
The Quiet Life of a Living Shadow: A 'Saiki K' Fanfiction

Being a psychic is not an ideal life, at least for Saiki Kusuo. Didn't you read/watch The Disasterous Life of Saiki K to know that? Still, this isn't about him, not really. Instead, let's focus on his one and only friend, Akari Takahashi, who is also quite abnormal. You might not believe that Saiki would actually have a friend, but that's what fanfictions are about, right? [Disastrous Life of Saiki K.(斉木楠雄のΨ難)] [Season One] [Kusuo Saiki x Female!OC] [Apart of The Shadow Tales]

Moonchildthings · Anime e quadrinhos
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25 Chs

Chapter Nineteen: Burning Right! Disaster Drill!!!

"EVERYONE, WE WILL HOLD A FIRE DRILL today." Hairo explained to his classmates. It wasn't that much of a strange day so far. Things had been normal for Akari ever since she had woken up. Which means that it can only get weird from this moment on. After all, you're here now so that must mean things are going to ramp up for sure.

Saiki sighed, "A fire drill…" Obviously, he found this to be pointless since he can take care of any sort of disaster that might strike this school. Even Akari could help deal with something like a fire quite easily with her abilities. So both of them were bored with this. They would much rather be doing school work than going through this frivolous drill.

Nendo scoffed at that, "I don't need any drills."

"Nendo!" Hairo exclaimed at the blase attitude from his classmate. "Don't underestimate the importance of drills. For example, during a fire, you are surrounded by flames. The smoke blocks your sight, and you cannot breathe. What would you do? It is a difficult situation! How will you know what to do in that situation without drills? Preparation is everything!" He was shouting at this point in Nendo's face. He certainly is extremely fired up about this drill. He's really into safety, I guess.

'I think we should worry about Hairo combusting into flames at this point.' Akari thought with some caution. She honestly wouldn't be surprised if a fire did start and it was due to Hairo's fiery attitude.

Saiki nodded his head, "He expresses the heat well."

Hairo then calmed down enough to get back to business. "When the emergency bell rings, follow my instructions to evacuate."

"Okay!" The class collectively nodded.

The class rep then turned to write on the board, "This is a word to keep in mind when you evacuate." He wrote down a slogan that most people should know, and were most likely taught as little kids.

"'Don'ts'?" Nendo asked.

Saiki thought back to his time in elementary school. "I believe they were 'Don't push, don't run, don't speak.' That takes me back." Yea, elementary school had some great times. After all, that's when he and Akari met. Is that a hint to an original chapter about their first meeting… obviously.

"I got it!" Nendo exclaimed, "'Don't die in the fire'!"

"Simple is the best," Saiki deadpanned.

Akari pursed her lips, 'he's technically not wrong.'

The class representative chuckled lightly, "That is not exactly it."

Nendo continued on with his interpretation, "How about 'Don't forget to bring the fire extinguisher'?"

"Bring it yourself."

Kaido laughed from his desk at his friend's obvious misunderstanding, "You are as stupid as always."

"What? Do you know what they are?" Nendo huffed.

The eighth-grade minded boy continued on arrogantly, "Of course. 'Don't think you can run from my flames!'" Everyone stared at him in a mixture of confusion and disbelief as the room was silent. Seeing that, Kaido then waved his hand with a nervous chuckle. "Kidding. They are 'Don't push, don't run, don't speak.'"

"Exactly." Hairo praised him, "Let's remember the don'ts when the drill starts."

Suddenly the alarm started going off as the intercom then turned on and announced, "There's a fire in the science room on the first floor." Which means that they should avoid that part of the school… right?

Teruhashi gasped, "That bell makes me anxious."

"This is important." Saiki said, "We need to do this right."

Akari shook her head, 'As if that's going to happen.' Things would never go to plan around this school. 

"Don't panic!" Hairo called, "Take the hoods from your bags and line up in the order of class number."

So everyone set off to find their safety hoods for this drill. Some found them easily, others not so much. Akari knew where hers was, but didn't even put it on. She honestly didn't feel like it. They knew that this was a drill and if it were a real emergency she wouldn't even need it. She's a super-powered teenager, she can protect herself better than a safety hood. 

With that being stated, she did not appreciate Saiki putting it over her head. Though he also was unaffected by her glare as they watched the chaos around their class. What was wrong with him wanting to make sure that she was safe? Even with something as meaningless as a safety hood in a drill when they've got superpowers, he still wanted to look out for her. Nothing wrong with that at all.

"What?" Hairo raged at how unprepared his classmates were. "If it was not a drill, you would be dead right now!"

Saiki blinked, "That's a bit over the top." Hairo is just looking out for everyone's safety… in a very passionate way!

At her seat, Teruhashi gasped as she looked around her desk, "My hood is gone too."

Hairo moaned out in discontent, "You too, Teruhashi?" 

Though it's not like she was going to go without one today. All her little admirers and stalkers were more than willing to offer up theirs. Maybe if they were her hero and gave her their hood, she would notice them, maybe even speak to them! Oh these poor simps…

Teruhashi put up a front of a worried damsel, "But I can't borrow yours." Oh you can tell she's loving this attention.

"Right!" Hairo called out, "What will you all do?"

"Don't think…" One boy started.

Another continued, "That we won't…"

"Die for her." And the last boy finished. Oh, my goodness they are so whipped. It's disturbing. And she certainly loved it!

Hairo deadpanned, "I see."

Soon the class all lined up outside in the hallway after everyone got their safety hoods on. Akari stood next to Saiki with the bright yellow safety hood on her head. Nobody would notice if she took it off, except for Saiki, who would force it back onto her, no doubt. How annoying. Though she wouldn't admit it out loud, a small part of her found it sweet of him to constantly look out for her like this. Even if it were pointless. Still the thought counts.

"Okay!" The class rep clapped his hands, "Let's get started."

"Oh, no." Takahashi said as he checked his pockets and turned to head back into the class, "I forgot my phone."

Though he could barely get anywhere once Hairo was in his face, "Hey, Takashi! Don't you dare get out of line!"

Saiki sighed, "This is getting extreme. It seems like everyone is starting their sentence with 'don't'."

'Don't listen to their thoughts then.' Saiki just deadpanned at Akari for her comment. She of all people knows that he can't just not listen into their thoughts, it's not like he has a on and off switch for this. Though from the teasing smile on her face, she obviously knew that and was just messing with him for the sake of it. She enjoys teasing him a little bit from time to time. It's fun. Then she rolled her eyes and mentally whined, 'I really don't want to do this, it's so pointless.'

Kaido stepped up between them, "You two. Don't fight over trivial things." Ah there it is again; "don't".

It obviously was starting to get to Saiki, "I knew something was off."

As the class started to walk to the exit, they came across another class. This one just so happened to have Shinoda Takeru. If you don't remember who that is, maybe reread or rewatch "Crisis in Three-Month Relationship". "Hey, Chiyo!" Shinoda called out when he caught sight of his ex. Although Chiyo did nothing but walk away from him. "Wait a second!"

The two then had their own thoughts which had the same buzz word "don't", to Saiki's annoyance. "That one has nothing to do with the drill. What is with you two?" What was with people using that word a whole lot today? So why are they saying don't when pertaining to their relationship? Thankfully, Akari doesn't have to hear it, so neither do we. Though if you're listening to the dub, then it would be s.o.s, but we'll stick with the subtitles for now.

"We're almost there!" Hairo called out as he led the class down some stairs. However, as they reached the bottom, they found that the hallway was shuttered close. Which meant that they went the wrong way, and no one was paying attention to instructions. Hairo shouted, "Don't know what to do when the path to the outside is blocked!"

The class then all started to shout in dismay. They were obviously oblivious to what exactly their task was here. Seriously, not even one other person besides Saiki and Akari caught the announcement? So everyone started to panic a bit.

"Don't do this to me." A student groaned.

"Don't tell me that!"

Someone else moaned, "Don't tell me we will die here."


Kaido was biting on his nails as he became stressed, "We can't go outside now."

"Did someone do this by mistake?" Teruhashi asked in worry.

"No, that's not it." Saiki thought, "It was purposely closed off. This path leads to the science room. Remember that announcement." Que the flashback to the intercom announcement from not even five minutes ago. "The fire is in the science room. If the fire was real, we wouldn't be able to use this path. In other words, they are testing us to see if we can make the right decision and go to the rear exit after listening to the announcement."

'I'm surprised that they even made it to high school at this point.' Akari thought while watching her classmates starting to panic, 'this class has little to no critical thinking skills.' There probably are some smarter students in the class, but they're just side characters, or no named extras, so they don't get any screen time and ultimately don't matter. Oh, well.

"Don't panic!" Hairo called out as he stood in front of his class, "There's always a way out. Way out?" Then his eyes brightened, "That's it! I finally understand why this path is closed."

Saiki rolled his eyes, "Good grief. He finally gets it." No, no he doesn't.

Hairo then started up on his inspiration speech, "We are being tested. This is an obstacle. In a fire, there may be blocked paths. Don't let that stop you! In other words, we must break through!"

Akari blinked at him in disbelief, '...Why does he think that? How did he come to that conclusion?'

Saiki stared at him, deadpanned, "That is a bit too much for a drill."

"Okay!" Hairo shouted, "Let's bust through! All together!" Everyone rallied behind him and started to break down the shutter to the best of their ability.

"If the fire was real he would have died first." Saiki deadpanned from beside Akari as they watched them destroy school property.

Akari crossed her arms over her chest, 'he's stupidly brave and courageous. If only he had common sense.'

Yeah, so after the class busted through the metal shutter and left school, they certainly got into trouble. All of the boys who had partaken in breaking through the shutter were kneeling before Matsuzaki. "What? You broke the shutter and escaped through the front exit? I see." Matsuzaki asked, now understanding the situation, "Who broke the shutter? I just installed that! Don't you know how much money this will cost me?"

Hairo was the one to shout out, "I apologize!"

From the sidelines, Saiki and Akari watched the scolding. "Goodness. I told you. Well, I didn't say it out loud though. In any case, this school doesn't need a fire drill. After all…" Just outside the school walls, a guy threw a light match into a pile of old newspapers and trash. That certainly would end in disaster as the fire would have spread right into the school. Though with a snap of Saiki's fingers, the flame was extinguished like it was nothing. "Don't worry about fire as long as I am here."

Matsuzaki then came to the conclusion, "As punishment, all of you must shave your heads!"

'Well, this has been fun.' Akari thought while turning to glide away from the punished teens, 'Despite the fact that this cut into my usual class time nap. Can we go home? After this hectic day, I need a good nap.' Getting home now was probably her top priority, after all of the fun they just had with the safety drill. 

Saiki just gave her a side glance before shrugging his shoulders just a little bit. "Alright, let's go." So the two left and headed to one of their homes. Akari didn't care if they went to her house, or his, she was going to take a nice little nap regardless.