
The Quiet Life of a Living Shadow: A 'Saiki K' Fanfiction

Being a psychic is not an ideal life, at least for Saiki Kusuo. Didn't you read/watch The Disasterous Life of Saiki K to know that? Still, this isn't about him, not really. Instead, let's focus on his one and only friend, Akari Takahashi, who is also quite abnormal. You might not believe that Saiki would actually have a friend, but that's what fanfictions are about, right? [Disastrous Life of Saiki K.(斉木楠雄のΨ難)] [Season One] [Kusuo Saiki x Female!OC] [Apart of The Shadow Tales]

Moonchildthings · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Tsundere Business Woman! Miku Watanabe

THE CLICK OF HIGH HEELS ECHOED THROUGH the pristine corridor of the RedFox Enterprise building. To every employee of the prestigious company, the sound was more than recognizable. Some of them feared the sound of those expensive high heels, and braced for whatever storm was coming along with them. Whether they fear them or not they knew to prepare for the woman who was wearing them.

Watanabe Miku, the CEO of the wealthy enterprise strutted down the corridor with the familiar air of superiority swarming around her. She is the end all be all here at RedFox Enterprise, so it's warranted. After all, she grew this enterprise from the ground up all on her own. She is quite the impressive person thanks to her accomplishments, which also makes her intimidating.

Scurrying besides the accomplished CEO is her personal assistant. A meek, brown-haired man who was in his mid-twenties, was doing his best to keep up with her strides. Tamaki Ōmune had been working there for about six months, the newest replacement for the last assistant who just couldn't handle Miku's personality. So far, he was doing his best. Though most of the other employees had a bet going that he wasn't going to last another two months. He seems to be the assistant that was going to last the longest. Really it's surprising to just about everyone who worked at Redfox Enterprise that he lasted even four months! Though even if he was slightly scared of her, he liked the job… at least liked it enough to stick around.

Shuffling through some documents in her hands, Miku asked, "Have the investors agreed to a meeting tomorrow afternoon?"

Tamaki jumped at the question, "Oh uh-"

"Well?" Her harsh interjection had caused the poor man to start shaking like a leaf. The poor guy looked like a frightened gazelle staring at a lioness.

He gulped loudly, "Mr. Sato has said he cannot attend due to other commitments." He shut his eyes in preparation for the annoyance that would be aimed towards him now. Miku never got angry, not in a loud sort of way, but she certainly became terrifying when business like this didn't go her way.

Miku didn't even pause as she just ordered him, "Call him again and reiterate how important this meeting is. If we do not all have an understanding of the opportunity of these new partners in the US. I don't care what these other commitments are, you tell him that if he still wishes to hold stock in this company then he should attend the meeting." Miku is a very no nonsense person, and just about always puts her work first. Yes, from time to time there are some things that she placed above it, though that was somewhat rare. So when someone else doesn't seemingly do the same, she finds them inferior to an extent.

Her assistant jumped at her harsh tone, "Y-Yes, ma'am." He instantly started to write down the reminder to do that in his own notebook as the pair approached Miku's office. Opening up the large doors of her office on the top floor of the Redfox Enterprise building, she made swift work of sitting at her expansive desk to look over some paperwork. She had to make sure that everything was all set in place for the very important meeting tomorrow. Shifting from foot to foot at the door, Tamaki cleared his throat, "Um, Mrs. Watanabe… have you been taking breaks off work?"

She didn't even look up from her work, "I cannot take breaks when we have important matters to attend to."

"Ma'am, I know it's not necessarily my place to say," He started, "but I know you have been working yourself too hard these past few days. Perhaps a day off is warranted." Miku is the definition of a workaholic, that's something everyone knows. Though there were times where she took it a little too far. Working for days on end, only ever going home for a few hours of sleep to just end up back at the office, not even having a proper conversation with her family, just a few traits of hers. People would say it's an issue, perhaps even an addiction of hers, but she would just say she's driven.

"A day off will come perhaps when we get the matter with the Americans finalized."

"I'm sure you can squeeze in a short break at least-"

Miku finally paused in her work and turned her steely expression up to the man, "Tamaki."

"Y-y-yes, ma'am," he squeaked out before scurrying to his desk right outside the door.

Miku sighed heavily. She certainly didn't need anyone to remind her to take breaks, she 

She picked up the phone, "Watanabe Miku."

"My love!" A joyous voice exclaimed from the other end.

"Good afternoon, Yamato." The ghost of a smile graced her face, but it disappeared even if there was no one around to see it. The steely tone to her voice completely gone as she spoke to her husband. "How are you today?"

Her husband started to retell his day, "Oh, you know, made the kids breakfast, cleaned the house a bit, some shopping. Same old, same old." Yamato has to be the definition of a house-husband. He loves the job that he had taken up as a stay-at-home father since he loves his children and caring for them everyday. Though now that they were old enough to more or less take care of themselves, he had quite a bit of downtime for himself. "Oh, a little birdy told me though that you are in need of a break."

Miku glowered at the closed doors of her office. On the other side, Tamaki shuttered, a strong feeling of foreboding taking over his nerves. "I don't need a break, Yamato." She tried to insist. Oh, like that's going to actually work, Miku. You know what your husband is like.

He wasn't hearing any of it, "Nuh uh," he said, "you have a big meeting tomorrow, which means you should take a moment to relax. You should take a short break to make sure that you'll be calm and collected for tomorrow." He sounded so sure in his reasoning and felt like is was airtight.

"I don't need a break to know-"

He cut her off, "Ah ah ah, you need a break. Now I've been working on making us lunch today, and it would be a shame to see it go to waste." Well, you can't argue with that. Free food, I mean come on! "It won't be too long either!"

Miku sighed heavily, "I'll be home in ten minutes."

That certainly caused Yamato to light up, "Woohoo! I'll see you when you come home, my dear, love you!" Despite how Miku may have not wanted to do this, she couldn't help herself but feel a bit elated at the fact that Yamato was giddy over this. She could picture the blinding smile on his face as he shouted into the phone.

"I love you too." Miku said before hanging up the phone. She hung up the call and pinched her nose. Let it be known, the only person who could really get her to do whatever they want is Yamato. She has always had a soft spot for him when they first met as children in middle school. There was no way that she could say no to him and his puppy dog eyes. 

So with plans for lunch now, Miku grabbed her briefcase and any other necessities that she needed and headed out. On her way, she glared lightly at the birdy at his desk and said, "I'll be having lunch with my husband. I'll be gone for thirty minutes tops." She didn't see how Tamaki sighed in relief as her heels clicked away.


When Miku walks through the door, she can smell the alluring aroma of the meal that Yamato had made. It didn't matter what he had made, she knew that it was going to be delicious. He is a worldstar chef after all, every meal he makes his top tier. Geez, imagine having a husband like that, Miku really hit the jackpot! MJ write me to have a husband like that, pleeeeease?

Setting her belongings down and taking her shoes out, she walked towards the kitchen and found her husband finishing up. He was setting up some flowers on the table and seemingly making sure that everything was perfect. After all, it's not everyday that Miku took time out of her day to come have lunch at home.

Catching sight of her, Yamato's face split in half with a wide smile. He bounced himself over to her and enveloped her in a tight bear hug. "Oh, my dear wife! I'm so glad you came home." Which he certainly was from the way he was bouncing in place once he let her go. He took her hand and led her to the kitchen table. As the gentleman he is, Yamato pulled out her chair for her to sit. He made quick work of grabbing the plates of food for them and presenting them. 

It wasn't anything too extravagant for lunch today. Yamato knew that he wouldn't impress her with flashy food, so he kept it simple and just made some katsudon, her favorite. It was more behind the feeling and love that he put into the food than the technique or talent. He had every thought about her when making the lunch, which made it far more meaningful in his eyes. Seeing her favorite meal now in front of her, Miku smiled lightly, "Oh, this is amazing, sweetheart."

At the name of endearment, Yamato seemed to melt. He is well aware that his wife isn't one to show emotion. So when she did something like this, he just seemed to swoon for her and fall even deeper in love. Honestly he's like a teenager everytime his heart beated quickly when she does something like this. So the small smile and light in her eye as she looked over at him just about but Yamato under. He was reminded just why he desperately loves his wife.

So the couple munched on their lunch and talked. Yamato was animatedly retelling Miku about something that their children had done the night before as she listened intently. Even if she wasn't around the home all that much, she desperately loves hearing about Akari and Rikuto. Her work took her away from her family and there are times she wishes it doesn't. Though that didn't mean that she was missing out on important milestones. You know that she was at the sports festival from a few chapters back. Though she wouldn't just miss anything else or achievement that either of her children had gotten. She's not an absent mother, not in the slightest, her work just kept her. Though she would place family above her work when it called for it.

The sky started to darken ever so slightly as the couple enjoyed their meal and company. More than thirty minutes had definitely passed. Eventually, Yamato took the dishes to the sink which is when Miku finally looked at her watch. She nearly balked at seeing that it had been two hours since she had left work. Why hadn't she noticed?! She had plenty of things to do and she had to prepare for the meeting tomorrow. Oh, how could she let this happen.

Though as she thought of her work, she let her gaze drift over to her husband. The man was whistling a soft tone to himself as he started to wash the dishes. He was dancing around lightly while washing the dirty dishes, quite a dork in Miku's eyes. Though that's her dork. Miku pursed her lips. If she had missed a bit of work, well, she guessed there wasn't too much to worry about. Especially when she got to see her husband so happy like this. So maybe staying home for a bit longer would be fine. Maybe even staying until the kids got home from school and actually catching up with them would be okay. Yea, Miku thought, that would be perfectly fine for the time being.