
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasia
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63 Chs

Chapter Nineteen: The Prisoners Plea

The child slams their fist into a wall that resides beside the door. " You are nothing" the child screams.

" You wish to keep me captive but you cannot contain my power. You wish to hold me close and yet keep me distant. Your words mean nothing, And yet I will continue to honor your wish and purpose for me" The child screams on the other side of the door.

" I know you are there Father. I know that you feel my anger..and you wish to let me go but yet you refuse. Because..I will disrupt what you believe is the correct solution. But you should let me go father. If what you say is true..then my freedom would not hinder their success " The child removes their fist from the wall where a small crater had formed from the impact.

" Prove yourself to be right. Let me go" The child insisted as though their father could hear them from the other side.

" Let me walk among the Kingdoms once again, and let me do my work" the child growled as they grinded their teeth against one another.

" I refuse to be held captive any longer" the child screamed.

" The only reason that you would not free me is because you fear that Penny is not the solution to the world's issues. That I would prove you right in the end..as I have done before" The child smiled in a state of craze.

" I know that you can hear me, but I cannot hear you. So I wish for you to hear these words if nothing else..I will be free. And Penny will die..But not before I show her how corrupted our father is. I will end her suffering after she learns the truth, unlike myself, who had to bare these burdens..alone" the child felt pain but wept not a single tear. They had cried all that they could, long ago. And Noone heard those cries, especially not their father.

" No " a voice could be heard through the door. It was their father, it was Shawn.

" You will not be free and you are wrong. I know that Penny can save us. Unlike you, she will bare the truth and whilst she may hate me..she will do what is needed" Shawn answered.

" Do what is needed? That is all I have been trying to do" the child cried out.

" No, you want to do what you feel is the best solution instead of trying to strive for the betterment of the Underworld. Erasing everyone would not fix the issue. The world itself can not be sustained on one single individual" Shawn replied.

" You would not know that since you have never tried it" answered the child.

" I have tried more solutions than you can possibly realize. And if you believe you are the first of my children to believe that their way of thinking was the correct way..then you are wrong" Shawn answered.

" But you didn't imprison them..did you? That was reserved just for me" The child scoffed.

" No. I did not imprison them. They died. By my own hands, and their blood continues to stain my bones to this very day. You were...the point at which I drew a line" he confessed.

" Well the line that you drew has costed me an endless amount of time that I will never get back. How dare you to believe you get to decide who lives and who dies when death was the only correct choice. If you had let me go, I would not have suffered. So you tell me..what do you want? Do you want me to suffer..or do you want me to fix the world? Because you need to choose one.." The child offered a choice which Shawn had already chose.

" You will remained imprisoned" Shawn answered.

" So I am to remain in suffering..." The child turned from the door and crossed their arms in anger.

"If you could control yourself, then I would be able to let you go but we both know, that is not possible for you, my child" Shawn meant the words, but they fell on deaf ears to a child who blamed him for so much.

" The world itself is out of control. And Noone seems to do anything except find more reasons to care about themselves. It was drama..it was always drama. And I have grown tired of it. I do not need romance or kind of approval from anyone. I just want the world to be fixed so that I can finally leave this plain of existence" The child answered.

" You didn't say that back when you fell in love.." Shawn pointed out which allowed a silence to fall between him and his child. There was a strange sense of sadness that fell between them and they reveled in it for a moment.

" That was a long time ago. And things have since changed. Just like everything else, the world moves on and leaves you behind.." The child turned back to the door and approached it again. " I will not make the same mistake twice" they assured.

" I know.." Shawn paused. " That is what I'm afraid of"

The child placed their hand on the wall, and tried to reason again with their father. They knew that the likelihood would be low, but they still needed to try and convince him to let them go.

" I refuse to be hurt again. I refuse to go through any more of those child-like games. I am stronger than that and that is what is needed within this world. Every single time someone comes along to save it, They end up being destructed by love. This has been a curse upon the Underworld and you know this to be true." The child reasoned.

" So do not wish upon me to find love, for that is no longer of any concern. I have one goal in mind, I was made for this. I was bred to do this. I am the savior that the Underworld needs and you know it. I can make a difference. If you feel that there is a better way than complete annihilation then I will do as you ask but understand, that you will be asking me to make the same mistakes others have made" The child reasons.

" And if I should fail, Then it will be because of you. I am willing to do things your way for my freedom " The child pleads.

" No you are not" Shawn Sighs. " You would never do things my way. You didn't do it back then and you won't do it now. You simply want to be released so that you can carry out your goals and I understand that. I'm sorry that you cannot learn from your mistakes" and with that, Shawn attempts to walk away.

" How can I learn if you won't allow me to experience life the way it is meant to be lived? " The child questions to which Shawn replies " You wish to live based on a goal and ideal, and not by experiencing life itself. That is your choice, not mine. The prison you find yourself in, is one of your own making" and with that, Shawn walks away.