
The Quest for Meru

Meru is the land of dreams filled with the unknown and is incredibly dangerous. Countless people die for a chance to be born in the illusory city of gods yet, no one knows if it's real. In reality, Meru is a convergence of everything divine and miraculous in the universe. The entrance to the city lies somewhere on the Jambu continent whose location changes at the speed of thought moving endlessly across the universe. Countless civilizations across the universe have perished as the city has remained elusive beyond touch. In the world of Rendul, the quest for Meru started as daring adventurer set to the Sea of Milk and returned alive with the powers from beyond. The world itself changed filled with divine, cursed and the supernatural. Shapish has been traversing the cosmos to discover the secret of Meru. While he has some secrets of his own, accompany Shapish as he uncovers the truth about Meru. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 chapter a week till I post 1 daily No chapters on weekends generally If I want to ,I'll put out extra I will be posting this story on royalroad also RoyalRoad Profile- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/396809

bigmadtoe · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Enemies Already?

"Are you a God?", asked the boy excitedly. His voice was very vibrant brimming with life and youth. Ironically he had died two days back to starvation.

"Sort of", replied the entity.

Although "it" wasn't hiding itself, the boy couldn't make out the features of "it's" face. Well, it wasn't even clear if "it" had a face.

"So, what do you want from me", asked the boy.

The thing laughed as if surprised and said," Want something from you? What does a dead person own? Ha ha, so oblivious! But, I don't mind the innocence".

"I don't know why you perceive me as a child but from what I remember I lived a whole score before I died. I even had 2 kids who survived their fifth birthdays. I think I have seen plenty of life!", said the boy.

"Bragging about that...haha...Delusion destroys the poor worse than disease.", it replied.

"You know, just around a hundred kilometers from your village, there was a high-capacity silo. The country you live in produces more grain than it consumes and it is stored in silos as a buffer. I have heard rats there are quite fat. You can probably get paid to eat them...haha "

The boy was speechless for a while but collected himself surprisingly fast. The aura around him changed as if he had a sudden realization. The entity didn't mind it for "it" believed "it" had enlightened the poor and pitiful fellow.

"It doesn't change anything. It is what it is. Life is ridiculous in different ways.", the boy said.

The entity looked somewhat surprised as "it" said, "Well, it wouldn't be too ridiculous to say that you speak much better than an uneducated runt. How is it a reasonable development that you don't have food to eat yet you speak so well? You must have a secret!"

"Confess to me and I shall forgive your sins. I shall deliver you peace"

"What's there to hide? Everyone has their curses, secrets, and fetishes.", said the boy. 

The boy kept speaking as he said," .

But finally my patience has paid off after 13 rebirths to find a world with decent spirituality. But what poor luck to face a curse at birth!".

The entity seemed somewhat startled as it looked startled.

"Who are you?", asked the entity sternly.

"Don't be surprised. I only gain sentience for a few moments before I forget about everything and live a worthless life again and again to end up remembering it all when I can't do anything about it. "

"These pauses in my consciousness are destroying my psyche... It's honestly appalling".

"I asked who the hell are you?", asked the entity visibly shaken by the presence of the boy.

"That wouldn't be a problem. But, the next time, introduce yourself first, Mr.9", said the boy.

"You dare talk like that to a higher entity", 'it' said.

"Delusion truly is worse than a disease", the boy said.

"Aren't you done bluffing?", the boy added as he continued, "You don't have a face because you were never born. You are just the remaining subconscious of my 9th reincarnation. Who told you to act like a God...It's honestly disgusting".

The entity panicked as the veil over its body lifted to show a baby with a deformed skull. Brain matter was oozing out of its head. Blood kept gushing as "it's" body became increasingly pale as "it" realized "its" situation,

"But why...? I haven't done any-"

"We were cursed even before being born. It is a high-level curse"-said the boy calmly.

"But why are you still fine? Why aren't you affected? It's unfair...-"

"Well, nothing is fair in this world", said the boy

"I probably gained sentience at the correct time and transferred the curse to you completely. As I have probably done this, it would have been the only way to survive. Though after a while, I will have to consume you.", he added.

"What the heck are you saying?", said the entity in an urgent tone.

"It's only you who survive! I'll be the one dying. Who gave you the right to be my executioner? Being born was my fate. You are stealing what's mine", the child replied angrily.

"It was me who allowed you to manifest a high level consciousness. You were long dead before I even gained sentience. You were reborn with my subconscious to be consumed and you will fulfill your purpose. I will awaken the 'root' chakra using your body...You know we already have enemies outside", said the boy monotonously.

The child-like entity was shocked.

It contemplated for a while as "it" sighed.

"It" looked like "it" had finally accepted "its" outcome as "it" said," So, I am just a marionette right now. My body is already dead...haha...".

"Its" voice carried a sense of grief and loathing. "It" didn't want to die even "its" existence hadn't been real. That was the true nature of every consciousness moreover the consciousness that had awakened once. A wish for survival and a desire for more is what defines life.

The boy spoke in an abnormally cold voice,

"It doesn't matter who dies."

"After all, you are me and I am you".

"And We already have enemies".

I didn't finish my previous work before because I realized my writing ability was very poor. Despite gaining some views on it,I gave up on the novel completely because my skillset was lacking. I am still not the best as I can be but I have improved and will continue to do so. Any constructive suggestions are welcome.

Thanks a lot,please leave valuable feedback

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