let's say you find this huge hole in the forest, are you jumping in? of course not but what if you trip into it, well follow our main character as he falls into a wonderful and scary land as a Rabbit.
Name: Midin
Strength: 28
Mana: 33
Agility: 50
Intelligents: 35
Stamina: 43
Endurance: 30
Ninja Rabbit.
New Shadow Step (F)
New Shadow Clone (F)
Stealing (F)
Quick attack (F)
Dodge (B)
Multiplication (ZZ)
Mine (F)
Explode (F)
Hardening (D)
Entice (F)
Telekinesis (B)
Dark (E)
Light (F)
Earth Bullet (F)
Wind (F)
Water (F)
Magical Arrow (F)
Slam (D)
Slash (E)
Heal (D)
Fireball (E)
Water Blast (F)
Wind push (F)
Earth wall (F)
[Back stab (A) Critical (F) ]
Passive Skills
Hidden (S)
Description: when the user is in any shadow, he is hidden from anyone's view.
Bomber (S)
Eagle eye (S)
Strong Will(S)
Battle sense(S)
New Magic Master (S)
The Greatest Shield (S)
Ishikawa mask
Description: the user that wears this with get a buff to Stealing by 3 Ranks. Any one that tries to stop the user from stealing will get a slowness effect.
Where am I, the last thing I remember is passing out, now I'm on this long white line, what is thus, its not even a solid line it looks like it's made out of a bunch of small rocks.
Wait am I not a Rabbit, I'm human again, what's going on, if I look forward there is a bright light, and then behind me there is darkness.
I should probably head towards the bright light just in case, but I feel like I'm more pulled towards the darkness.
Is started walking toward the light, I think I was walking towards the light for about 10 minutes, till I heard Something.
[Mi--di--n] [Mi--di--n]
That sounds like my mother, I thought she died, I hear my name but I can't talk, I look towards the voice and my mother was standing there at the light. It felt weird, so I looked back, and I could see wobbler and plink sitting there next to me.
Choose your choice
[Die] or [Live]
I don't think it's a choice Menu, I want to live.
Confirmation Completed
I started getting fully pulled toward the dark, of course I wish I would have chosen die, just so I could meet my mom again, but I remembered the first thing my mom said then someone dear to us died, she told me that worrying about things in the past isn't the most impenetrable armor, but worying about the future isn't the strongest heart, but worrying about the present is always best.
It never made sense to me, but it felt like I figured it out in that moment, so I chose to live, I remember faintly, that my mom at the end of the dark tunnel was smiling, so I felt warm...
(W) *Muffled* hey-- wa-ke -----
(P) h---al --im
(W) I can't I used all my mana on you...
(Midin) *ugh* my head hurts, what happened.
They both jumped on me saying that I died completely this time.
(Midin) what do you mean I always revive back to our room.
(Wobbler) YOUR mana disappeared, before when you died, your mana would just fly off, then we knew you were alive, but when you fell over, your mana fully disappeared.
(Plink) *Sad* I'm So Sorry, you had to waste a God level item on me.
(Midin) oh don't worry about that, I'll probably get another one. Let's get the gem out if this fella then find the way out.
It took us a bit but we found the gem, then we kinda just jumped into one of the random huge holes, and it transported us out, I was thinking about it, but what If the testing dungeon are the only place I can truly die, bit that's only a theory, that I definitely won't be testing it.
We got out gave the gems, Morale was worried since I came back hurt very badly, but I don't feel it so I'm fine with it for the time being, I headed to the swordsmith, I walked in, and he was so worried, but I paid him and left. I gave the sword to plink.
Sword of Truth (S)
Description: Anyone stabbed by the sword will tell the truth of any question ask.
It all went by in a blur, then...
(Clara) Are you alright let me Heal you, free of charge.
She healed me then something really bad happened...
[Screaming in the distance]
What's going on, I can't do much, but I'll help.
We ran over there, and there was frogs and lizard men everywhere, in the center.
What happening?
(Clara) it's a break out, it's when the monster climb out of the dungeon.
(Midin) how is that possible, what can I do?
(Clara) GO help the civilian, most adventurers don't fight the monster because they don't drop gems, give exp.
(Midin) so there just bodies, alright wobbler try and find something for us to help with.
(Wobbler) plink give me some mana to teleported.
There was a child running, i don't know what wobbler has planned but I hope he can speed it up, I saw the child from earlier fall down, I ran over there to help.
(Midin) get up keep going.
(Child) watch out.
All I heard was a very fleshy sound, then when I looked down I saw a spear through my stomach. But I'm not going down that easily, I grab the spear.
(Midin) run child.
She got up and ran, the lizard man kept trying to pull out the spear. But I wasn't letting go, I knew that if he pulled out the spear I'd be dead on the spot, I looked around to see anything, then I saw an arrow...
Then I was just in bed.
(Wobbler) how did you get here midin.
(Midin) I died saving a child
(Wobbler) Well since your a Mana tracker you can teleport me back to help.
(Midin) Mana Tracker?
Name: Midin
Strength: 28
Mana: 33
Agility: 50
Intelligents: 35
Stamina: 43
Endurance: 30
Rabbit Tracker
New Mana Vision (F)
New Mana Track (F)
Shadow Step (F)
Shadow Clone (F)
Stealing (F)
Quick attack (F)
Dodge (B)
Multiplication (ZZ)
Mine (F)
Explode (F)
Hardening (D)
Entice (F)
Telekinesis (B)
Dark (E)
Light (F)
Earth Bullet (F)
Wind (F)
Water (F)
Magical Arrow (F)
Slam (D)
Slash (E)
Heal (D)
Fireball (E)
Water Blast (F)
Wind push (F)
Earth wall (F)
[Back stab (A) Critical (F) ]
Passive Skills
Tracking (S)
Description: when activated you will see footsteps of anything.
Hidden (S)
Bomber (S)
Eagle eye (S)
Strong Will(S)
Battle sense(S)
New Magic Master (S)
The Greatest Shield (S)
IKHNAIE glove of Tracking (God)
Description: any tracks that are touch by the glove will show where the things is that left the tracks.
Contacts of God (God)
Description: Anyone that puts the contacts in will be able to see 5 seconds into the future. [One use only]
(Midin) alright I'll send you, I'm also going to come, what are you planning on doing.
(Wobbler) were going to feed the dragon. He doesn't only eat gems.