No we can't I shouted at him have you forgotten what dad said or do you want dad to sell one of us, if dad sell me who is going to take care of you and Dan? Lina can't be sold out at such a young age we have to tolerate him at all cost.