
The Rabbit Hole

let's say you find this huge hole in the forest, are you jumping in? of course not but what if you trip into it, well follow our main character as he falls into a wonderful and scary land as a Rabbit.

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 15




Name: Midin

Strength: 8

Mana: 8

Agility: 9

Intelligents: 5

Stamina: 8






Apprentice Mage Rabbit



Telekinesis (F)

Dark (E)

Light (F)

Earth Bullet (F)

Wind (F)

Water (F)

Magical Arrow (F)

Slam (D)

Slash (E)

Heal (D)

Fireball (E)

Water Blast (F)

Wind push (F)

Earth wall (F)

Back stab (D)

Passive Skills


Eagle eye (S)

Description: Allows you to see 5x as far as before

Strong Will(S)

Description: allow the user to focus a see the critical point of the monster it's fighting.

Battle sense(S)

Description: No matter what, when the Rabbit is faced with death, his stats increase by 50% and the skill he uses will become S Rank

New Magic Master (S)

Description: all magic used is boosted by 150%.




The Mage Hat of Old

Description: will increase the user's mana by 2,(will not show up on menu), will do Extra 5x Magic damage to any monsters with a sword.




Zues's White Robe

Will increase damage of all electrical, water, and wind attacks by 100%. Will do Extra 5x damage to abnormally huge enemies.



FF Rank

6 Rabisilver

76 Rabbronze


I awoke, to wobbler using light magic, it was blinding, I couldn't see for a whole minute, after that apparently they killed the ghost.

You did good, for your first ghost encounter.



Thank you plink, it should be morning soon, I still don't understand these clocks in this world.

Should I go back to sleep, im already wide awake.

Oh I know let's order some food with room service.

(Midin)*picks up magic Tele phone* and now press the front desk button, *Ring* *Ring* *picks up* hello this is the front desk.

(Midin) Hi I would like to order some food, I'll just take some carrots.

(Phone) yes sir, I'll bring it immediately.

*hangs up*

Now what? Usually when I bored I'd read a book or do some exercises, but there is no books in here, and as my stats grow higher my body changes. Uhm let's do this, wobbler do you have any magic you can teach me, I know you can't talk till either of us get the telepathy skill or something so just show me 2 magic skills, and I'll just combine them.

(Wobbler) *jiggles in excitement

(Wobbler) * hold out a nub and another nub and uses Wind, and wind*

(Midin) two winds wouldn't that just make a stronger wind spell.

(Wobbler) *uses one of the wind magic*

When I used it the wind went around his body and picked it up, then he used the other one to move.

(Midin) alright I'll try it

Wind, wind

Now I think I just use it on my self like how I used my mana in dream, I'll put it underneath me, I did that, I started to float, then I after I did that I used the other one on my back, and It pushed me forward.


New Skill

Levitation (F)


Oh that's the skill I wanted before. So I guess if I use this skill it won't use 2 mana to use, that's handy.

*knock* *knock*

(Midin) coming

I open the door, once again there was no one there, I looked around and seen that my food tray was on the ground. I picked it up and brought it inside.

Oh it looks like he got some carrots and cake? There's a question that I've been thinking of, wobbler, I know you can't talk bit is there a way for us communicate.

Wobbler looked puzzled that I don't understand him, he jumped over to the spear and pointed at it.

Plink unmute him.

WHY DO YOU KEEP MUTING ME, I'm not that bad am I.

You are that bad.

Alright first are you able to hear what wobbler says.

Of course I can it's the monster language, I thought you knew it since your a monster.

I don't know It, I only know the Rabbit language and human language.

It's not that hard to learn, it's more action than actually language.

So like sign language.

Yes and no, because every monster uses monster language differently.

Well anyway, I'll learn that later, can you as If I need to feed them, because I haven't been feeding them.

They said they do eat, but they are apart of the noneaters family, which means they eat thing most people don't, like magic gems, and that sort.

Do ya'll want some carrots?

They said they can eat it, but it won't help what so ever since they can't taste.

Ya'll can't taste, that's so sad.

I'll eat and we'll head to dungeon to get some gems for you all.

(Wobbler & Plink) *bounce in excitement*

I started eating the carrots and in the middle of the last carrot, a bright light start emitting from my body and.




Name: Midin

Strength: 8

Mana: 8

Agility: 9

Intelligents: 5

Stamina: 8






Great Shielder Rabbit



New Hardening (F)

New Entice (F)

Telekinesis (F)

Dark (E)

Light (F)

Earth Bullet (F)

Wind (F)

Water (F)

Magical Arrow (F)

Slam (D)

Slash (E)

Heal (D)

Fireball (E)

Water Blast (F)

Wind push (F)

Earth wall (F)

Back stab (D)

Passive Skills


Eagle eye (S)

Strong Will(S)

Battle sense(S)

New Magic Master (S)

The Greatest Shield (S)

Description: when fighting multiple enemies, you will be focused my all of them, and defense will be increase by 150%


Oh my new Occupation is a tank?

Let's check out what my weapons and armor is.



Armor of Örvar-Oddr

Description: it's the most impenetrable armor made in Norse Mythology. All damage done to user after the armor is active will be nullified.




Shield of Achilles

Description: Allows the user to attach its self to an Allie, if the Allie is done a fatal attack, the user will teleport to the attack. If family is attacked, the shield will put up a barrier around the family.


Well I'm pretty sure both of those mythological items. I don't follow mythology much, so I don't know.

I going to keep the cake, I'll just rap it in mana so it doesn't get destroyed.

Alright let's stop my staff crafter shop, and then head to the dungeon.

We left and headed to the shop, walked in and it just as amazing as the first time.

(Midin) Hello I'm here to pick up my item.

(Clara) who are you, I'm very good at Memorizing faces, also why is a shielder ordering from my shop???

(Midin) I am the person who came in yesterday with the 8 FF Rank Gems.

(Clara) there's no way, but you do have the same mana difference as the other guy, I have you staff bug you'll have to pay up, 3 Rabsilver.

(Midin) Con artist!

(Clara) do you have the money or not.

(Midin) I do here.

(Clara) thank you, here also, it's name is Staff of thunder.

(Midin) Thanks.



Staff of Thunder (B)

Description: All magic that is used through the staff is increased by 100%, when equipped will allow you to have 4 more mana. To all monster that are hit with your magic while holding the staff, it will paralyze them.


(Midin) this is some good craftsmen ship.

(Clara) Craftswomenship, get it right.

(Midin) Yeah, yeah. Plink come out

(Plink) *excited*

Here have this.


(Midin) don't worry she can turn into it.

(Plink) *Staff of thunder*

(Midin) See. I also have a spear and a dagger. She my weapon holder, she can also use the weapons I give her, just a smaller version.

(Clara) Extraordinary, I've never seen a familiar do that before,

(Midin) she not my pet, she is my family!

(Clara) family, pffft puhahaha. Your not very smart, there are only 2 type of monster that rabbits can have, and that is tamed monsters, which are made by taming magic, and familiar, which you call through spirit magic.

(Midin) well jokes on you I don't have either of those.

I left the shop after that.

(Clara) *Wispering* extraordinary indeed.