
The Proud Dragon Princess

Lumi looked at her old home, which has now become infected with the cursed icy breath. She turned back to her tribe. Tears threatened to overflow but she can't be weak now. She was resolved not to break down. The universe was huge and as long as they were alive, the desire for revenge will rekindle within the proud Sylvans.

bubblycookie · Fantasia
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1 Chs

The cursed breath

Lumi weakly stared at her home becoming frozen. The dragon princess's eyes were full the despair and unwillingness as she saw the cursed icy breath spreading throughout the lair she once called home, turning everything it touched into sculptures of ice.

Even when all she wanted to do was run inside, hug her father while the safety of the lair surrounded her. But she knew it was no longer possible. The king was dead and the lair died along with him. Any hopes of reviving the lair by the help of the royal family was extinguished by the cursed breath of the malevolent snow witches.

She felt hatred fill her heart with such intensity that she felt like killing the witches. Even her life force was turning into mana without her knowledge to give fuel for her actions. She was beyond exhausted and was on the verge of death due the cursed breath.

She looked at her dying lover, Aaron. She knew if he was without proper treatment, then he would survive a week, at most. Helpless tears poured out from the princess's beautiful eyes and fell on her childhood sweetheart. It was at this moment she realized the responsibilities on her would never allow her to go experience the pleasure of revenge.