
The Queen's Guardians

"In the umpteenth year after a mass extinction on Earth, various new species emerged. The remaining humans called themselves The Eternal Humans because their species can live for hundreds of years. Meanwhile, humans of this era left only fossils and artifacts that were continuously studied and considered ancient by The Eternal Humans." Airen and Savior Demirel were part of the future Queen's guard, Luna Keizia Hidelston (Queen of The Carocca Kingdom), who was prophesied to save the Earth from the next extinction. After the mass extinction, magic powers re-emerged on Earth, leaving modern human technology that had failed to save the Earth from the collision of five jumbo-sized asteroids. According to the story of the elders, when modern technology was at its peak, the Earth's orbit approached five large asteroids simultaneously. If the Earth and the five asteroids collided, it would be doomsday. Warfare on Earth ceased, and all countries united to create technology to destroy the five asteroids in space, turning them into dust. However, all efforts were in vain. In the most critical situation, super-powered witches had to appear and unite to save the Earth, led by Freya Chalamet, who was rumored to be the ancestor of Luna Keizia Hidleston. Freya Chalamet with her super magical power and assisted by thousands of hidden witches, managed to unite their power and save the Earth from destruction. The Earth was saved, although most species had to perish due to exposure to a very powerful force. Some remaining humans praised Freya Chalamet, while a small portion condemned her as a murderer. Now, the prophecy of another mass extinction is stirring up again. The prophecy also states that only the descendants of Freya Chalamet can save the Earth. The inhabitants of Earth from various species began to search for the descendants of Freya Chalamet with various motives. Could Airen and Savior Demirel succeed in protecting and helping Luna to carry out her mission to save the earth?

Zayyana_Zaida · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Savior Demirel found an artifact

After a massive extinction event that occurred over two thousand years ago, the Kingdom of Carocca was established.

The Earth and its inhabitants still have not fully recovered.

The winter has just passed in the region of Carocca, once known as Turkey during modern human times, and called Persia in ancient times.

As we know, Persia itself was the first great kingdom to ever exist in the history of human civilization.

The Goldmur grassland suggests a golden hue, due to the reflection of its yellowing grasses.

A teenage figure dressed in shabby clothing and with a sweaty face can be seen enthusiastically digging through the semi-wet soil of the Goldmur grassland.

"Savior, I hate it and I'm tired of wasting half my day helping you dig with no results. We should just go home," complained Zack Grazon with a slightly messy face, with clumps of dirt mixed in with his sweat.

"Wow-wow-woww!! Airen will definitely be pleased to see this. I'm sure this artifact is the most advanced mobile phone designed by humans during the peak of modern omega civilization. It looks different from my other discoveries. Yeah, I did it!" exclaimed Savior while wiping off the clumps of dirt from the artifact in his hand. He even used the edge of his shirt to gently and carefully wipe off the various parts of the artifact.

Zack released the shovel in his hand. His sour face now turned excited. "Does this mean that Airen will be willing to open the portal to The Sword of God for us? I want to play longer," Zack Grazon exclaimed happily.

"We'll see about that later. You know that my older brother is quite stingy. He won't allow us to play beyond the time limit he has set," Savior retorted sarcastically as he put the rectangular artifact into his small bag. It wasn't heavy and was just the right size to fit in Savior's hand.

"Okay, let's go to the laboratory. I wonder how Luna and Qoniela got the opportunity to play longer, Airen is not someone who can be fair," Zack complained as he jumped out of the hole and followed in Savior Demirel's footsteps.

"Girls always get special treatment, are you interested in changing your gender?" Savior joked.

"Savior, watch out! Durga's attack is coming from the west!" Zack shouted as he saw the atmosphere darken. At the same time, a thick black smoke flew towards them. Zack was stunned, he didn't have time to think about what to do, the black smoke had arrived in front of Zack and Savior.

Savior Demirel moved like lightning and attacked. He summoned the blood sword from a dimensional space, creating a powerful explosion.


Savior Demirel is an eternal human who has natural talent, known as the lightning rider. So far, in the Carocca kingdom, no one has been able to match the speed of Savior Demirel.

The light from Savior's blood sword scattered the thick black smoke that had been trapping him and Zack. The atmosphere returned to normal, leaving a white-haired woman with a small winged weapon.

"Damn, she's the Durga, the poison spreader," muttered Savior. Without further ado, Savior jumped and chased after the evil witch from the darkness, intending to capture her.


Zack's head suddenly spun as he watched all of Savior's movements that were too fast. Not wanting to be left behind, he pulled out his circular disc weapon. The weapon shone brightly because all of its sides were extremely sharp.


Dozens of small balls flapped their wings and flew towards Savior and Zack. With his lightning speed and agility, Savior Demirel was able to easily dodge them.


Zack pressed the button in the middle of the disc handle, causing the weapon to spin very fast. Suddenly, a green light flashed in the air, forming a large circle, protecting Zack's body from any possible attacks. He knew that the enemy they were facing was a wicked woman armed with deadly poisons.

"AAARRRGGGH...!!" The sound of choking came from the poisonous Durga. Savior squeezed her neck tightly.

Durga was a medium-strength demon that came from the darkness, when Freya Chalamet opened all the dimensional gates to unite the power from various dimensional realms. This event became a golden opportunity for species that were once banished from Earth to return. From the dark demons, dragons, elves, to various magical animals such as winged horses and winged lions that became sought after by humans to be kept or enslaved.

The winged lion is the only magical animal that cannot be tamed. It chooses its own master.

The body of the Durga was bound by the mantra rope thrown by Savior Demirel. The white-haired woman, with skin as white as snow and she has third eye, was now powerless. Savior successfully stabbed her third eye located on her forehead with a poisoned arrow.

"Who sent you? Was it the Dark Queen who did this? Why does that demon want to kill us, just tell us, no need to be ashamed." Even in dangerous situations, Savior couldn't act serious.

Meanwhile, Zack had tamed his disc weapon, knowing that victory was within Savior's grasp. Zack Grazon could only shake his head hearing the end of Savior Demirel's climax that tickled him. He approached Savior, who was choking the Durga's neck.

"Savior, she's going to die, and we won't get any information from her." Zack muttered beside Savior.

"Let her die, if she doesn't die, then we will. I acted quickly because her third eye is very dangerous. It can emit illusion waves that can manipulate our brains. You can go crazy and forget everything if it successfully possesses your brain," explained Savior.

Zack shuddered, "terrifying," he said.


The body of the Durga exploded, turning into a lump of black smoke that slowly disappeared.

"The Dark Queen took her," Savior whispered.

"Savior, let's hurry home. I don't want to die foolishly at the hands of the Dark Queen. Are we that important, that the Dark Queen wants to deal with us?" Zack continued to babble in his fear.

"Hmmm... I don't know. We will find out the reason soon." Savior Demirel answered flatly.

"Hey, shy beast, come out!" Savior shouted loudly while rubbing the magic stone bracelet on his wrist.


A ray of light flashed in the air, then grew larger and disappeared, replaced by the sound of a handsome, muscular, and powerful horse neighing. The horse was pure white and had magical wings on its back.

"Let's go home, Zack!"

"Sure. It's really scary here."

Savior and Zack mounted the magical horse in one leap. The horse slowly flapped its wings, with Savior holding tightly to the reins and Zack hugging Savior's body tightly.


In the laboratory, Airen Demirel was conducting experiments combining modern technology and magic. Some of his research showed very satisfying results, but many others failed. Airen was trying to figure out the cause.

Bip bip bip bip...

The monitor screen showing the movement of his younger brother, Savior, was moving, and Airen smiled. However, it didn't last long. Suddenly, he felt a strange force trying to enter his mind. Airen tried to hold back the invisible wave with his pure energy. Unfortunately, the wave felt very strong and was creeping into his brain. Airen could clearly feel that the culprit didn't intend to hurt him, only to read his thoughts.

"Damn! Get out of my head! I don't have any big secrets."

Airen even knelt on the floor to hold back the strong neuromagnetic wave. He pounded the chair in front of him until it shattered into pieces.


"Sh-show yourself!" Airen hissed with a choked voice.

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