
The Committee

Isla looked at her as she rode away to the South

So she was indeed a witch after all.

Something strange happened. It was like she could see through Hesebel's eyes. She somehow followed the lady through the journey. Her eyes watched as Hesebel tightened her grips on the horse rein. She felt the cold breeze that lashed on her skin as Hesebel kept riding in speed.

The journey lasted still dawn and Hesebel got down from the horse, pulling her horse with her. Isla saw the a name at the gate. She tried to read it but Hesebel looked away and walked into a stable. She tied her horse and sat at a corner then closed her eyes.

Isla woke up with a groan. She felt exhausted, like she just spent hours on a tiring journey. She opened her eyes when she felt something licking her face. She saw the face of a horse just an inch away from her and she shrieked back before looking around. She saw many horses and realized she was in a stable. How come?.

Still confused, she looked to the corner and saw Heseble sleeping calmly like a free bird. Isla wondered what would happen when she woke up and realized she was all alone. That feeling made Isla sad.

Hesebel groaned and opened her eyes before she scanned the whole place.

She gasped in shock as she saw how bright it was. "When did it turn this bright?" She looked worried for some reason as she quickly untied the horse to leave but someone's treading feet made her pause in fear.

She waited until the feet stopped before she continued to untie the horse quickly. She grabbed the horse but bumped into someone. Hesebel looked slowly and saw the man in front of her.

Isla saw the handsome man that looked at Hesebel with a curious look.

"Is that horse yours?" He asked instead of asking why she was there and who she was.

"Yes, it's mine," she answered.

He hummed and scanned her from head to toe. "Did you sleep here?"

She remained quiet and watched him in silence.

"Come. There's a better place to sleep rather than a stable."

Hesebel tried to read his expression. Isla also found it strange that he would just help a total stranger.

He offered his hand and it took a moment before Hesebel placed her hand on it. He smiled charmingly then led her to a house close by.

"This is where I stay, you can stay here too." He told her.

Hesebel looked at him cautiously. "There are many rooms inside so don't judge from the outside," he said.

She finally let him take her inside and show her the room. "I'll leave you to change then," he said and turned around.

And as if he remembered something, he turned back to her. "There are clothes in the wardrobe." He then walked away.

Hesebel went to take her bath then changed her clothes. She stayed in her room without eating anything until the man knocked on her door.

"Dinner is ready," he announced outside the door. She stood from the bed and walked out slowly. She went to the dining room and saw the large dishes he prepared.

"Where, come sit," he drew out a chair for her.

She sat on it and looked at the food in front of her. She was so hungry and her stomach crumbled.

"Did you eat anything today?" He asked her.

She nodded timidly. "I'm sorry I left you hungry." He apologized.

Hesebel looked up confused by how sincere he was. He looked at her for a while before putting food on her plate.

"Here let's eat, shall we?" They are together. Hesebel was too hungry and he added more to her plate. He led her outside to the porch for them to sit. They sat down on the long wooden chair. And she relaxed her on the backrest.

"My name is Edwin."

Hesebel turned to him. "Hesebel."

He smiled. "Hesebel," he repeated as if trying know how it would sound in his mouth. They stayed there for some time before leading her back and then they said goodnight.

The rest of the days continued with them eating together and talking every night.

They were having breakfast when he told her he wouldn't be coming home that night.

"Why?" She asked.

"I'll be staying over at the stable.

"You work there?" She asked again and he smiled.

"No. I own it," he said, grinning.

Hesebel tensed and stood up. He frowned and stood up as well. "Hey, I don't think you stole that horse. I own the stable so I know that horse isn't mine," he explained.

She finally relaxed and he walked over to her. He held her hands in his, caressing it. They stood looking at each other as their faces started getting close until they were just a breath apart.

Isla gulped, not expecting this to happen right now. She had after watched them interact daily and she knew a moment like this would come but not now, however there was no such thing as the right time.

Just when their lips were about to lock, a knock came shortly and he looked at the door.

"Sir, there's something you must see," the person said from outside. He finally pulled away but not without kissing her forehead.

"I'm sorry," he said before walking to the door.

"Yes? What is it?" He asked when he opened the door.

"It happened again," the person said.

"What happened?" He said and walked out.

Hesebel furrowed her brows but shrugged and sat down to continue her breakfast.

Later that night. Hesebel was asleep when she heard noises and walked to the sitting room only to see Edwin locking the door.

He turned and saw her, he instantly went to her and held her arms. "Hesebel there's trouble."

"What.. what do you mean?"

"I will explain. Three days back a lot has happened. A child died and now not just one but all the infants are dying, plus the pregnant women. They die while giving birth. The whole committee is searching every home because they believe someone unclean has brought us this misfortune and the person is not from here."

Hesebel found this hard to believe and she waited for more explanation.

"Look, I would love to explain more to you but we have to go. My house is next Hesebel." He grabbed her hand and led her through the back door.

They got outside and ran around different houses to hide themselves. "Edwin?" They heard someone called behind them.

"Luke," Edwin whispered and turned around.

"Who is she?" Luke walked, coming closer.

"No one you should know." He answered, adding his grip on her hand.

"She isn't one of us and you've been harboring her. For as long as Edwin?"

"Luke, you must let her go." Edwin said, stepping back.

"She's a witch!" Luke yelled. "And I'll rather die than watch her leave."

"As you wish." Edwin turned to her. "You must go." He let go of her hand and Hesebel reluctantly ran away. She glanced back and saw that the committee had gotten to him.

She ran and hid herself in each turn she made. She saw two alleys, one at the right and the other at the left.

Hesebel became confused. She took a step to the right but someone gripped her hand before could take another step.

"Not that way," she heard a voice and turned around.

"Edwin!" She rushed and hugged him tightly. He groaned and she pulled away. He was bleeding all over. She looked down and saw his hand on his stomach as bleed seeped through his finger.

"Edwin?" She called worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here."

He led her through the left alley then they ran their way heading towards the gate. They were just so close to the gate, however Edwin's hand slipped from hers and he fell to the ground.

"Edwin!" She ran back to him.

"Hesebel." He said and smiled. "I love the sound of your name," he dragged a deep breath. He could hardly speak clearly.

Hesebel was already crying as she held his hand tightly. "It's all my fault. I am a evil."

"You.. you're not evil. You're pure and innocent but the world will make you evil." He said and caressed her face. "He..He..Hesebel." he finally called again before he took his last breath.

"No! Edwin! Please don't leave me.. please.." she started crying bitterly. If only she could just use her magic.

Wait, she could. She raised her hands and started chanting a spell with her eyes closed.

"A witch! She's over here!" Hesebel quickly turned around and saw a little boy, probably eleven years. She waved her hands and the boy flew straight to the wall and fell on the ground.

She stood up when she saw the committee coming towards her. She ran in the opposite direction but another committee was coming from there as well. They enclosed her and captured her before dragging her away.

Isla watched as they dragged her away and into the forest where death awaits her.