
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasia
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63 Chs

Chapter Fourty Seven: The Answers

Penny and Ember had tied Keera to the ground in the center of the shack and circled around her for a few moments. Ember was not sure what Penny had intended to do but Penny seeemed all too focused. There was a look in Pennys eyes that Ember had never seen before. A ruthlessness that would be needed if they were to save the world.

" What do you want from me? " Keera cried as both of the girls remained silent. The waiting had been torture to Keera who could not understand why Penny would do this to her. Ember made sense but Penny, that to Keera was painful.

" I want to know who you work for! " Penny demmanded.

" I know that you are smart, and you are dangerous. But you are also not working alone. And I dont think you work with Kara because I am going to doubt Kara would even need you. She knows this land like the back of her hand, and she is well trained, and she is well versed in magic. So, who could possibly be in need of your services? " Penny questioned.

" I dont work for anyone. Ive been helping you! Dont you remember? " Keera tried to reason with Penny who had no intention of cherishing memories.

" I want to know the Truth Keera" Penny placed her hand on one of the bindings and all of them began to glow Blue as they burnt through Keera's skin and she screamed in agony.

" Im not working for anyone dammit! " Keera again, cried out.

" See? And thats a lie. I am not stupid Keera. " Penny looked Keera deep into her eyes and could see fear.

" I am not someone that you want to betray. I am not someone that you want to screw over. And I am definitly not my parents, I dont easily forgive and I dont make the same mistakes " Penny touched the cord again which, burned through Keera's skin again.

" She isnt going to give us anything " Ember pointed out.

" I know she wont. But this has to be a message. A direct message to let everyone who dares to cross me know..I am not the one to play games with " Penny looked back down to Keera.

" I want you to know, that unlike others, who probably would let you go after a long and convincing plea from you, I will not be letting you go. Today is the day that you die" Penny assures Keera who cries.

" You have no proof that Ive even worked against you. You are freaking crazy"

" Oh I have proof. And I would probably get more if I let you play your little games with me more but that wont be happening. But I will tell you something else..something else that I know. Right now, you are struggling. Not with the ability to give up information. No No, You are struggling to figure out which one would have the least negative consequences to sell out " This caught Embers attention.

" What? " Ember Questioned.

" She was working with two people. I know one was Kara but that partnership had not lasted too long. I know that because I could sense some magic on her when I first met her. Some of it, was Auroras but the other..I wasnt sure of. I believe it was Kara's. However, as I said, Kara would not have set you up for this. So someone else did. And that tells me that you are working for Kara..slightly and then someone else. And since you arent sure who to sell out, that probably means that this Person and Kara arent working together and it would be bad for them to find out you are a double agent" Penny smirked. " I could ask you what you are getting out of this but I dont really care. Because I am going to doubt you had any value to Kara or this other Person. Both of which, most likely, would kill you before they pay you"

" The Child " Keera blurted out.

" I am working with someone called The Child. I dont know her actual name and she can shape shift so I dont know what she looks like either. She is the one who sent the scouts and wanted me to bring you here. No harm was to come to you though, I wouldnt allow for that" Keera answered.

" I knew that you definitly knew more than you lead me to believe orignally" Penny smirked.

" The Child is more powerful that Kara, but Kara only wanted me to keep tabs on you. She wanted to know where you went and who you spoke with. But the Child, she wanted me to bring you here and I dont know why" Keera confessed.

" Child..hm" Penny thought for a moment before turning to the door and stepping outside.

" Child..if you are out there..then I want you to listen to me. There is nothing that you are going to be able to do to stop me from my mission. I dont know what your grip is with me, I dont know why you insist on having someone try to mess with me but - " Before Penny could finish, she was knocked out completely with a firm hit to the back of the head.

Before Ember could Even react, she too had been knocked out by an assailent.

" Her sudden confidence is really annoying " Sighed the Child as she looked at Keera.

" I'm sorry for selling you out but I had no choice. She was torturing me" Keera explained.

" I know she was. And I knew she was going to capture you" The Child Pulled out their dagger and cut the restraints so that Keera could be free.

" I am not going to kill you. You did what I asked of you" The Child motioned for Keera to leave with her hand.

" You were late! " Keera complained.

" I had something important to take care of. Its none of your concern" The child turned and picked up both Ember and Penny and placed each one on a shoulder, displaying her strength.

Keera rubbed her hands over the now burnt in carvings on her entire body.

" Whatever you do..make her suffer" Keera hissed.

" I will " Nodded the child and vanished, leaving Keera in the shack.

" I dont get paid enough for this crap "