
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasia
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63 Chs

Chapter Six: The Wicked Weaving

Kara, opened the door and found herself within a dark room. After looking around the room for a moment, Kara raised up her hand and snapped her fingers which proceeded to illuminate the room a greenish hue, providing some assemblance of light. Though much to the dismay of kara, There did not seem to be anything out of the ordinary within the room. It looked like a simple, run down shack. A few tables sat off to the side and a few chairs that were old and weathered seemed to have fallen over.

" Hm" Kara muttered to herself as she stepped further inside of the shack. Though, as she drew further away from the door, it suddenly closed itself behind her with a sudden crash. This would have been concerning to Kara had it not been that she was armed with the Knowledge of what this place really and truly was.

This Shack, was not quite as it seemed as it was home to two powerful beings that were said to be in control of fate itself. She had heard the stories, And though she was hesitant to believe them, she was also desperate and knew she needed to see for herself what it truly was and whether these beings could actually hold so much power.

"My name is Kara..and I have come to seek the guidance of the two Fabled sisters of fate. I wish to seek an audience with you.." Kara called out but recieved no reply, only silence.

" I know that it is forbidden that I should be here but I have come bearing a gift.." Kara reached down into her pocket and pulls out some old coffee beans and almost as quickly as she pulled them out, they dissapeared from her hand"

The room began to shake, as dust swirled around and a strange wind, cold wind began circling around the room. And just as the wind began to settle down, Kara noticed two small elderly ladies standing in the center of the room, dressed in dark cloaks.

One of the ladies seemed to be staring down at her hands and sniffing them avantly. " Coffee!" The woman shrieked as the other woman stood completely still, seeming unaffected by the others strange gestures.

" Its weird that coffee is what summons you.." Kara points out.

" We do not have it where we reside, it is a true treasure and the nectar of life" The calm woman spoke.

" Well, I'm guessing this means that you have accepted my offering.." Kara smirks a little to which the calm lady nods.

" And we know why you are here" The calm lady turned to her hysterical sister and with one quick slap to the back of the head, managed to snap her Sister out of her coffee craze.

" You have come to seek a way to return your love to life" The calm lady spoke.

" I know this is probably impossible. But I am willing to do whatever it takes to set things right. I want Gabriel back but I also want to save the world. And I cannot do this without him.." Kara explained, to which the calm lady turned to her sister. " Amindah..do you believe that this young one does not know the truth..or refuses to accept it" the calm sister asked.

" I do believe she acts on impulsion, my dear Sonya" Amindah cackled.

" He loves you but does not wish to return to the world of the living and you know this to be true. If you were to bring him back, it would only lead to ruin yet again" Sonya explains but Kara did not seem bothered by their opinions.

" I know that he would not return to this way of living, based on all that has happened. But I instead, wish for him to be brought back, in a different sense.." Kara smiles, which perplexed the sisters for a moment.

" You cannot seriously be asking for a new life.." Sonya scoffed to which Kara nodded. " I know that Gabriel would not return to me despite how much I love him and need him here. But together, we had a child and I wish for that life to be returned" Kara's request had caught the sisters off guard who were now even more intrigued.

" The child you lost through the hardships of your mate was truly a sad loss" Amindah cried.

" A loss that would have never come to pass if you both had not been so selfish" Sonya added.

" I know, but the child did not deserve what had happened and I wish to make it right.." Kara continued to press for her request and the sisters began to commune with one another for a brief time. What was only a few minutes felt like hours to Kara whose concern was growing by the second.

" We can Grant you this request. But we have to know if you truly believe this is the right thing to do? " Sonya questioned.

" To bring into the world would never lived..would certainly create some perplexing dilemmas" Amindah added.

Kara smiled, as she has thought long and hard on this " I know what I want and I know how to fix things. But I need this to happen..I need this more than either of you could ever truly know" Kara pleaded.

The sisters continued thinking on this request for another moment before finally nodding. " You do know that this request, to bring your child back..would bring doom, correct? " Sonya asked. " Your child was never meant to live as they would bring the downfall to the world's"

" My child would only bring the downfall of the false savior" Kara smiled again. " The problem with fate, and the problem with prophecy, is that it's never truly defined. Gabriel and myself were told that it would be us who would save the world. And that was wrong. We were told that hybrid child of Shawn and Raven would be the savior, and this too, is wrong" Kara answered.

" But how do you know that Penelope is a false savior when she is still in the process of saving the world" Sonya questioned.

" Because I know that you are going to grant me my request. And I know that it is by my child's hands that Penelope will fall. And I know that If she does fall, she cannot be the savior. Which means the only one that would be left, would be my child" Kara said with a smug tone.

The sisters deliberated on Kara's words even further before turning back to her. " Though Salvation can be based on perception, we are going to deny your request for your child to be returned. This would complicate matters far too much and we do wish to be involved with this crusade of mania" Sonya stood firm in her tone and Amindah seemed to be fully supportive.

But instead of Kara being upset, she seemed to find humor in this denial. She laughed in the faces of fate and her eyes began to fill with an intense insanity the likes of which, the sisters had never seen.

" You are going to fulfill my request, and you are going to do so, right now" Kara barked at the sisters.

" And what shall you do if we do not? " Sonya prepared herself for a battle, knowing full-well that Kara was completely unstable.

" You are going to do it. Because If you believe that you are isolated now..you have no idea what I have in store for you.." Kara raised her hand and the shack began to shake and the room began to spin around them. The sisters, remained calm as they watched the room twirl around them.

" There are things about me, that even you both do not know. Things that I believe will make you see reason.." And with that, the room ceased in its spinning and the sisters could feel a sense of dread for the first-time in their lives.

" Where did you take us? " Amindah questioned, she could sense they were no longer in the Downside and were instead somewhere far, far away from their home.

" You are not so much in a place, as you are in a paradox. A place where your fate lines mean nothing. Your single purpose for existing means nothing here as you have no control over the fates you once did" Kara smirked.

" Before I came to you both, I did some research. And it would seem that there are two of you, in several different worlds. However, it just so happens that you two, were in control over the Underworlds. But now, the Underworld is fateless" Kara laughed much to the dismay of the sisters.

" But we never controlled fate itself. We only prepared new fates, wove them into being and it was up the world itself to chose their strings. Are you meaning to tell us, that you would remove the chance for a reset, at the loss of never having your child? " Sonya screamed.


Kara shook her head " You know that it has to be Mine and Gabriel's, no other child would work. So either you agree to my demmands..or..I leave you here" Kara knew she had the upper hand in this encounter.

" Fine..we will ensure your child is bestowed back to you one way or the other. But we must return.." Sonya pleaded, to which Kara nodded and with the snap of her fingers, the shack was transported back to the Downside.

" I'm truly glad that we could reach an agreement. You have no idea how much this means to me" Kara looked on as the sisters tried their best to calm down from all that had just happened.

" You have doomed your world.." Sonya hissed at Kara who shrugged.

" I'm kind of use to dooming things. But I still believe that I am right..I guess we will have to see..won't we? " Kara smiled as Amindah approached her and placed her hand on her stomach. It took a few seconds but Kara could begin to slowly feel a life growing inside of her again.

" It will be several months before the child is born..I hope it was worth it. Now leave " Amindah ordered and with that, Kara took her exit.