
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Livros e literatura
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81 Chs


The house was so empty. Calling it a house wasn't quite doing it justice. While the Malfoys surely would have sneered at it, Susan knew that she lived in a pureblood status symbol- a display of wealth meant to impress visitors.

Susan was in the dining room absently eating reheated leftovers as she scanned the pages of a book. The dining room was beautiful, complete with a fireplace, hearth, and a table that could easily fit a dozen, though only one person had eaten there in over a year. There were countless rooms- studies, lounges, bedrooms, all unused, some of them for well over a decade. The halls were ornate and decorated with wizarding portraits of her ancestors- great-grandparents, distant aunts and uncles, and in one out of the way section of hall Susan hadn't set foot in in years- her parents and aunt.

While she had plans- opening up a line of communication with Scrimgeour and play him and Dumbledore off each other- they had to wait until Harry was of age. Until then, all she could really do was read.

She wasn't like Hermione, she couldn't just devour book after book for fun. She didn't get any joy out of reading legal tome, she much preferred talking to people. Being isolated like this, with only a scrap of paper connecting her to her friends felt like she was slowly being suffocated. Entombed within a mansion filled with nothing but memories.

At the same time, she felt a bit guilty for feeling as she did. At least she wasn't being forced to live with people who actively hated her. Should she really be pitying herself when Harry had it so much worse?

Susan was drawn from her reading by a knock at the door. She reached for her wand, she wasn't expecting anyone.

Were Death Eaters likely to knock? No, but Dumbledore's people might. Susan cautiously made her way to the door. "Susan, we know you're holed up in there, don't make me drag you out."

Susan nearly tripped over her own feet, even as she began to smile. She threw open the door "Katie, Demelza? What are you doing here?"

"Did you think we were going to let you wither away by yourself?" Katie shook her head knowingly "You aren't built for that."

Susan blushed despite herself, she was spot on "So…"

"We're gonna hang out at my place, and you're going to come with." Katie announced.

"How did you get roped into this?" Susan asked Demelza.

"Oh, you know Katie, she usually gets her way. My parents are fine with me spending time with friends."

"I take it they don't know about…"

Demelza shuddered "Merlin no."

Susan turned her attention back to Katie "I take it I don't have a choice?"



Schlick schlick schlick schlick. The wet sound of her fucking herself with the dildo and rubbing her clit with her fingers combined with her heavy breathing and restrained grunts to make a symphony of pleasure that seemed unnaturally loud in her cramped room. Ginny knew from experience that the noise wouldn't carry but was beyond caring regardless.

Term had ended less than a week ago and Ginny already felt like she was losing her mind. She'd spent years without sex, but after only a few months with it she found she couldn't go back. She'd made herself cum again and again, she could even fuck herself to exhaustion, but it never satisfied. Harry, at least, was better at stopping himself. He was able to avoid falling into the vicious cycles that Ginny did

She'd been able to visit Luna once so far, and the two of them were able to spend some 'quality time' together, but for the most part Ginny was confined to the Burrow property by her Mum, who's overprotectiveness was perhaps justified. It wasn't exactly safe to be a blood traitor in Britain these days.

Ginny finally gave it up as hopeless- donning a robe and discretely tucking the dildo away in it. She couldn't use a charm to wash it, and there was no better time to discretely rinse it off than in the middle of the night. Years of sneaking around the house allowed her to make it to the bathroom silently.

"Hello Ginny." Ginny nearly jumped at the sound of Fleur's voice. The room was bathed in pale light as Fleur lit her wand, Ginny blushed, recognizing that she'd been caught red handed.

Though what did she have to be ashamed of? And why was Fleur outside her room in the middle of the night? Her eyes narrowed, and she straightened her back. "Problem?"

Fleur seemed to ponder her answer. "It's not well known, but Veela, even part-Veela, have an acute sense of smell."

"Wait." Ginny's thought process stumbled "So you know when I…"

"Not just you." Fleur assured, rolling her eyes "I wish I could just turn it off. Its very distracting, especially when I'm… unsatisfied." As Ginny's surprise wore off, she couldn't help but notice that Fleur was wearing a nightgown that seemed tailor made to show off her body… or maybe that was just the effect she had on any clothing.

She fought to drag her eyes away from Fleur's cleavage as she searched for a way to respond "I feel you. I mean, obviously." She smiled in a self-depreciating manner.

"But when you're with Harry, he… he satisfies you, no?" Ginny realized then that this wasn't just an idle question, Fleur had been building herself up to asking it.

"Oh, yes." She saw no reason to lie, or even hide the enthusiasm in her voice "He's… incredible."

"But with all those other girls, surely he can't keep up?" Ginny dragged her gaze away from her chest once more and noticed that Fleur was now several steps closer to her now.

"You'd be surprised." Ginny breathed, Fleur was right up against her and she was having a hard time focusing. Damn it, she was too bloody sex deprived!

"I don't think you're telling me the whole story, Ginny." Fleur's voice was silky and seductive. How was everything about her so sexy? "And that's your prerogative, but if you want me to help with Bill, you might want to share. Why are you doing this?"

"Err…" Ginny's brain stumbled as Fleur sidled against her. Ginny couldn't help but be aware of how flimsy her robe was, if the ties undid themselves she'd be completely revealed.

"Lets talk about this in a more private place, your room?"

"Sure." Ginny answered automatically. Fleur's arm was around her waist as she led them back to Ginny's room. She felt hot, her nipples were hard as the scraped against the fabric of her robe, and her core was wet and inflamed. Was Fleur seducing her?

Ginny sunk onto her bed. Fleur closed the door behind them and cast a silencing charm on it. "By the way, I can silence your room for you from now on." Ginny didn't miss the implication. Fleur had heard everything- every gasp, whimper and moan. "So, tell me, what's going on here? If you say you're just doing this because you enjoy it, I won't ask anymore, but something tells me its more than that."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because Harry is not the kind of person to have sex with multiple witches for the hell of it." Fair point, and the way that Fleur was leaning over her, giving her a look down her cleavage and revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra was an argument all its own.

Ginny didn't answer at first, not because she was unwilling, but because she was… pre-occupied. Until, that is, Fleur snapped her fingers in front of her face. Ginny startled, blushing once more as she wiped at her cheek- she'd been drooling. "Sorry." She uttered, humiliated.

"It's alright. I get it all the time. It's a little refreshing having it be a woman rather than a man." Fleur said flippantly. "And I'll admit, I've been laying it on a bit thick." At a look from Ginny Fleur hurried to explain "Not that I was using my allure, well not more than I could help."

Ginny didn't respond, too embarrassed for words. "If you want, I could arrange for you and Harry to spend some time together."

"Really? How?"

"I'm one of Harry's guards at Privet Drive. One of my shifts is a night shift." At that moment, Ginny was willing to fall down on her knees and worship her.

"Oh my god. Thank you. Thank you!" She paused, reigning in her emotions "I really need this."

"I can see." Fleur teased "So, are you going to tell me more, or am I going to have to try my luck with asking Harry?"

Ginny entertained the idea that she'd use the same strategy with asking Harry as she used on her. Honestly, she was pretty sure that Harry would be okay with it, but he was asleep at the moment and she didn't want to make such a large decision without the approval of the others. She didn't want to leave Fleur with nothing, however. "You're right. We aren't just doing it for kicks."

"So then, why?"

"When's your next night shift?"

"The day after tomorrow, that's why I went to talk to you out tonight. I honestly didn't intend on spying on you."

"Okay, so take me with you, and we'll talk things out, deal?"


Fleur began to leave the room, but paused as her eyes once gaain caught the dildo on her nightstand. "May I?"


"…I've never actually had one before. I was always too ashamed, too afraid of losing control."

Ginny felt a twinge of sympathy for her, while she had her own struggles with sexual frustration, at least she wasn't fighting with herself over it. "I understand, but I kind of need that."

Fleur chuckled "I was going to copy it. I suppose I could charm one myself, but… I like how realistic this one looks." She grabbed the synthetic shaft, her hands exploring the veins and ridges of it, she seemed entranced by it.

"Oh, go ahead then."

It wasn't until Fleur had left the room that Ginny realized what she'd just let happen- Fleur was going to be fucking herself with Harry's cock.

Why did that thought excite her so much?


Fleur had debated this idea to death in her head before she presented it to Ginny. Ultimately, the prospect of learning more about Harry and his unconventional relationships was too much to resist, but she knew it was risky. If it was discovered that Ginny had left the Burrow, there would be hell to pay from her parents, and she was already on Molly's bad side, to say the least. Not to mention, it would precipitate a likely ugly argument with Bill.

Things had been strained between them recently, and Fleur couldn't fully explain why. He'd been gone more often, on 'important missions for Dumbledore', and when he was around, he'd been in a darker, broody mood. It had started slowly, but it was becoming increasingly apparent since Ginny had returned. Worse still, Molly seemed to have picked up on the tension between them. There had been a few more biting comments from her than usual.

Fleur had to admit, she was acting differently as well. Ever since her confrontation with Ginny at Hogwarts, she'd been… off balance. She was having a harder time controlling herself, especially during sex. Bill always made sure that she came, but she had a habit of wearing him out. Increasingly, she found herself wanting more even as Bill snored blissfully away beside her. That was her impetus for copying Ginny's dildo, though Fleur wondered if it would truly help her or just feed her lust. It rested, so far unused, in the middle shelf of her bedside drawer.

If she was being truly, bluntly honest with herself, she'd always felt this way. She'd just done a better job of ignoring it before, before Ginny had changed her worldview. Fleur honestly didn't know where the budding friendship between she and Ginny was going. She felt a certain kinship with her. In a way, they were struggling with similar issues. She'd never seen someone as sexually pent up as Ginny had been this week, except for perhaps herself.

She really wasn't sure what to expect from this meeting, but her instincts were telling her that whatever explanation Harry and Ginny were about to give, it would be a damn good one.

What she certainly didn't expect was for the Knight Bus to arrive screeching into Privet Drive just minutes after she apparated Ginny in. Her hand went to her wand, even though Death Eaters were extremely unlikely to arrive by Knight Bus.

Her confusion dissipated just slightly at the sight of one of Harry's… girlfriends- Luna Lovegood. "What's she doing here?" She asked Ginny.

"Luna's Luna." Ginny shrugged "She probably thought it'd be fun. Besides, I'm not the only one who misses Harry."

"Ginny!" Luna called as she ran up to her friend, pulling her into a close hug. For a moment, it looked like Luna would hug Fleur as well, but she seemed to catch herself at the last moment, instead formally offering her hand to shake. "It's nice to see you again, Fleur."

Bemused, Fleur took the proffered hand "Likewise. Shall we?"

It was late, and the other residents of Privet Drive were already in bed. Harry, however, was waiting for them in the living room. He didn't even have the chance to rise from the couch before she had him pinned, legs straddling his waist and her lips locked with his.

Fleur deliberately looked away from the display, and distracted herself by putting silencing and alarm charms on the doors to the Dursley's bedrooms. There was no point in risking being disturbed. When she returned to the living room, things had… escalated. Ginny was still pre-occupied with mauling Harry's face, but she had at some point tugged his shirt off, and her hands were now exploring the exposed skin. She was also grinding shamelessly against Harry's crotch.

Luna was watching them with an oddly distracted smile, and Fleur couldn't blame her. The pheromones rolled off their bodies- a heady mixture of male and female arousal. She knew that she should stop them, but she found herself hesitating. Surely it wouldn't be so bad to let them enjoy the moment. She'd stop them if they crossed a line.

Harry soon turned the tables on Ginny, flipping her over and giving Fleur the opportunity to view his torso and chest. It wasn't that he was all muscle, but he had enough to draw her eyes as he worked. The skill he demonstrated as he undressed Ginny, even unlatching her bra with ease- was also undeniably appealing.

She'd never seen a man reduce a woman to incoherence the way she could so easily do to Bill, but she had a feeling that she was about to. Ginny's back arched as Harry's mouth latched onto her nipple, thrusting her -if Fleur were being brutally honest- very small breasts outwards. Not that Harry seemed to care, he worshiped them with just as much reverence that Bill worshipped hers.

One of his hands trailed down from her chest, caressing her tight stomach on its way downward. Her abdominal muscles were clenching in anticipation for what Harry had planned, and Ginny's breathing picked up as well, coming out in a harsh "Hhng, hhng, hhng, hhng!"

Harry's hand dipped beneath her waistband but didn't move further. "Beg for me, Gin." He purred. Fleur was enraptured by the raw sexuality on display. Harry was so confident and in control, and so devastatingly sexy because of it. He had Ginny begging for his touch, and when he gave her what she so desperately wanted, he made her scream.

While Harry and Ginny cuddled on the couch in the aftermath of her orgasm, Fleur finally noticed what the other occupant of the room had been up to. Luna had flat out taken half her clothes off, her panties were around her ankles and skirt had been pushed aside as she toyed at her slit with a rather familiar dildo.

Fleur didn't have time to consider what was happening. Things were spiraling out of control and she didn't feel like she could, or even wanted to stop it. She wanted to see where this went, she wanted…

Ginny was quick to get back into the action, pulling Harry's shorts and boxers down, freeing his cock. Fleur swallowed heavily, it was just as intoxicating a sigh as it had been in the hospital wing, but this time she wasn't sure she had the willpower to hold back. "You like this, luv? You like that she can see it?" Ginny crooned "Don't lie, I know you do." She sent a triumphantly sexual look glance at Fleur "She's watching you, she can't keep her eyes off it. Isn't that right, Fleur."

Fleur was consumed. Her baser instincts, grown out of her Veela heritage, had risen up once more, clawing and shrieking at her to take, to claim the stud that had been presented to her. She had never in her life had to fight so hard to maintain control, her jaw was clenched even as her pupils dilated, her chest heaved as her nipples became diamond hard, her hands were clenched at her side trembling in repressed frustration, and her pussy… it was on fire her arousal was soaking her knickers.

But for all of that internal conflict, Fleur couldn't keep her eyes off of the prime meat on display, so she whispered "Oui." Her tongue, of its own accord, swept over her lips, the scent of him was so thick in the air that she could taste it.

Ginny preened at her response, as if Fleur had given her a supreme compliment. "I'm going to fuck you, luv." She told him as she absently stroked his shaft.

"Wait, protection." Harry grunted.

"Shit." Ginny clearly hadn't planned ahead, though Fleur was impressed (though perhaps not surprised) that Harry had enough restrain to remember and object. It occurred to Fleur that she was the only one of age in the room. She had the power to stop everything now, or help it go further.

It was a split-second decision. Fleur stepped forward and drew her wand. "Let me." She said, her voice low. Standard birth control methods were unreliable with non-humans, so Fleur had learned an alternate charm, instead of being cast on the woman, it was cast on the man. It had fallen out of fashion in Europe but was just as effective.

She placed the tip of her wand at the tip of his penis. She froze for a moment, her eyes wide as she looked down at Harry's cock. She was taken hold by the urge to grab his shaft, to run her hand up and down his throbbing meat and... and... Quickly, she uttered "Virilem protego" and took three quick steps back.

Ginny, to her surprise, didn't seem perturbed by her intervention. No, while she seemed thunderstruck as she looked between Fleur and Harry, it was with lust. Then, with a feral growl, she straddled Harry once more.

She fucked him like a woman possessed, her hips jerking forward in short, sharp jolts. Fleur was impressed by the athleticism that the position took, the muscles in Ginny's arse and thighs flexed, and her breath came out in grunts between her muttered dirty talk. "She fucking drooling over it, that slut." She grunted "She wants you. You wanna fuck her. I know you do. I wanna feel it when your cock slides into that Veela pussy."

After less than ten seconds of thrusting she came, but even that didn't stop her. Her body shook as shouted obscenities erupted from her, but she just went back at it once her orgasm passed. She came a second time just as quickly, but the third time, Harry came with her.

Fleur could tell, not just from Harry's delicious moans, but from the smell of his orgasm. Orgasms had a distinctive smell, impossible to mistake for anything else. As Harry pumped his virile seed into Ginny, Fleur's instincts raged at her- insisting that it should be her that was milking the male for all he was worth, that she should be the one draining him of his seed.

And she gave in, just a little bit more. Her hand, which had been resolutely at her side went between her legs. It was still over her skirt, but that was nearly a semantic point. Her hand pressed down with a viciousness born out of years of sexual repression, and her hips ground up into it just as fiercely.

Ginny collapsed against Harry with a euphoric smile. Fleur had forgotten completely about Luna, but the blonde girl seamlessly took over for Ginny. She'd gotten completely undressed at some point and wasted no time in kneeling in front of Harry.

The blowjob that followed was a performance, one exclusively aimed at Fleur. Luna had no qualms at giving Fleur long looks at Harry's glistening shaft, or slowly, sensually taking him into her mouth like a porn star.

Fleur had to admit, she was eating it up. Not just how Luna pleasured Harry, but his reaction to it as well. His soft moans, the way his hands alternated between cupping her head and gripping the couch. And then, when he came, the look of pure bliss on his face.

Luna took care to suck gently until the final twitch of his orgasm, but not a moment longer. With purpose, she stood up and walked to Fleur. She stared at the younger girl with wide eyes as she fearlessly approached her. Luna gave Fleur no sign of what she had planned.

If Fleur had known, she might have stopped it. In her current frame of mind, she couldn't guarantee that she would have. She had let all this happen, after all. But, still, she might have. When Luna pulled Fleur down and crashed their lips together, her first instinct was to pull away.

Until she tasted it. Luna hadn't swallowed.

Fuck it.

Fleur threw it all away, every barrier, every rule she ever had, and just went for it. Her hands clawed at Luna as she savagely returned the kiss. Drinking in the taste of Harry's cum and sucking her mouth dry of every drop. The taste was so sinful good practically an aphrodisiac in itself, made all the more potent by how forbidden it was.

She wanted, she wanted more.

She pulled back from Luna and turned her attention to Harry. Mine. She thought.

But something stopped her. Harry was shaking his head, he looked regretful, guilty. Fleur came back to herself. Clarity returned to Ginny and Luna simultaneously. Luna in particular appeared to crumple as she realized what she had done.

Oh god. Fleur felt sick.

She had cheated on Bill.