
The raging cloud

Prince Bu young of heeleng village fell in love with yoona the strong headed daughter of trader soo Byung ho , on the day of his wedding with princess lu Chen. Upon finding out his son's seeming obsession towards Yoona and the throne , King muyeol decides to banish him from the kingdom, but a broken glass cannot be easily mended. After weeks of hardship, hanyul finally found her way into the palace. a great secret waiting to be unveiled, as she survives the torment in the palace. Lee song hae, who grew up in the palace and falls in love with jangmi (a herbal collector), comes across a woman, who he fells strongly attached to. Song hae is left with more questions than answers, as he tries to pursue the events that happened. Unlock the secrets in this historical fantasy drama about a trader and his family who face the test of life and force of a raging cloud.

Mee_Nana · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 9

Physician ma-dong was checking on hanyul, after five minutes of diagnosis, he turned to lady chaewon and trader Soo byung hu who were anxiously waiting for him to finish.

" The good news is that her temperature has finally crashed, but I can't seem to figure out why she's still not awake. I...it's been two days now."

" Is she in coma?" Asked lady chaewon

" No, she doesn't have the symptoms of someone who's in coma, or about to go into coma". He opened his acupuncture box and removed a thin needle." There is a blood clot here" he said pointing at her forehead." We just need to apply a little pressure here". He pierced the needle gently " and that's it."

" Will she wake up soon?"

" I don't know yet", he said as he removed the needle from her forehead. " But hopefully, yes."

"Thank you so much, physician ma-dong" said trader Soo byung hu.

"You don't have to thank me, it's my job to help people. I'll come back in the evening to check on her" turning to lady chaewon" you should really get some sleep, and you have dark circles around your eye."

"Yes I will, thanks again" she said in a low tone.

" Let's go, I'll walk you out" trader Soo byung hu said as he collected the first aid box from physician ma-dong's hand.

" No, you don't have to, am not that old, I can walk properly and even agile than you" he said jokingly.

" I believe you are" he replied with a smile.

He bid him goodbye at the gate and turned to go when dojin and ji woon hurried towards him.

"Master....master" they both echoed.

" Are you two being ch....."

" Young master is back"

" oh, Where is he?"

" He's in his chambers"

" Did you tell him anything?"

" No, we didn't, we told him you were with a visitor"

" That's good, you can go now, i'll meet him in a minute." He turned to go, when he suddenly remembered one thing. " Dojin, don't forget to tell chaewon and yoona that ik-jun is back.

" Yes master" they turned and left.

Ae yeon was busy cooking food in the kitchen, she was smiling and soliloquizing.

" What has gotten into her all of a sudden?" Said wol, who was peeping at her through the window. Next to her was min tae.

" I have no idea, she's not the always cooking type." She thought for a minute " wait, is her birthday today?"

" I don't know, she doesn't celebrate that ever since young master brought her in"

" Aah, I remembered, then what's the special occasion?"

" What are you two looking at" whispered a voice behind them. They started shouting, turned and were relieved to see ji woon and dojin.

" You scared us to death" said min tae out of breath.

" Well... at least you're still alive, so what were you two looking at?" Asked ji woon

" funny of you to ask, they were definitely looking at me, wait... is it my cloth, my hair, my face cause am prettier than all of you?" she hesitated for a minute. " don't tell me you are envying me?" Ae yeon said as she appeared behind them unknowingly.

" Pretty?, Huh! Ae yeon, stop thinking out of the box, always think within. You're not what you think you are.

" Say whatever you want." She turned to leave. " if you can excuse me, I have a meal to prepare for my future husband."

" Is...is young master back?" Asked min tae.

"Yes, we were on our way to tell lady chaewon." Replied dojin.

" that explains everything" wol said as she finally fixed the last piece of the puzzle.

" But, how did she know he has arrived, we were the only people he met"

"Who knows, Ae yeon is everywhere, let's go and tell lady chaewon quickly."

On there way, they met yoona and told her the good news about her brothers arrival, she was extremely happy as she passed the information to her mother.

" He came earlier than I expected. He's suppose to arrive tomorrow right mom?"

" Yes" she wondered for a second " nevermind, the good news thing is that he arrived safely. Go to the kitchen and make sure your brothers food is ready."

" Yes mother." She stood up and was about to leave when her mother called again.

" Yoona, tell wol to bring the manicure and pedicure set, I want to trim Han yul's nail.

" Mom, I would do it when I come back, you need to sleep."

" It's already morning yoona, the sun has come up."

" Mom, you didn't sleep for two days now, have you seen your eyes?, They are red and swollen. Please take a rest, I'll take it from here."

" Fine, I'll do so when she wakes up."

" Mom...."

" Go and do what I told you, I'll go, when you're back."

" Promise?"

" Yes" lady chaewon said with a smile.

Yoona stood up and left after being convinced. Minutes later, wol came in holding a box.

" Ma'am, I brought the set as you requested, shall we start?"

" No, it's not for me, it's for Han yul, you can go, I'll do it myself."

"Okay, shall I bring some food"

"No, am not hungry."

" Ma'am it's been two days now and you've not eaten anything. You're looking pale and weak."

" Don't worry am fine"

" But lady chaewon...."

" Fine.... I'll go, after trimming her nails."

Wol smiled after hearing lady chaewon's answer. She opened the box, started trimming Han yul's nail, felt dizzy for a minute and saw herself on the floor.

"Ma'am are you alright?" Wol asked worriedly.

" Am fine, don't worry "

" Huh!!" She pointed at Han yul's leg " her leg it's.... it's bleeding."

" Oh my God, bring a clean cloth quickly" lady chaewon said panicky.

" Ahh....yes" she rushed to get a clean cloth.

' oh my, what have I done, how can I be this careless' she told herself as she turned to analyze the cut on Han yul's foot. To her amazement, the cut attached itself, only blood stains were left. Afraid of what she just saw, she threw the trimmer on the floor, and took three steps slowly backwards.

' d...did it just, huh!!!, oh my, is this a dream or reality?, May be I didn't get enough sleep — yes probably, that's the only answer ' trying to calm herself.

She slowly came closer to Han yul, thoughts started roaming through her mind, whether her daughter has been exchanged in the market and to slightly cut her again and see if the wound would amend itself or not.