

Alvin is a normal boy with a normal life till the day his parents die. Now the fate of the world comes crashing down on his shoulders when he's told that he is a guardian of the Lighter class- of the Guard, an international secret organisation tasked with protecting the world from the creatures that roam the dark side of the world.

AOP_2782 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 6


It comes first as a feeling. Then a presence, and then I can see it in front of me. A demon from the depths of the underworld. It regards me with its thick, bulging eyes. And it smiles.

* *** *

This was a bad idea...I knew I shouldn't have focused on the dreams I had been having and try to investigate. And as a result, here I am, defenseless and alone in this stupid forest with 'things' running after me. At least, I can die knowing that she is alive. Tripping on a tree root, I fall to the ground. Knowing that running any further won't help me, I stay there on the ground, accepting my fate as the snarls get closer. All of a sudden, a deep and clear voice rings out in the forest "Step away from the Seer, He is not yours to take, Zarkians." The things behind me snarl in response. Something picks me up from the ground and when I look at it, I see a hand of water. Shrieking, I slap its surface but it just reforms. It carries me away and drops me behind a boy and girl. Teenagers. One is a boy, the other a girl. The boy looks like a French. Light skinned, Blue eyes, quite bulky, untamed hair. The girl is probably Asian-American. Silky hair, brown eyes, blonde with a certain charm.She seems to be the one controlling the water as her uniform is ocean blue. The other boy's uniform, however, is somewhat erratic blue with a few white strokes here and there. Both look to be around 16 or 17. The water hand lets go of me and spreads all around the grass bed, under those things that are slowly advancing. The boy steps forward and looks to the sky. He shouts out and starts waving his hand. The sky darkens and patches of lightning begin to appear. This is it! This is what I saw in my last dream! Standing up, I shout too and holler. I finally found the answers to my dreams! The sky darkens further and then a barrage of lightning collides with the creatures and the water. Some die instantly while others convulse. Their shrieks ring out but soon, all is silent. They then turn back to me and the girl speaks "I'm Amaya Brooke, a hydro". The boy also speaks "I'm Corentin DuPont, a bolt" I was right! Haha! "And I am the Seer of the Big Eight, Stephen King, 15 1/2 years of age"

"How did you know about the Big-" "In my dreams, or maybe the more appropriate word is vision"

They share a glance "You're coming with us"

* *** *

The school bell rings, saving me from the clutches of unhelpful lectures. Grabbing my bag, I head to the restroom. I'm Isaac Gravit,16 years old. With my brown locks, round face, light hazel eyes, good proportioned body and good looks, I was never one to be ignored. Stepping in, I move to the nearest sink and start washing my face. Hearing a loud scream that was quickly cut off, I proceed to the corresponding stall and I see a man. Every part of his body is covered in clothing, and blood stains are everywhere. Looking past him, I see the only person that bothered to talk to me as a person, not a tool to gain popularity. His blood is all over the toilet floor. Deep cuts dotting every part of his body, looking like claw marks. He's long gone. The man notices me and speaks in a low, gravelly voice "Ah, the Gravitas of the Big Seven, Your head will be my promotion" And then he cackles and pounces on me. I look back at him, my best friend. My only friend. And I shout. And somehow, the stalls collapse, the ceiling caves in and the floors split, rubble hits the man on his head, and I hear a loud crack. Just before I myself am hit, a hand grabs me and everything goes black.

* *** *

Walking down the street, I wonder why my mum told me to come home immediately, bag over my shoulder, I whistle "The Neverending Story". My name is Doppel Adedayo, and I am 17. I adjust my glasses and wipe down my matching 'Stranger Things' shirt and trousers. I was always an ordinary looking guy, quite the slim type with brown eyes and messy black hair, an African American in all areas. Getting to the bus stop, I wait beside a guy dressed in all black. He looks at me, smiles and dips his hat. I smile back. I look to my right and I see four people, all teenagers coming to the bus stop too. Probably on their way to school, judging from their uniforms, two are dressed in red uniforms, the others some kind of blue and violet uniforms. They are all boys.The man beside me looks at them and I hear him mutter "What are guardians doing here, Zariki is useless as always" He waves his hand and then he starts transforming. His body becomes shadowy,like some kind of mirage. One of them screams "It's a Darkane!" Suddenly, a ball of fire misses me by mere inches and hits the supposed Darkane in the chest. It shrieks and waves its hand erratically. Several shadows manifest and howls ring out as the Guardians are attacked on all sides. One of them however, one of the two with blue and violet uniforms transforms into a gargoyle and claws through most of the shadows. The fire dudes and other 'animal' dude, in the form of a wolf then make quick work of the others. The Darkane waves its hand once more and I see myself in a new place. A woman steps out from the darkness and speaks "My my, The Darkane aren't so useless after all. My dear boy, come let's talk."

Whoop Whoop!!! All the new characters are all part of the Big Seven, the elites of the Guard They are Stephen King, the Seer, capable of seeing into the future. Isaac Gravit, capable of harnessing the power of gravity. And finally, Doppel Adedayo, the Cloner, capable of Power Mimicry. The others are Alvin the Lighter, Bianca the Necro-Shadow, the Psych and Bloodred who have yet to be named.

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