
The Rabbit Hole

let's say you find this huge hole in the forest, are you jumping in? of course not but what if you trip into it, well follow our main character as he falls into a wonderful and scary land as a Rabbit.

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

chapter 24




Name: Midin

Strength: 8

Mana: 33

Agility: 25

Intelligents: 25

Stamina: 8

Endurance: 20






Fighter Rabbit



Stealing (F)

Quick attack (F)

Dodge (F)

Multiplication (ZZ)

Mine (F)

Explode (F)

Hardening (D)

Entice (F)

Telekinesis (B)

Dark (E)

Light (F)

Earth Bullet (F)

Wind (F)

Water (F)

Magical Arrow (F)

Slam (D)

Slash (E)

Heal (D)

Fireball (E)

Water Blast (F)

Wind push (F)

Earth wall (F)

Back stab (D)

Passive Skills


Bomber (S)

Description: when there is more than 5 enemies infront of you, bombs will appear above their head, they have a timer of 5 seconds.

Eagle eye (S)

Strong Will(S)

Battle sense(S)

New Magic Master (S)

The Greatest Shield (S)




Gloves of Hanuman

Description: increases the user strength by 150%. You will get an extra boost if fighting other boxer types.




Loincloth of toughness

Description: Any damage done to user will be reduced by 110%. You will get a boost if you are fighting a boxer.


Still need 2 or 12 more gems, let's find these dumb monster so I can get out of here, I can feel my feet sinking slowly into the ground. We looked around for a long time, probably 4 hours, it's getting late, I'll swap Occupations at this speed.

(Wobbler) I sense a huge group of monster in front of us, about 2 miles.

WOBBLER FOR THE WIN, nice man, let's get these dumb monsters.

We walk around 2 miles, till we saw a wood wall, it look hand made, with huge tree trunks, either this is the lizardfolk base or the frogfolk base, either way I don't like this, the wall is huge.

Wobbler do you know what kind of monster I in there.

(Wobbler) they seem big, so I think it's thelizard folk... wait no their all small, but there is a big one.

Alright either way their just some small frogs. Let's fly over the walls and attack.

We levitated over the wall and seen, almost the exact same thing as the Rabbit fortress, it looked almost Identical, just they were living wood instead of the ground. Are their level vary?



Monster: Frogman

Type: Slimy

Name: Thorn



F Rank: ???

F Rank: ???




Monster: Frogman

Type: brave

Name: myne



F Rank: ???

F Rank: ???




Monster: Frogman

Type: Jumping

Name: trompy



F Rank: ???

F Rank: ???


So they all are the same just, a little different, their abilities are probably all different as well, but I can't see them since they didn't give me permission to look. I also Notice that their skills are called abilities, same for my friends/pets, that they also have abilities.

Let's go find that big one that you were talking about wobbler.

(Wobbler) He seems to be in the middle.

We headed to the middle, I seen a throne made out of wood, with flowers and plants coming out of it. Then their was a huge front with a crown and a staff.



Monster: Emperor Frog

Type: Emperor

Name: Trench



D Rank: ???

D Rank: ???


It shows more than I was able to see on the queen, I wonder why that is.

Wobbler I think we should attack, as far from the king as possible, unless you have a plan to kill him.

(Wobbler) I think I do have an idea but your the main point.

Ok let's hear it man.

(Wobbler) you remeber that skill you got... Multiplication.

Yeah I died I think I would remember.

(Wobbler) well it takes alot of mana, but the more mana you put into the skill, the higher level the clone is. That's why the slimes that the queen pushed out was so low, because she didn't have much mana in the start.

That makes sense.

(Wobbler) yeah it works like that slime dragon you got.

Oh yeah, wait IFORGOT ABOUT HIM, where is he.

(Wobbler) He sleeping, right now, just like us, it took him alot to get out of the egg, he should be fine to work with us in three day.

Ok, ok let's get this fight done, or started.

We wen't behind the building behind the throne.

So I just use it.

(Wobbler) yes.

I started to use it and where I was pointing my paw, a bight light enveloped the spot, wobbler put his blob on my shoulder, I felt him putting alot of man into my body, and leaving my body into the Multiplication. We finished after 4 minutes, plink didn't add any man, mostly because just incase this doesn't work, I know she could easily kill that boss.

Actually your probably asking why don't I just send in plink, well if she kills it I don't get the exp, so they want to help me, before killing it them self, amazing friends.

(Wobbler) now give it a name and a Occupation. I recommend Mage since yit copies what skills you have.

Uhm Apprentice Mage , and your name is clony? I hate my self, I could have thought of something better than that.




Name: Clony

Type: Clone

Strength: 8

Mana: 70

Agility: 9

Intelligents: 70

Stamina: 8

Endurance: 20






Apprentice Mage



Stealing (C)

Multiplication (ZZ)

Mine (C)

Explode (C)

Hardening (C)

Entice (C)

Telekinesis (B)

Dark (C)

Light (C)

Earth Bullet (C)

Wind (C)

Water (C)

Magical Arrow (C)

Heal (C)

Fireball (C)

Water Blast (C)

Wind push (C)

Earth wall (C)

Passive Skills


Bomber (SS)

Eagle eye (SS)

New Magic Master (SS)



(Wobbler) that's because I put alot of my mana into it, I still have 200 mana left afterwards.

Why are you guys so strong, I feel like always getting carried, you know what, I'll become stronger, yall just watch.

(Wobbler) we should probably go since the clone only stays for only 30 minutes.


I just notice that I've been writing notice wrong this whole time, if you seen this please comment and tell me.

xXSpiderGamingXxcreators' thoughts