
There Is No Need To Hold Back Anymore

Circe settled down since the process of boarding the Sand Line was mostly automatic and did not need any input from any of the carriage owners, especially her own which contained a rudimentary form of artificial intelligence.

For some reason, Rowan seemed to be very interested in the Sand Lines and she could her mutterings about magnetic yoke and Aether repulsion decoupling.

She recognized some of the terms but she soon became lost when he began speaking a more technical language that sounded like gibberish to her and she shifted her attention away, her discomfort was slowly diminishing and she was feeling sleepy.

When Circe fell asleep, she was not aware. Rowan observed her state for a while until he was satisfied that she was ready. Her merger with Archimedes had been reversed and the power that resulted from that merger had been collected by Rowan and purified into millions of different elements, all of which would be used to build her foundations.