
The Vault Of Hekaton

The memories of Boreas appeared to him like an ocean, they were massive, but when he touched them, they were not deep and oddly empty. Something was holding him back, a barrier he had hoped would not be present, but who was he kidding, there was no way everything he wanted would be presented to him on a silver platter.

His father was smarter than that. Like any good weapon, he had placed safeguards in the memories of Boreas. Rowan would have done the same thing.

He swept his mind over the ocean of memories and received a multitude of sensations and Intents, dozens of them. He parsed through each of them and enriched himself with a deeper understanding of the god.

Although what he discovered next was surprising, he could not say it was unexpected. From the surface memories he collected, he immediately discovered that Boreas was not complete.