
• Dance Of Portals

His face got awfully close to a lava pool, so close that he could smell the sulphuric vapor when a bubble popped on his face.

His shadow tether stretched and snapped back, pulling him towards the anchor. He fought against the pull of the rift, using his fire to aid himself back towards the path.

Everyone gawked at him once he returned to the ground, on all fours, panting.

"Are you okay?" Cerene asked him.

Thorin ploddingly got to his feet, a look of horror in his eyes. "What... the fuck... was that."

"Your shadow rope is good, right? Hold on a sec, let me check mine. I don't want any— Woah!!"

Nero was next to go, a rift tore behind him and sucked him inside in a mini-second, dragging him into the familiar land of Frozen Sands. He groaned as his back hit hard on top of the frozen river, then he jumped to his feet and looked at his surroundings.