
• Tragedy Befallen

A red spark sizzled. And from that red spark, more manifested, hissing loudly and with evident menace as they slowly surrounded Spheris's prone body. These red sparks then began to engulf him, creating a force field of crimson scintillating energy.

Seeing this, Spheris slowly began to pull his bloody form from the ground. His head was throbbing, his eyes were half blind and blood was dripping out of his nose like scarlet tears. Yet, he managed to make out the energy field that had capsulized itself around him.

Peering through the red field, he could see Pa Tsuna regarding him with a callous, hard-hearted gaze. With his hands at both sides, the Mogul watched impassively as the red sparks pierced Spheris's body.

The Avatar let out a loud, harrowing cry of pain that seemed to echo in the laden arena. The red bolts tore deep into his muscles, piercing his tendons and making their way into his neurons, sucking on the energy that coursed through them.