
Chapter Four

Tuli packed my bag as I sulked in the corner. "Princess Ludocielle?" I turned to look at her. She'd been here my entire new life. I didn:t know much about her, not even how old she was. Though I don't think she actually aged as she'd been the same since I came to this world. Two long pigtails and a maids uniform.

But this was the last day I'd see her, so there was no way I could keep sulking. I climbed off the chair and went to stand by her side. "Yes?" I said grabbing some of the jewelry and other trinkets my parents got me.

"I'll just be so sad that you're gone, make sure to take care of yourself"  she gave me the purple hat that went with my outfit.

I would miss her too, even if I wasn't a child. It's been six years. I took her hand and pressed her hand to my face "i'll miss you too".

I'd have to bring her back some sort of souvenir. I wonder what they even sell at the court?

"Oh neicy!" My aunt Tali came into the room scooping me into her arms. She spun me around smiling.

Aunt Tali was much stronger than she looked. She used to be an assassin, that's why even though she was a small lady she was one of the strongest I knew. It almost scared me.

I giggled, wrapping my arms around her neck "Hi Aunty Tali!"

Aunt Tali had reddish brown hair tied into a ponytail and honey-brown skin. I understand why aunt Eriesone married her.

"Oh I'm sorry we couldn't make it to your party dear! But I needed to see you before you left. Should I send your big cousins to protect you?" She patted my head, squeezing me tighter and planting kisses all along my cheeks..

I pushed her away, grabbing her cheeks "Stop that!." She smiled, poking my nose.

"Your too cute neicy"

I frowned at her. "Don't smother her, she's so small you'll kill her" the voice of my aunt Eriesone follower heavy footsteps. my mothers identical twin. Or maybe I should say formerly identical. I wasn't given all the details but it seems like she was experimented on as a child. It's all too scary so I didn't dig into it any more.

Aunt Eriesone had long dirty blonde hair that faded to platinum at the bottom. She was muscular and wore a tight dark green military uniform. She had blue horns just like dads that curled around her head along with a large tail, the result of those experiments no doubt. Our eyes met, and she smiled at me which was rare.

"Hi aunty" I made sure to add in extra giggles for my aunt.

"Hey squirt. '' she said, brushing my face with her hands.

I had lots of aunts and uncles. Mom had 19 siblings counting aunt eriesone, some of them were married too so i had a lot of cousins. Aunt eriesone is the only one biologically related to us though.

I didn't see any of them often enough to care. I wonder how many people are related to the Zircons imperial family at this point.

My head started to hurt just thinking about it.

"Alright my lady, I've finished packing your bag!" Tuli said heading towards the door.

"Okay! I'll be down soon!" I waved, watching her walk out of the room.

Aunt Tali put me down, giving a chance to dart to Aunt Eries' side. Aunt Erie dropped down on one knee. "I know you probably got lots of gifts for your birthday, but we got you a little something" Aunt Eriesone pulled something out of her pocket sliding a ring onto my finger.

"Wow, it's so pretty!"

"It was specifically crafted for you, we had it made so that I can protect you from any high-level magic spells' ' Aunt Eriesone said, patting my head. I absolutely love being spoiled like this.I wrapped her in my arms planting a kiss on her cheek.