
The Powers to the Virus

Saad_Sheikh · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 1: The weird feelings

Jonathan Duke was just 4 when it happened. He was playing around and running, when He suddenly froze and fell. His mom was really worried about what just happened.  In about 30 seconds he gained consciousness, but was having a hard time thinking and felt dizzy. About a couple of weeks later, it happened again, but this time it was worse. Jonathan was out cold for five straight minutes. His parent took him to the hospital, he was confused out of my mind. Once they told the doctors what's been happening to Jonathan, they ran some tests, but they didn't know what that was or why its happening. That's when he got this strange feeling inside him.

It continued happening and they could not figure out why. The doctors gave him all sorts of medicine, but that weird feeling wouldn't go away. One day at school Jonathan got that same feeling. He was just sitting at a desk and suddenly woke up in the nurse's office. As always, he was really dizzy and his brain couldn't think straight.

It continued happening at school, outside of school, practically anywhere he went. The doctor did more tests on him, but once again no answer to what was happening to him. Jonathan would get more and more scared every time it happened and he would always be wondering "Why it is happening to me".

About 2 years later Jonathan was at the beach and playing in the water when all of a sudden somebody pushed him, and punched him for no reason. Jonathan got hurt and was mad so much that he punched that beach bully far and deep into the water. He was so surprised of what he just did. Being weak he wasn't used to that kind of straight. His body started hurting badly and was getting dizzy that he couldn't stand up any longer, then he passed out. When he woke up he realized he was in a chair. He was confused why he was in a chair when the last thing he remembered doing was playing in the water. Then he remembered that he also punched some guy. He was more scared than ever because of what he did to the guy. Since then it was hard to think, concentrate and control his anger. His body felt different every time like it was changing. When high school started one of the strangest things happened. Jonathan was in gym playing dodgeball and when he picked up a ball, he through it so hard that it actually broke someone's bones. The next day the kid's big brother came and said to him "So you like braking bones do ya?" He punched Jonathan again and again. Jonathan tried to fight back, but his straight wouldn't work. Jonathan was down on the ground and the big brother was about to leave "Stay down and don't ever mess with my brother again", but then Jonathan got up. The big brother heard him get up. "I thought I told you to stay down!" He turned back and ran to punch Jonathan one more time, when Jonathan suddenly dodged it, without even realizing the brother was behind him. He dodged everything. He got great reflexes some how and the brother got hurt badly, " Wow he's down like that beach bully. I've gained a lot of strength". He thought to himself.

It was hard to have friends. No one wanted to be with him. They were scared of him because of what he did in gym and to the big brother. When ever he through or kicked something it would go so far that the object would get lost and he was so fast that he couldn't run without leaving the other people behind.