
The Random Overpowered Superpower System

A system that would give you a random overpowered superpower each time you level up

Itachi101 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Fire Lord

{new ability. flames beautification 1/??? this ability allows one to burn away all that's ugly.} Sora frowned at this ability, he wanted to create a flame capable of burning away concepts. shaking his head as he stood up, he looked at his statues.

{name: Sora

Title: [the Reincarnations], [the summoned hero], [The God OF Fire]

Race: Human

level: 48/ 50

powerlevel: 179 (+50 with sword)

class: none

abilities: [chakra manplution (level 8/10)], [Shadow clone technique (level 1/10)], [body flicker technique (level 5/10)], [body replacement technique (5/10], [Appraisal (lvl 3/10].

unique ability: [instant recovery], (Primordial Fire Manipulation(5/???), [Heat Sense. 5/??], [Heat Absorption. 5/???], [Personal Heat 5/???], [Fire clone 1/???], [beast creations 3/???], [fire sphere 1/???], [Fire wave, 1/???], [flames beautification 1/???]

"do you know how to level up skills quickly," Sora asked calmly, Jenny nodded slightly as she went on to explain how through combat a person can raise the level of their skills quickly. the more they used and more of their feelings they put into using a skill, the higher XP they would gain.

Sora nodded slightly before calling back his wolf, it would be better off he experimented on his wolves. as all his wolves returned, Sora went on to slowly combine all of 1 wolf, fusing them together. it was pretty much-fusing fire together,

{new ability has been gained fire beast fusion 1/??? this skill allows one to fuse fire beast, the fusion equals the monster power level fusion. in other words, a beast with a power level of 10 fusing with a power level of 10, their powerlevel will be added together. thanks to them being of the same level of power, it will be a perfect fusion that will double their strength even more. 10 + 10 x 2 equal 40. the higher the powerlevel the monsters have compared to this skill will decrease the chances for the fusion success,} the system said stunning Sora, he didn't effect to create something like this. he had hundreds of wolves, and with his mastery of chakra and primordial fire, his success rate is not going to be low.

Sora went on to begin the fusion, and of course, the amount of time he fail was a lot. but as the skill leveled up, the success rate doubled. so in the end, Sora leveled up Fire beast fusion to level 4, while fusion 3 fire beast together, to gain a monster wolf with a powerlevel of 375, although all the wolves died, Sora saw that this wolf was special

{Name: Fire DireWolf. (a wolf born through flames, they have unmatched power over flames and are immune to flames. but they are extremely weak with water and ice element}

Level: 10/50

Powerlevel: 375

Abilities: [Fire Fangs], [Fire Roar], [Fire absorbation], [Self distraction], [immortal], [Fire Healing], {Fire Wolf summons},

Unique Skills: {Call of the master}, {call for the master}, [Heat absorption]

'call of the monsters all me to summon it to my side whenever I wish, and call for the master allows it draw upon my primordial fire. fire wolf summon allows it to create wolves of its own, it can even evolve now, so that's good.' Sora thought as went on to try and create fire storage, something he can use to store anyway his monsters.

{new ability, beast world. 1/??? this ability allows one to store away their summoned/created monster to be stored within a world of fire. this world space depends on the level of the skills, and powerlevel of the user. The monster stored within this beast world will absorb primordial fire to slowly grow stronger, remaining near or around the user's strength. the monster sent here will have all their injuries slowly healed, they will lose track of time as well. so even if left here for years, they will feel as if only a second passed before they were summoned. most skills that block summoning skills do not affect this skill unless its level is high enough, the longer and stronger monsters are stored here, the more XP will be gained.}

Sora went on to store the wolf away, before heading deep into the forest, along the way Jenny told him some stuff he might need to know about this world. soon, they found a nice cave near the river. Sora calmly chose to rest here while he began using the other skills he haven't been using munch.

the fire clone was one such ability, the shadow clone technique, and Appraisal. while Sora was forced on leveling these skills up, Jenny went on to go take a bath. a few hours later, Sora leveled up the fire clone ability to level 4, the shadow clone technique to level 6, and Appraisal to level 4 which allowed him to now see the level of other people's skills.

at level 1 of the fire clone technique, Sora could make 12 clones if he had enough fire. that number shot up to 96 at level 4. now, it was much easier for him to create these clones and used up less energy.

at level 5, the shadow clone technique improved both the quality and smoothness of creating said clones. plus, it did also improve the number of clones he could create thanks to chakra control, which meant he could smoothly make clones.

Jenny went on to also begin to start teaching Sora blacksmith magic, blacksmith magic was not used using chakra, but instead magical energy. magical energy was everything, within the trees, earth, sky, and air. Sora first had to learn to draw upon this energy and can use it to his wishes. Jenny was a good teacher, so Sora easily learned while having his question answered. in no time, Sora reached level 4.

Sora held his hand out as a magic circle slowly appeared before his palms, the rock in front of him suddenly had a magic circle of its own appear under it. the rock turned a burning red before its very concept began to transform.

Jenny watched as her eye brighten, and a golden sword appeared before them. which she quickly used Appraisal on.

{Name: Sword of Absorption

rank: rare

ability: boosts powerlevel150 times, this sword will absorb the heat from a target each time it contacts and heal the person with the sword, while the person this word touches start freezing. if the person holding this world is in full health, the heat that's absorbed will only strengthen them. up to 150 max}

"amazing, you random ruck into something like this. your primordial fire is one of a kid." She said almost drooling while looking at the sword. she could have easily made something like this, but Sora had only level 4 blacksmith skills. this was all because of his unique fire. Sora only had a powerlevel of 179, yet he created something like this. of course this was shocking. this sword can boost a person by up to 300. there is also the fact that this absorbed a person's warmth

"is it that rare to make an item that gives a boost of powerlevel equal to your own or above?" Sora asked calmly, Jenny nodded

"it's quite rare with low-grade ores like a rock, and even more so with at level 4. the requirement for others to do what you just did is almost unheard of. the fire must be powerful, the tools must be high level and so many other small details. plus, you did this in only 15 seconds, if you were to get yourself on good ore and other stuff, you will surpass me... give me a title, so I too can have a primordial fire." She said with a pleading eye, what more can someone like her who devoted her life to blacksmith want. even before she awakened her memories of her path in life, she was already deeper devoted to the blacksmith

{title gained. the admiration of the god of the blacksmith. from now on, your craft will have a 100% success rate, you will easily stumble upon the unique ore you search for.} Sora was stunned at the title he was given.

"how do I give others a title?" Sora asked a confused,

"a title is given upon someone with the great capability of looking upon someone else in a way shape or form. the demon kings give out titles to other kings, the gods give out the title of kings to other lesser gods. I understand I'm asking for much. so I'm willing to dedicate my life to working to gain such a title." She said with a bow, Sora calmly looked at her for a moment before shrugging.

"I give you the title fire lord," Sora said calmly, Jenny's body shook suddenly as she was suddenly swallowed with flames. the flames turned into a tornado which shot into the sky, destroying the cave and everything in its path, Sora would have died if he was not immune to flames, but he was sent stumbling backward by the harsh minds created by these flames.

Jenny appeared in the sky, covered in flames, her eyes path slowly fell to the ground. her birthmark slowly began to appear, but it was slowly burned away by flames. her right eye transformed, before they exploded with flames, the flames slowly transformed taking the form of a red dress. slowly floated to the ground, Jenny looked at her body in shock

{Fire Lord- The fire gave upon the one to rule the flames, your every existence shall be transformed and purified by flames. you gain complete immunity to flames, as before you the flames shall submit you, you're the lord of flames only second to the god of fire. your master. you have the power to call upon primordial fire, but if they answer your call is up to them.

[fire immunity], [auto tempering so long as you have energy.], [creation through flames], [enhanced healing through flames]. [one's flames become Eternal until a target is burned to nothingness], [unmatched mastery over a fire], [Lord of fire]}

'interesting, she is not all-powerful through flames. does that mean she has limitations? I'm all-powerful through flames, so that means I can do anything I wish.' Sora through as he watched Jenny suddenly fall to her knees

"I promise I will repay this kindness to you, even at the cost of my life... no, the destruction of my soul and body. I will repay which kindness." She said seriously, her title the truly ugly was burned away thanks to this title, even forever rejected was gone. she was a new person now. in her past life her own mother rejected her, she never had any luck with guys, so she had some wives, but even they would cheat on her. she was destined to forever be alone. yet all that changed, thanks to the person in front of her.

'god... I'm overpowered. I wonder how many titles I can give out. fire emperor, a fire dragon lord, fire dragon god... interesting.' Sora thought as he turned to leave, as the title says she will be loyal to him since she accepted the title

"Let's go. that sudden fire might attract some unwanted attention," Sora said calmly but as he took the step, his eyes rolled back as he fainted. Jenny flashed catching Sora, giving a title as powerful as this of course used up a lot of Sora's energy. but as she was about to cast a spell, a huge wolf suddenly appear before her and angrily look at her.

"he is out of energy, I was going to take him away so no monster pops up." She said softly, this was none other than the fire Direwolf, she was not foolish enough to think she was its match. although its attack will have no effect on her, she didn't want to waste time. the Fire Direwolf coldly looked at her, before stepping aside. she sighed softly before she placed Sora on her back and used fire magic to fly,

fire magic was a combining of all kinds of magic, it was a set of magic not simply one spell. a spell-like fireball is only a simply base spell from fire magic. the more complex spells like flight, are considered much harder to use. learning fire flight, the basic is using fire to shoot you forward, but as you master this you gain the capability to go against gravity and fly as you wish.

Thanks to gaining this new title, She instantly mastered fire magic. allowing her to shoot off into the sky but as she was flying, the fire Direwolf was quick, easily keeping up with her, slowly began to copy Jenny's usage of fire, allowing it to seemly run on air.

soon they found a nice cave to stay in, but there was a huge 2-headed bear calling it it's home. with a powerlevel of 350, this thing was considered an overlord of these parts. the fire Direwolf went on to fight this bear, the fight took a few minutes. but the Fire Direwolf won thanks to its immortal fire body physique. the bear attacks were pointless,

meanwhile back at the cave they just left, the one-arm man closely looked at the flames left by Jenny's transformation.

"This should have been done by a human. if I only had an information-gathering ability other than Appraisal." He said softly as he rubbed the ground slightly, and smell stuff before turning and walking towards the footprints left behind by the wolf.

"Ms. Jenny should have done the damage. but I'm not sure what type of wolf this is. seems like a dire wolf, but why so warm?" He said softly as he cast a flight spell and followed the footprints, but they soon disappeared

'Ms. Jenny should have cast a flight speed, mostly fire light, but she left behind little traces of energy for me to follow. those that I can follow have been absorbed by the surrounding,.. bo something else has absorbed it.' he thought with a helpless sigh, he was a knight, not a tracker. he only knew the basics of tracking, not the skill or ability to helo out.

the next day, Sora woke up and found himself being hugged by the wolf as if it was trying to keep him warm. sensing him waking up, the wolf happily stood up as it looked at its master. Sora nodded slightly as he rubbed its head. looking around, he found Jenny standing over a stick. next to her, many legendary grade swords were created stunning Sora at how easy it was for her to create such powerful weapons

{Name: powerful spear # 478

Item grade: legendary

ability: this item boosts one powerlevel by 390. all items which are not legendary grade shallow shatter upon contact, and all items of the same grade as this spear will have their ability lost. turning them into a normal weapon, if this spear is thrown it shallow instantly appear before its target. this spear can freely change its size. all of these abilities are disabled if this spear goes against another legendary item. making both legendary items have no ability. there is no limit to the number of legendary items this spear can affect.}

[Name: Powerful bow # 124

Item grade: Legendary

ability: this item boosts one powerlevel by 380. this bow needs no arrows, pulls the string backward and air-light, air, and all other elements will gather on their own. when the bow is shot, the arrow will turn into a might eagle which shall not stop flying until its target is hit. this bow has the ability capability called multi-shot. shot countless arrows all at once at the sky, which will rain from the heavens like a thunderstorm.}

Sora looked at the countless powerlevel weapons, all created from a tree branch, meanwhile, Jenny only had a powerlevel of 130. the title gave her a huge boost that she could create weapons with powerlevel up to 3 times her own. of course, using an item that gives a person a powerlevel far above their own can drive a person mad, so although this seemed OP if she was to use these items she could go mad.

"It comes naturally. look at all of these weapons. this is amazing, no special equipment, all within a few seconds and longer for those with truly complex abilities." Jenny said with might eyes as she turned to look at Sora, she froze her eyes as he looked at burning ruby-like eyes. they were in deep quite beautiful

"what are you going to do about all of these items?" Sora asked calmly, Jenny was confused for a second before she looked around. she was stunned, she was up all night making weapons none stop she didn't even notice the mess she made,

"that's simple my lord," She said as she grabbed some dirt off the ground, and with some magic, the dirt turned into a strange mage. opening it, and pointing it the items, the weapons, armor, and so many other Legendary weapons were sucked into the bag, which she gave to Sora.

"although these its are weak. and a bit too powerful for you to use now, they will soon be of some use. you can even create some beast in a humanoid-like form to use them, they're having an army with a powerlevel almost reaching 1,000" She said with a smile,

Sora sighed softly, being this overpowered scared him slightly, to think his creation had this much of an effect. shaking his head, he had the wolf return to the beast world, before he and Jenny left.

"let's head up the mountain today. I wish to evolve." Sora said calmly, Jenny nodded as she followed Sora. they were not far from the mountain, and with their speed, they easily reached it, upon reaching it Sora sensed how a lot the temperature got as one got higher up the mountain.

"I believe the whole leading to the bottom of this dungeon is up at the top of the mountain. but the monsters up there can reach anywhere up to a powerlevel of 5 thousand." jenny said softly, Sora took a deep breath before nodding and heading up, the mountain was covered in snow, which could be trouble. it didn't take long for them to stumble upon some beast

{Name: Snow monkey

Level: 1/100

powerlevel: 102

Ability: [Snow Magic], [strength boost], [speed boost], [greater speed boost], [sound magic], [hair magic]

Unique ability: [snow clone], [unhealthy bite], [pee shoot], [pop shoot]...} Sora froze at the least of unique ability this monkey had. the snow-white monkey also blended in well with the snow.

the monkey seeing a human let out a cry before he grabbed its little brother, it aimed before sitting a set of pee at Sora. the pee turned into ice, which became harder than still, plus with the speed, it was coming at Sora, this pee shot was more dangerous than a bullet.

Sora held his hand out and shot a wave of flames at the ice pee, the flames shot forward swallowing the snow money and killing it. Sora controlled the flames and had it jump from monkey to monkey, beginning a mass murder

{requerment to level up has been met. you have leveled up to level 49.} Sora leveled up upon killing all the monkeys, as one level went up XP needed of course went up. but as one strength went up, the XP needed also increased. with Sora's strength, this was of course even more true.

Sora went up the mountain and ran into many monsters which he slaughtered without a second thought. soon, Sora ran into his first challenge, an ice bear. at level 20/100 this bear had a powerlevel of 174.

Sora never had a true challenged, and he of course was not scared of one. rushing forward, he dodged the ice bear's frost breath, while flames gathered in his palm before he shot a fireball at the bear. the bear at shocking speed dodged the attack, and with a spell known as Greater greater speed boost. its speed increased by 5 times. it rushed towards Sora, who quickly used the body flicker technique to breast dodged its attack,

the two clashed while Jenny just watched on from afar, she was not a fighter she was a blacksmith that had reached the peak of what blacksmith could take her. but she of course not normal, she spent all night creating countless weapons and was not slightly tried. this was thanks to her being of the god race, she had no need for sleep and never gets tired. she would only sleep for the fun of it, meanwhile, she didn't need food like how humans needed food. she only eats to absorb the magical energy within the food, normal food was unless to her. in other words, she could go forever by just eating off energy in the air.


Sora was suddenly send slamming into a huge ball while coughing up some blood, whipping the blood out of his mouth, Sora was slightly amazed at this bear's strength. although they were around the same level of powerlevel. the bear's physique was nothing compared to a human, its sharp claws and durability made it so that Sora could not easily take on a blow

"well, it was a nice fight," Sora said calmly as the bear slowly fell over, shattering into countless pieces, it was frozen to death. all the warmth within its both was completely gone making it freeze to death. that last attack was just its last attempt to take Sora with it.

{Heat absorption has leveled up to level 6/???.} Sora held his hands out slightly, a soft spear seemed to appear around him, absorbing all the heat within the side spear this spear was about half a matter, so now Sora no longer needed physical contact to absorb another being warmth.

{chakra manipulation has leveled up to level 9/10. Primordial Fire Manipulation( has leveled up to level 7/???} Sora powerlevel increased once more, but this only meant the amount of XP needed had increased once. but Sora didn't care