
The R.E.M Chronicles: Lucid.

Issabelle Woods, or as she prefers, Issa, a struggling freshman in college, is taken at a party and awakens to see an unknown man there, George Jackson, watching over her, seemingly as her kidnapper. But is he really as bad as he seems? Is anything really as it seems? Issa is going through some abnormal stuff that a normal person would call her crazy for. That these kinds of things she is experiencing could only possibly happen in one's dreams. Right? The madness begins when she awakens at an abandoned school, unaware of how she got there. No memories of her night prior, leaving her to wonder how and why she got there. Just when things start to seem normal, at least for her, everything begins to change in her life yet again. She doesn't know how she even got to be in the position she is in or how to stop it from happening again, but she does know there's no way she'll ever forget. She couldn't possibly forget this lucid nightmare.

JrHathaway · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Chapter 31: Redo.


Day 16.


Lectra and I went to breakfast like usual this morning, only Blake never showed. We never paid any mind to it at the time, until he showed up at our study spot in the library, looking pretty shaken up.

"Where have you been all day?" Lectra speaks up sounding weirdly annoyed with him. Before it starts anything, I butt into the conversation;

"You look pretty-rough?" Blake looks from Lectra to me as he sits down not saying anything at first when finally he shrugs my way.

"I just didn't sleep well. Stressed-from work stuff." Blake finally glances back to Lectra only long enough that if I wasn't already watching him I wouldn't have noticed it, then he was opening his laptop. Once again deciding to leave alone whatever drama it was that these two had at the moment, I steer the conversation elsewhere;

"Well, I didn't get a chance to tell you this morning about the dream I had." Blake's eyes slowly find their way to mine looking worried now.

"You had another vision?" I only nod so Lectra helps me.

"She was being choked out by some random dude at the pool party, then I guess Cam was there being weirdly nice to her."

"What? Choked?" Blake was looking more and more stressed by the second. I couldn't guess what was wrong with him but it couldn't be good judging by his behavior.

"Yeah. Then just like last time Cam became mist and disappeared right before he was about to say something to her." He nods at Lectras explanation then looks down at the table trying to make sense of what she actually just said. When it finally becomes clear to him, he blurts;

"But last time you had to redo everything to find out what Lizzy said. If you do that again you'll-"

"Yeah yeah, I'll get strangled. That's why I'm not doing it that way again." Not to mention I also wouldn't have gotten permission from the Boss to start streaming, which was the whole point of talking to him at all, so I definitely would not be doing it again.

"Then how will you know what Cam said?" I try my best not to roll my eyes Blake's way, as I had already explained this to Lectra earlier, not wanting to say it again.

"That's the point. I just won't get to know. Oh well."

"I think it's dumb, sorry. I don't want you getting hurt again obviously, but what if it's really, really important?" Lectra finally joins into the conversation again giving her input, which Blake seemed to hate. He glares her way then returns to look at me.

"No. I think you're doing the right thing Issa." Lectra scoffs at him like what he said was idiotic. What was up with them?

"Well, no matter what anyone says, I'm not going to be getting my throat squeezed shut again. No thank you." Both Lectra and Blake nod agreements at me then the conversation seems to die and everyone begins working again. I look down at my laptop and realize I was completely lost again. Feeling bad about bothering Blake again, I lightly tap his arm and ask;

"Sorry to bother you but, can you help me quick?" Not looking even a tad bit annoyed with me, Blake gets up with a smile and kneels down beside me to look at my work.

"No problem. What is it?"

"Um-everything I guess? Mainly-" I go to point to the area I was confused with when my eyes catch on a figure walking toward our table. It was George, walking over confidently with a sly smirk. Without thinking my hand was being laced between Blake's fingers. Blake noticed my eyes first before my hand in his and quickly catches on that George was present and keeps them interlocked.

Before anyone said anything, Lectra was exhaling in her seat. She then suddenly got up and was packing up her things, oblivious to George coming our way. George finally approached us and ignore all but me when he asked;

"Hey Issa. Was walking by and noticed you. Want to come study some more?" I wasn't sure whether George really meant actual studying at all, but I wasn't sure I was up for either option he was referring to. It was then that Lectra finally decided to speak;

"Oh great. It's George. I'm gonna go back to my room guys. See you later." I don't bother responding to George, I simply stand with Lectra and begin also getting my things with her.

"I'll come with you Lectra. Sorry George." She looks at me only a moment but smiles anyway, then Blake was speaking up from beside me, sounding unexpectedly skittish.

"No-you should go with George." I give him a 'wtf' look then he whispers only for my ears;

"It's one of those feelings again-" It took me a little too long to understand he meant his form of visions, and that he must have had one, which would explain why he looked like crap today. This whole scene was beginning to look familiar, then I remembered why.

It slipped my mind until now, I had neglected to mention it to Lectra at all this morning. At the very beginning of my dream, I had apparently ended up going back with Lectra to our room and fell asleep, which even at the time felt wrong for some reason, like I shouldn't have been there at all. If my dreams and now even Blake, were warning me about avoiding George and to not go back to my room right now, then I surely couldn't ignore it.

"Yeah, okay. Fine. Let's go George."

"See you later then?" Lectra eyed me looking concerned on why Blake was telling me to go with George, but I only give her a smile letting her know everything was fine. She smiles back hesitantly then begins walking away.

"Okay then-let's go." I am reminded George was also here when he speaks again, sounding understandably confounded by our strange coded conversations.

"Mhm. I'm ready." I take one last glimpse of Blake who was now all alone at our spot. I couldn't stand not knowing why him and Lectra were clearly upset with eachother, so in a hurry, I was turning back around to Blake and saying;

"You should go talk to Lectra about whatever it is you two are angry about. Instead of moping about it." He goes to talk but instantly stops as George gets closer to hear us, then ultimately just smiles and nods an okay at me. I smile back and finally George and I leave him be. We leave the room and right away George was blurting;

"That was weird. Why was your boyfriend basically begging you to come hang with me?" Unable to tell him the truth about literally anything, I lie instead;

"I told him you and I were getting along better. He likes it." George gives me a bemused glance but doesn't say anything so I add;

"You know. He would rather have us be friends than enemies." He nods then a slick smirk appears while he speaks again, this time his voice had changed dramatically lower.

"Yeah, we sure are 'friends'." I hold back the urge to smile at his cunning remark as we continue walking to his room.

"So is this actually 'study time' or did you miss me that much already?"

"Hey, I just really felt the need for some knowledge today. Really, really badly." Ugh, I hated how something as simple as the tone of his voice was enough to get me going, even when I was in no mood to at all.

"I hate you, you know that?" George fake acts offended then he stops, and I realize we were already at his door. He opens it and we both walk inside without a word. As bad as I already wanted to venture all over him, I needed to keep my cool. There was obviously a bigger reason for being here with him than just sex, but I would definitely be getting to that later. 

"So about that studying-" George begins walking over to me eagerly but I bring a fist up to his chest to keep him far away from me.

"We have all the time in the world for that. Right now-" I then take my hand from a fist and turn it back to normal. Then I start pulling at his shirt so he was getting closer to me now. When our chests were finally pushed against eachothers, I continued adding;

"-we can just talk a little bit first, hm?" George takes a hand and runs it through my long hair smoothly, then he exhales gently, looking me dead in the eyes.

"You're a brat." He quickly pecks me on the forehead and an instant chill runs through me. He backs away looking a little wobbly then asks;

"What do you want to do then?" I don't answer him, I simply begin walking over to his bed with a small giggle. When I get there I fall into it like it was my own. I still don't say anything as I open my arms for him to come join me on the bed. George chuckles across the room at me then strides on over. George leans over the bed and just watches me with a big smile as I look up at him.

"What's gotten you into such a good mood?" Despite all I've been through today, just simply seeing George made me happier already, as farfetched as it sounded. I don't hesitate with my answer, it was genuine and I meant it wholeheartedly;

"You." George lost his smile and now looked solemn as he watched me. With a quick motion, he was scooping underneath me and taking my spot, while setting myself on top of his lap.

"You make me happy too Issa. Even if I don't have all of you to myself." I couldn't hide my humorless smile from showing as I thought about how ironic what he was saying was. I didn't have George to myself either, I was sharing with Cam. Sometimes he made it seem like it was only me in the wrong with 'being with Blake', but him being with Cam was totally fine.

Instead of starting a fight by bringing up Cam like I normally did, I let it go and find myself playing with his shirt as I sat on him now. I needed to focus on why I was here instead of inside my room with Lectra, and why it was so important, but George was just too distracting. 

"Are you ready to talk to the Boss tonight?" It was like he was inside my head with me trying to figure it out, but I knew really he had no idea. I didn't know what to do besides tell him the truth, that I was completely lost on what to say.

"I'm not really sure I am ready, actually." George looks at me mildly concerned as he states;

"Issa, you have to be prepared to talk to him. He's smart." His words don't do anything but stress me out so much I need to lean back while holding onto his hips so I didn't fall backwards from lightheadedness.

"I-I know he is. I just don't know how to ask it George." I didn't realize it until George let out a huff that I was squeezing at his sides a little too hard as I leaned back to face him again. I let go and he finally responds.

"I don't know either. But whatever you do, don't mention that Cam told you or-" Not giving him a chance to finish his sentence, I butt in, already knowing what was about to come.

"-he'll punish me. Or Cam. I know. I've got it." I knew better than to bring up Cam in front of the Boss after what happened in my dream. And if he brings him up, I would simply deny that Cam told me at all. But that still didn't tell me how he would just let me stream. He wouldn't just do it for me for free-

"Oh my god." I feel George tense up underneath me as I stay frozen looking at him. His hands find his face frantically then begin patting around it like he had something all over him and was trying to get it off but couldn't quite do it.

"What? Is something on my face?" An unexpected smirk rises then falls as my realization comes back to me.

"No, you're fine. I just-thought of something. And I'm not sure if it's stupid or insanely smart."

"Tell me, I'm curious now." I was honestly afraid to tell him, I didn't even know how it was going to sound out loud. I just felt like I had no other choice than to do it. I look down at George who was now playing with my fingers childlike, then gain the courage to tell him.

"I can't just go up to him all willy-nilly and ask to stream. He isn't going to do it just out of the kindness of his heart. He's gonna want payment for it."

"What does that mean? What kind of payment Issa?" I knew by the look on his face that he had already connected the dots on what I meant. I hated that it was even an option, but what other choice did I have? I knew the Boss was obsessed with me at least a little from how I was treated in my dream, so I was sure it would work.

"Just like how people here pay off the guards to get away with things here. Don't make me say it George." Suddenly George was shaking his head back and forth under me, looking much too pale and ready to throw up.

"I won't make you do that! I would rather-" I take Georges worried face in my palms and pull him up to watch me straight on as I say;

"You're not making me do anything George, I'm doing it myself. For me, not anyone else. It's not like I want to use my body against him, it disgusts me to the core. But-"

"Yeah, blah blah, you have no other choice. I know there's no changing your mind." He pulls away and lays back down looking disoriented, unable to look at me again. Getting emotional already knowing he was probably angry with me, I grab his hand and smooth over it hesitantly.

"Please don't be mad at me." Georges cheeks were tinted a cute pink color from our conversation, and I couldn't help but want to touch the warmth I knew would be there if I did. My fingers raise to cup his face then turn him to look at me. When we make eye contact again he finally speaks;

"I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at him. I know it's what you have to do, not that you want to do it. I don't have any right to be upset with you." I don't say anything, I just lean down on his chest and hug him hard. He hugs me back hesitantly while he asks;

"And you're sure-you want to do it?" Sensing his half joking-ness, I give the same joking energy back;

"No doubt." George only chuckles then finally settles into our hug with a comforted sigh into my chest.

"Then I trust you babe." Our hug only last a couple more seconds when he speaks again, making me spring back up to observe him. He freezes realizing what he just said with a dismayed look painted across his face.

"Did you just call me babe?" Avoiding looking at me now, he simply nods a no at me. I grin down at him as his face now gets a much brighter red color. I knew he was beyond embarrassed, so I decided I would milk it;

"Oh right. I believe you then-babe." As I spat out the word back at him, I pinch his arm making him cry out in pain dramatically.

"Ow! That is it!" Giving me no chance to fight back, George was spinning me around and pinning me face down against the bed, now sitting on me instead. I rapidly slap my hands down on the bed, signaling he won as I announce;

"Okay! You win, get off of me! Gosh, how much do you weigh?" I hear a gasp then he was moving off of me, letting me get up. I sit up and see him pretending to be crying.

"Oh, poor baby." George quickly breaks out of his fit and stares at me straight on, as he mocked me now.

"You're just sad I beat you because I'm stronger." I give George a look that said 'oh yeah?' then just as fast as he had flipped me around, I was pinning him back against the bed like we were sitting before. He gawks up at me sitting on his lap again, amazed with my strength. I had to admit I was surprised too.

"Admit it. I'm stronger than you George." He looks up at me not wanting to give in. I let go of his hands from being pinned down then confidently state;

"Okay, try to get up then if you're so tough."



"So what did you and George do for-4 hours?" I'm once more in my room being interrogated by Lectra about our 'studying time' that she wasn't believing whatsoever. Rightfully.

"I told you, they just streamed again."

"Right. And I'm the Queen of England. You're bullshitting me Iss." Not giving into her amazing technique of getting people to spill their guts, I try my best to change the subject.

"Okay-well what about you and Blake? What was that about earlier? You two clearly have beef or something." She stops talking immediately like I just pressed a giant pause button and just stares at me as she fumbles with her fingers.

"Hello?" Lectra finally snaps out of it and rolls her eyes at me unexpectedly.

"We just had an argument about me and Wes. It's resolved-ish now. Nothing to worry about." Before I get a chance to call her out some more, Lectra gets up and begins moving over to our closet. I already knew where this was going.

"Whatever, it doesn't really matter. We've gotta get ready for the party. That's what matters right now." Just the mention of the pool party was all I needed for my stomach ache to come back. Lectra was already fully dressed in her cute outfit from my dream, and was picking something out for me, but I knew last time her choice of clothing got me in trouble with the Boss, so I needed to do something about it.

"Give me something not too showy-please." Lectra swings her head around and gives me a big judgy look.

"I mean it. That's one reason why I was almost killed in my dream Lectra." The minute I say that, she quickly looks apologetic then simply nods at me. It was obvious she felt bad when she simply said;

"Sorry. On it." Lectra then began digging for about half a second when she suddenly shrieks happily at the sight of a white swimsuit. It was a simple one piece, but was still super cute with the way it's straps connected crisscross-like with the top and bottom parts together smoothly. It was exactly what I was looking for tonight.

She must see the approval in my face because she was tossing it over and saying;

"You put this on and I'll get started on your outfit." I wanted to tell her it was simply a pool party and not the Oscar's but she was already on her way digging through the closet. I put the one piece on and look at myself, feeling good about it, like I one hundred percent wouldn't be called a slut for wearing it this time.

Man, the Boss was an even bigger ass than Lizzy was, which seems hard to compete with.

"Okay, how about this? It's super simple but ya know, still cute." I'm surprised when all she throws me are a pair of torn jean shorts and nothing else. When all I do is stare at them she explains;

"Just put them on. It'll be cute, trust me." I do as she says and put them on over my swimsuit. Lectra was absolutely right. I expected it to look boring but it was perfect, and not like I would get too much attention from it. The shorts covered the bottom while the top half of the one piece acted as a normal tank top, it looked great.

Lectra stares me down with a pleased smile with her arms crossed and states;

"Don't ever doubt me again." I shake my head at her cockiness then look at the clock.

"It's almost 5. Should we go?" Lectra quickly puts her hair in a ponytail then makes her way over to me, already at the door ready to leave. When she makes it to me, a very unanticipated uneasy look overcomes her. Then she was throwing herself at me and hugging me like we'd never see eachother again.

"Just make sure you're safe for whatever it is you're planning tonight." I try not to flinch in her arms at her statement, but it was hard to avoid it.

"Planning?-I'm not planning anything." She finally stretches away from me and glowers at me suspiciously.

"C'mon. It's obvious something else is going down tonight. Otherwise you wouldn't be so stressed about what you're wearing, or be hanging out with George so much. I just wish you could tell me, that's all." Lectra wasn't stupid, I knew she would catch on eventually, but not this soon. I just still couldn't tell her, I couldn't forgive myself if she got hurt because of me.

"I wish I could tell you too. Just know I'll be fine. Promise."

"You're my best friend in two places. I clearly care about you. So don't go getting hurt for real this time. I'll be pissed." Lectra pushes forward and hugs me once more. After a few seconds we let go and decide to quit stalling and leave.

The whole walk to outside was, the best word for it, painful. I hated to have to lie to Lectra, especially when she knew I was lying. But what hurt more was that I didn't know for sure if I could keep my promise to her. I couldn't guarantee that I wouldn't get hurt again. The truth was I still had no idea what I was doing with the Boss.

At least it couldn't go worse than last time, right?


Lectra and I make it outside and people were already splashing around in the pool having fun. Just like last time, Cam was standing idly by watching everyone carefully. And just as anticipated, I could see the Boss standing out of sight next to the giant tree I had been thrown onto and choked effortlessly. It was making me sick again thinking about it, and I saw no reason to dwell on it anymore, it never really happened, at least yet, so I was going to enjoy my time before I had to go see him.

"I'm not wasting another second, I'm going in!" Lectra takes one look at me and begins stripping down her clothes to reveal her swimsuit. I almost gasped seeing it. It was the exact one I had worn the last time I talked to the Boss.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" 

"That-that's the swimsuit I was wearing in the dream. When I was attacked." Lectra immediately becomes pale.

"You don't think he's going to come after me now do you?" I had no idea, was what I wanted to say, because it was the truth. I didn't know if the Boss would go out of his way to punish Lectra for wearing it, the only reason he attacted me was because I agitated him first. But I didn't know him enough to tell her the whole truth.

"I was the one who pissed him off first, that's why he attacked-mostly. I think you should be okay. I hope."

"Hold on-you made him mad first? You failed to mention that earlier Iss."

"I mean yeah. But I won't this time. I know what I'm doing." I did not.

"Alright. Still want to swim then?" Lectra was now looking around us anxiously like she was keeping an eye out for someone. My guess was that it was whoever attacked me, which she had no idea what he even looked like. To be fair, I didn't really know completely either.

"Sure, why not. We didn't come here all dressed up for nothing."


The whole time Lectra and I swam, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. I mean, I know Cam was definitely watching, he had to. But with the Boss being here, I just felt like he was going to be around every corner waiting for me.

It didn't take very long for me to want to leave the pool, I had started to feel sick again from all the overthinking. At first Lectra was upset, but then Blake came and took my place, so I was in the clear. They weren't at eachothers throats anymore, but there was still some tension between them I couldn't quite read and frankly I didn't have time to figure it out just then.

It was getting later now and I knew I would have to talk to the Boss soon, but was averting it. My legs began carrying me back inside the school, walking aimlessly like I did all too much when I was stressed out, which I had good reason to be tonight. It wasn't until I found myself in the basements pool that I felt a little better, away from everyone finally.

"Hey! You shouldn't be down here right now, there's a pool party going on little lady!" I take one step inside the room only to hear a man yelling my way with a very overplayed angry tone. I have to squint to see him but eventually I notice the man to be George sitting alone inside the pool room.

"You scared the everloving crap out of me George!" All he does is laugh which ends up echoing around the room sounding more like it was a song now. I could listen to his song on repeat all night.

"What are you doing down here anyway? Have you talked to him?" I begin walking over to him sitting in a pool chair, looking mellowed out.

"No, not yet. I'm getting there." As I finally approached him, I see him simply nod then outstretch his arms for me to come join him on the much too tiny chair. I sit down beside him and he takes me in his arms, giving me a consoling hug.

"What if someone comes down here and sees us?" He ignores me and puts his hand along my cheek, caressing it.

"You mean Blake, right? He's not going to come down here. We're okay." George moves lower to attempt to touch my neck but I move away.

"No actually, I mean Cam." George simply shakes his head, tender looking as he says;

"He won't be coming down here either Issa. He's on watch." Still feeling precarious, I can only nod at him. George places his hand back around me and brings me close again.

"I'm sorry, I just missed you." I can't help but laugh.

"It's been an hour at the most George."

"What? You didn't miss me too?" His hands once again travel up to find my face and caress it gently, then he turned my face to his and pecks my forehead, leaving me feeling warm and content for the first time today.

"Of course I did. I just had other things to worry about too." Still giving me small thoughtful kisses around my neck now, it takes him a second to answer me.

"Like what?" Returning once again to trail kisses along me, I find it hard to form any words.

"You're-very distracting George." I feel his smile through a gentle kiss placed slowly along my collarbone, making his warm breath linger on my skin.

"Oh, am I? I'm sorry I can stop if that's what you want?" I knew where this was leading, and I was definitely enjoying it. But, I wasn't sure when, but it had started to feel wrong. I still craved his touch, but we weren't really together like I wanted to be. He had Cam, and he thought I had Blake. Neither one of us belonged to the other truly.

I don't respond so he keeps kissing along my chest, then a hand was being pressed against my boobs to feel them up.

"George I don't think-" My words fails me all at once, leaving me exhaling softly. He then brings up his other hand to turn my head over to his, then he pulls me in and starts kissing me long and roughly. I kiss him back only a few seconds longer when I feel my words come back to me all at once. Then I was pushing him away from me and standing up, catching my breath now. George simply looks at me, utterly lost.

"Why are we doing this?" His expression doesn't change when he asks with a careful voice;

"Doing what-?" That was when I finally snapped. I wasn't sure if it was all the stress I was feeling and responsibility for keeping my friends safe by not telling them what was going on with me, but it came out directed at George either way.

"This. Kissing eachother and hooking up all the time." George looks ready to break into sobs at my outburst but holds it in as he says;

"I don't know what-" Barely able to get a word in, I was interrupting again.

"We're not a couple George! We shouldn't be doing this at all, it's not right." He finally gets his bearings and slowly walks forward to grab my hand hesitantly.

"You know that's not true. It feels right and you know it. It feels amazing being together Issa." Acting like what he said wasn't true, I ignore it and add;

"No George! You hurt me." Raising his voice now, George let's go of my hand and throws his arms over his head, clearly feeling defeated.

"You think I don't know that? That it doesn't kill me everyone I see you with Blake? I hate myself for how I've been treating you!"

"That's exactly why we can't do this anymore." I speak without really thinking at all, and I regret it instantly. Just as maddened sounding as I did, George takes a step toward me, and this time I could see tears in his eyes.

"What, so you're just giving up? All because of him?"

"Are you serious? I am not giving up! I'm saving myself from getting even more hurt by you George!" What the hell was I saying? I didn't really mean it. Or maybe I did, I was too angry and upset to know the truth.

"Fine. If that's really what you want, then so be it." I didn't want that, I needed George in my life, not as an enemy. When I spoke next it was like a wave of energy was released out into the air around George and I, almost visible to us.

"No! What I really want is to get the hell out of this place and go back to my normal life-before I even met you!" I almost felt dizzy after speaking this time, but quickly regained my balance. As if he sensed the weird vibrations too, Georges face faltered and relaxed from looking angry with me, now just numb.

"Wow. Got it."

"I-I have to go talk to the Boss then." It wasn't what I really wanted to say, I wanted to tell him I didn't mean anything I just said. It was like I was back inside my dream and couldn't control myself again, but I knew I wasn't and that this was all painfully real. I go to turn when I feel George take my arm and say;

"Please don't go-you don't need to-" It was obvious that George knew something and wanted to tell me, but couldn't. I turn back around and study him closely.

"Just tell me George." He shakes his head so aggressively back and forth I was afraid he'd hurt himself. When he doesn't say anything I don't hesitate to ask;

"You know what he did, don't you?" His face falls and looks at me in total disbelief.

"How did you-" I was simply guessing, and didn't want to be right but was anyway. I didn't expect him to actually know about what the Boss did to me the night I got here, but he did somehow.

"It wasn't hard to figure it out-How do you know?" He finally gives in and begins explaining, unable to make eye contact as he does.

"Cam and I figured it out awhile ago. You don't even need to talk to him about streaming Issa-he's giving you your points already. He's clearly obsessed with you." Okay, this was news to me. I wasn't in any trouble of not getting my work done, because the Boss was putting in all my points either way. And just like that I was feeling sick again.

"Why didn't you and Cam tell me that?"

"Because we assumed you didn't know about what happened between you two. We didn't want to tell you-yet."

"Well I know now." George looks surprisingly more relaxed as we talk now, like we didn't just have a fight at all.

"So, you're not going to go anymore-right?" What he said made sense, but either way I still didn't want to have any of the Boss' sympathy by getting free points when I wasn't even doing anything to earn them. I was going to try and stream no matter what.

"No, I'm still going. I don't need his pity. If anything this just makes me feel better about talking to him now." It clearly wasn't the response he wanted, because instantly he was moving over to me and taking ahold of my shoulders softly.

"Issa. Please don't do this. What if you get hurt?" My response was instantaneous;

"Then I get hurt. But at least I tried." George releases his grip on me and steps away, once again looking numb and defeated. He quickly looks down at his phone then lifts his head back up slowly.

"You better hurry then. It's almost time for him to leave." I nod and begin backing away from him.

"I'm sorry George." I wasn't sure exactly what I was sorry for, I was doing this for me and I shouldn't have to apologize to anyone for doing something for me. I finally give in and turn to leave when I hear George speak one last time over my shoulder.

"See you around then." I don't bother looking back at him as I walk out of the room, heading back upstairs to go outside and talk with the Boss. All I wanted to do the whole walk back outside was turn around and apologize to George. I didn't want us to be apart, even if that meant I had to deal with Cam too.

But it was too late, the look George gave me told me he must be as done with me as I was with him. I was so in my own head I didn't realize that I was already outside and walking right up to the Boss, only several feet away from me. Just like in my dream, he greeted me like we were buddies;

"Issabelle. It's lovely to see you. I've missed you." Feeling just as sick as I did the first time he said it, I have to hold back my urge to gag right then and there. My eyes widen as he spoke that same horrible tone like in my dream. He even sounded like that here too? To be fair, this place was also just a dream, so it made sense.

As creeped out and confused as I was to be hearing his voice like this again, this time his mangled voice didn't surprise me as much, but from the looks of it, I still managed to make a face at it.

"Don't be scared. I only wish to talk with you. I'm glad you came out here, away from the rest of them." Trying to act surprised, I nod as I observe his mask some more. The only features visible were his eyes as usual, which were still red as lava. I hated how beautiful they almost were.

"You act as if you know me. Why is that Issabelle?" I was caught off guard by his words being different than what I remember in my dream. Knowing I couldn't tell him it was because of Cam, I simply lied;

"I never said I knew who you were. You just, look important-in charge. You're higher than Cam, it's not hard to see that." The Boss studied me like he was trying to sense any part of a lie in my words. Thankfully not getting anything, he then wavers his hands gesturing for me to continue with talking.

"I'm here because-I have a request." His deep eyes widen and he tilts his head slightly, studying me ammusingly again.

"I'm listening." This was going noticeably better this time round, so I had to choose my next words carefully.

"I'm not doing well with my animations. I've barely come close to finishing anything. I wondered if-" The Boss opens his mouth and out comes a silky smooth laugh.

"You want to change your job? To what, might I ask?"

"Streaming." I don't hesitate to say it, and once I do it feels like a load of weight was taken from my chest. I let out a much needed breath as the Boss takes a step over to me.

"What would I get in return?"

"You're saying you would let me?" I end my sentence, then the Boss juts at me and takes a gloved hand to grab my throat. I almost scream until I realize he wasn't tightening around me, but simply smoothing a thumb around it, feeling away at me. I wasn't being choked this time.

"If I get something in return, I would let you, perhaps. Any ideas?" My heart drops but I was already expecting it to come, I was just hoping he wouldn't have needed it. His hands move from my neck to cup my face longingly. I felt weirdly calm when I suggest;

"You can do anything you want to me. As long as I get to stream." I'm watching his eyes closely when they flick up to gaze into mine, looking shockingly upset.

"I do not need that from you. I know it would only be to get what you want. I will only do that with your permission." My head jerks away lightly from his words. With my permission? Like he ever needed it before. I held back my urge to cry and shout at him and simply stared back at him.

"See? You don't want me. Until then, you will be doing something else to get your way." He drops his hands and takes a step away from me, giving me my space back.

"You will be traveling outside the school with Cam to help him. I'm sure you know what I mean by that?" The instant he stops talking my mind goes blank. He wanted me to help Cam kidnap people and bring them here? I felt faint and was unable to respond other than nodding at him.

"This way I won't have to help him myself anymore. You get to." I hated the way he made it sound like it was a blessing he was giving me making me do this. It made me sick. I don't hesitate with my answer, which ends up coming out breathy, like I was running out of air.

"I won't do that for you." The Boss walks over then returns his hands to my face and tilts my head up to look up into his bloodied eyes again.

"Issabelle. I'm afraid it's sadly not an option anymore. You will be doing this whether you want to or not." The lightheadedness returned even more this time, enough that I almost couldn't see him for a moment. I'm unable to speak anymore when suddenly I see the Boss look over my shoulder. His eyes go as wide as ever and he let's go of me in an instant. What could he be afraid of?

He only looks at me for one more moment after he says;

"Let your friend know she should wear something a little more-conservative. It's not like her. We'll speak later. Goodbye." Then he was gone and walking hurriedly away from me. I turn around to see who he was talking about but almost fall over. I end up needing to lean against the tree we were next to, then the next moment Lectra was beside me.

"Issa? Are you okay? Was that the guy?" She was whipping her eyes around trying to find him but he was gone, like he had just disappeared into thin air. I ignore it and finally look to Lectra. He was referring to her swimsuit, the one he hated so much. I wondered why he cared so much about what she wore, and why he thought he knew her more than she did.

"Issa, speak to me please!" The fuzzy look returned to my vision and I could feel my legs give out and I was falling to the ground, just like I had when the Boss had choked me only I hadn't been choked this time.

I hated hearing how scared Lectra clearly was as she knelt down beside me, holding me closely, and that I couldn't make any words to comfort her. I knew what was happening to me, why I was dizzy. By this point it was normal. I was going to faint and wake up back at the house. That-or something was really wrong with me and I had no idea.

For once I would prefer the first option. I didn't want to be here at the school a second longer, I couldn't take it.

"Is she having a panic attack?" The voice was faint but I knew instantly it was Wes talking to Lectra. Why was he here? Weren't they fighting?

"I don't know-Issa, just breathe. It'll be-" Whatever she was about to say I had no idea, because just then all sound cut out completely leaving me in deafening silence, then only a few seconds after I was losing all consciousness.