Born of the wastelands, Spheris Arnadel, a young skilled thief, finds himself subject to a twist of fate when he steals a powerful relic and becomes a Bearer — humans gifted with powers from the Gods. As a punishment for his theft, he is cast into an otherworldly realm alongside other Bearers, where he faces off against monstrous beasts and powerful enemies. Yet, in his determination to return to the Continent and save his dying mother, Spheris is hell-bent on surviving the abyssal world. Even if it means giving his body to the Dark God whose powers he had stolen... even if it means losing all of his humanity.
Pulling his eyes open as he stirred awake, Spheris was met with a giant mischievous grin. It was on Linne's face, and above the grin were her big brown eyes dancing with amusement.
"Late night with Cerene, huh?" she teased, her tone laced with playful mockery.
Spheris sat up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. He glanced around, taking in the early morning scene unfolding on the dry, red plains. The sun as fairly out but — as usual at this time — was not yet blaring, and the shadow of the skeletal, leafless tree under which they had taken shelter for the night silhouetted across the ground beneath them.
Cerene was still asleep.
He turned back to Linne. "Were you watching me sleep?"
"Why?" he raised a brow.
"I woke up almost an hour ago and I was bored," she replied, scratching her neck.
"An hour ago?!" Instantly, Spheris rose to his feet, startling his companion who was beside him, feasting on a red lizard.