

1389 AD, Ming Dynasty, China "Guardsmen! Take him to his exile in Yunnan, right now!" "Fu Huang!..." "Shut up! Oh... how can my own son stab me from behind... Not only other people I can't trust, and now I can't even trust my own son either!... It's far more painful..." *** "Tomorrow morning," Xie Wang said slowly. "Tomorrow morning... you will see dozens of dead bodies lying all over the streets in Yunnan." Xie Wang looked straight to Zhu Su, his eyes as sharp as a knife, "This is a war. The battle between me, Yuan Prince, and you Ming Prince. A battle to determine who is the most suitable to be the next ruler of Yunnan!" *** "Your Highness... Bad news, Your Highness!" Wu Qi was breathless as he answered, "All streets in Yunnan... are full of dead bodies..." Zhu Su stunned. It can't be, Witchcrafts of Xie Wang is the hell real?!? He just walked not any longer, yet he had found a dead body was lying face down on the street. The farther he walked, the more corpses he found. And finally, he arrived at the town square, where people had been crowded together. *** "I am Zhu Su, the fifth son of Hongwu Emperor, I promise to smash the Witchcrafts of Xie Wang, and get you all free from the outbreak!" Zhu Su sharpened his voice. "The promise from a leader is not a children's game. Bear it in mind!" A man in early forties, who seemed to be the leader of rebels, held his spear up, shouted, "Fine! We appreciate your determination, Ming Prince, so keep your promise! If you fail to keep it up, then I'll make sure that Ming honor, as well as yours, will be ruined!" *** A biographical novel of Prince Zhu Su, the fifth prince of the Hongwu Emperor who was the founder of Ming Dynasty, who devoted himself for medical science and humanity. But before he could fulfil his devotion, he was forced to go through royal disputes, conflicts, power struggles, punishments, rebellions, and even death threats. Could he overcome those problems and reached his noble dream? Find out in this novel. This is a work of biographical novel about a real historical figure. Some characters, plot premise, and certain sections of the story are based on historical events and figures, but there are some parts which are pure fiction. Some of names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner; any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This novel is an original work of myself, not a translated work. Last but not least; I hope you enjoy this story. And thank you very much for your appreciation and support! Have a nice day!

amelia_siauw · Histórico
Classificações insuficientes
342 Chs


Everyone turned their heads towards the one who was just speaking. Zhu Su surprised. "Liu Ku!"

Exactly, that was Liu Ku. His long, straight, unraveled hair was now fluttering around, blown by mountain breeze. He looked straight at Zhu Su.

"I've never thought that you can escape from Xie Wang's execution. Before I looked down on you, I was sure that you won't be able to survive, you'll surely die at Xie Wang's hands. So I ignore your offer at that time... I am wrong, anyway. And because of that, I decide to consider your offer... and I am ready with the answer."

Zhu Su looked back straight at Liu Ku.

"Yes. I prove that my optimism is right. And I am sure, this war will end soon... with Xie Wang's defeat as the result. Imperial army won't lose to a little offender," said Zhu Su. "So, what is your answer? Will you work for me?"

"But first, Your Highness, you have to confirm me about something."

"Who the heck is this kid?! How arrogant!..." Really annoyed by Liu Ku's convoluted act, Wu Qi was urged to teach him a "lesson", but Zhu Su immediately held him back.

"This young man is the Fangshi working for Xie Wang. Don't be rash. Let me talk to him first," Zhu Su said.

Wu Qi's eyes widened, and so did everyone who was standing there, they soon stared at Liu Ku with great enthusiasm. On the other hand, Zhu Su asked, "Well. What do you want to ask?"

Liu Ku kept on putting his emotionless and rigid expression as he asked, "Will I still have the opportunity to kill people when I work for you?"

Nobody expected that it would be the kind of question Liu Ku would ask. Especially Zhu Su. He blinked, dumbfounded for a moment, confused with how to respond. And Liu Ku, his emotionless and rigid face still remained unchanged.

"You... will work for me if only I give you the chance to kill people?..."

"You will give me the chance, my Lord?"

For a few seconds, it was only the sound of light breeze that filled the silence among the fourteen of them. Zhu Su himself, sputtered furiously in his mind, So he thinks I will be the same as Xie Wang?! Give him the pleasure of killing?!? So he wants to work for me just for this purpose?! Who knows that he owns the spirit of a murderer! Huh, such a crazy boy! I can't tolerate him anymore! Nothing to lose if I refuse him, in fact, denying him might be my biggest blessing!

"Here I am creating the Team of Wellbeing. The Team of Wellbeing's main job is to help all sick people in Yunnan. And we plan to make a health education for Yunnan people. We help people, not kill people!" Zhu Su said firmly. "Fine! You already know my purpose. Whether you still want to work for me or not, it's up to you!"

To his surprise, Liu Ku laughed. But his laugh sounded cynical.

"You will keep that promise, Your Highness?" He asked. "Are you sure, whatever happens in the future, you will still not change this mind?"

Inevitably Zhu Su got confused by Liu Ku's question. "Wh... what do you mean?!"

"You should think carefully about everything you say. You are a prince, after all. A leader. As the result, you will always deal with power. And, power, is always accompanied by torture and murder. Now you are an angel, but in the future, you may become a murderer. To maintain the current power... and to gain new power." Liu Ku's voice sounded very serious now. "You are now a Prince... but later, after this, you might become an Emperor, right? Why not... You have a great chance to become the Ming Emperor! And to reach that Throne of Dragon, you surely need to step on hundreds, or even thousands of human skulls."

"Wha... what?!? You are crazy! Crazy! Shut up your mouth!" Zhu Su burst out at once. His face was as pale as white wall. Liu Ku's words quickly aroused his fears of being accused of committing treason. "Forget it! I won't ask you anymore! You don't have to work for me! You may return to Xie Wang!"

Watching their lord looked distressed, the members of Team of Wellbeing no longer remained silent. They rolled up their sleeves, ready to beat Liu Ku. "Hey, little brat! How dare you insult His Highness, you are definitely deserved to be beaten!"

Liu Ku did not appear frightened by their threats. He laughed again, louder than before.

"Just a request. If one day you need to do the killing, then you can count on me to do it," Liu Ku said.

"I will not kill anyone!" Zhu Su shouted again.

"Alright, alright! I am willing to accept your offer, my naïve prince," Liu Ku smiled. "Because I look forward to the moment when you twist your this sanctimonious assertion someday."

"You! Don't you hear what I've said?! I... will... not... kill... anyone... forever!" Emphasizing every word, Zhu Su shouted with high tense. "I don't need you to work for me anymore! Go away!"

"Oh? You tell me to go away? Then you don't need the antidote for curing the Emperor?"

Zhu Su gasped. Anger made him forget his main reason to come to Mount Laojun. "Do you want to show the antidote?" Zhu Su asked anxiously.

"Absolutely. I am your subordinate now. I will obey whatever you order me. Moreover, this order is very simple." Liu Ku bowed slightly. "The antidote is at Xie Wang's headquarters, we have to pick it there. But don't worry. Now Xie Wang's headquarters is vacant. Please come with me. I will escort you and make sure that you get what you want."

Liu Ku turned around, stepped forward. Zhu Su and the Team of Wellbeing immediately followed behind him.