
A mad woman - I

Why wasn't anyone saying anything? 

"get the cleaning supplies, child." Sir Walter, without looking at his son that stood next to him said instead of answering us. "We must clean it before it starts to smell." 

"what starts to smell, Reginald?" Mrs Walter did not back down from her questions.

This time, Sir Walter stepped around and looked at us without moving away from the door. "I do not know who did this, my love, but someone has left a dead carcass on the porch." 

"A what?" The shock that all four of us sitting on the dining table felt was mutual. It was hard to believe. 

"A dead body of a deer." He repeated but this time made it a bit more clear. "I apologise for our absence, but Cian and I will have to clear this mess up and bury the deer somewhere else." 

Sawyer stood up immediately. "I shall come with you too father, you might need someone to help you—"