
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Livros e literatura
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81 Chs

Take Me Over

Luna didn't let him off easy. She had been determined to milk the situation- and him- for all it was worth. She made him cum more than was physically possible. It was like she had the cheat codes to not just reality, but his body too. She made him shoot until his core muscles gave out, only to remind him that it was a dream and just willed the pain away. Then she worked him up to another orgasm in under a minute, and he honestly if she was using the dream to help herself out, or if she was just that good, that he was just so utterly susceptible to her lips and tongue.

At some point she just forgot about the chocolate, and it disappeared. He'd covered her pale skin with the milky-white of his substance until the entire front of her body was completely coated and it was dripping liberally down her thighs. She still wasn't done; she turned around and slid his shaft between her arse cheeks, letting him paint her back and mat in her hair.

But even that wasn't enough for her. Shen then mounted him, letting him pump himself over her pussy lips and thighs before sheathing him in her. She was tight, her walls nearly forming a seal around him. At a certain point, reality just… faded away.

When he came to, Luna was gone. Harry was alone in his candy dream-land. Somehow, without Luna it just depressed him.

He retraced his steps and found the door back to Hogwarts, spending quite a while exploring the halls, stairs, and corridors of the castle. It all seemed so familiar to him, like a word at the tip of his tongue. He had no idea how much time passed before he stumbled across the portrait of the Fat Lady, who swung aside to reveal an inviting red and gold decorated room. The room gave him a happy, sentimental feeling, a mixture of companionship, belonging and childhood nostalgia. He tucked himself close to the hearth, his heart warmed by the fire, and let himself drift off.

"Hello, master."

When he awoke, the fire had been reduced down to embers, which glowed and lit the darkened room in warm light. It created a stunning profile for the girl kneeling in front of him, illuminating her bare skin while casting shadows across her features. She was completely naked, except for a small black strap around her neck, but didn't display a hint of embarrassment.

Master? No, he wasn't anyone's master. He wouldn't be that. "What?" he said "Er, sorry, I don't know your name."

"You can call me pet." She answered, and Harry shook his head. "Or slut. Or-"

"No. This isn't- I'm not- You shouldn't- feel like you need to do this."

The girl giggled "Master, look at me." He did, he had been, how could he look away. "I'm so turned on for you. My nipples are hard for you already. I'm so wet, I'm dripping." Harry gulped, the breathless sensuality in her voice affecting him just as much as the content of her words "My body belongs to you, and it knows it. Feel it." She took his hand, and placed it on her breast. He could feel the goosebumps pebble on her skin, and hear her soft gasp.

"That is how my body reacts to you, to jus your touch, to being near you, to even you looking in my direction. It knows who it belongs to, who I belong to."

Harry didn't have the words, and the enticing feel of her soft breast in his hand was distracting enough, but what she was saying, it was hard to swallow. He didn't want to admit it, his sense of decency rejected it, but there was something about her that had part of him screaming to assert dominance and take her "How? Why?"

"You took me, Master. Claimed me, made me yours." She said

"I don't, I don't even remember doing that! I don't even know why I would do that!"

"It doesn't matter, master. It's the way things are, nothing can change it, not even you not remembering it." Beneath that breathlessness, there was a hidden passion. He could see it in her eyes, deeply, scarily intense. "We're bonded. I'm yours."

Despite his hesitance, his hand couldn't resist stroking her breast, his thumb toyed with her nipple, drawing another gasp from her. The beast inside him, the ravenous part of him that wanted to take her up on her offer and take and claim her was rising up, he just needed a little push "You want this? You like this?"

"Yes, master."

"You weren't forced or intimidated into it?"

"No! You would never, master."

"That's it. Stand up." Something in him snapped. The girl didn't hesitate to obey, whimpering breathily at his domineering tone. Standing revealed more of her to him, and he couldn't help the sharp intake of breath when he saw the tatoo on her lower abdomen Property of Harry Potter. He traced a finger over the tatoo in something akin to awe as Demelza whimpered at his touch. "You really do love this, pet." He said with satisfaction, she was soaked, dripping down her thighs.

"Turn around. I want to see all of you." She slowly turned on the spot, giving him time to admire her from each angle. When she turned back to face him, he observed her expression- the rapt focus, she was hanging on his every word. He remembered what Luna had done for him, how she'd affected his body. He could do the same now.

He stook up, still fully clothed, and touched a finger to her slit, simply willing her, demanding that she be more sensitive to his touch. "Uhhhn!" She moaned, splaying her legs and twitching her hips "Ahn! Ahn! Ahn!"

"Just one touch." He said "And you already can't help yourself. You're getting close, aren't you, pet?"

He slid his fingers through her folds, taking satisfaction as she began to shake and whimper. "Yes! Uh! Yes master! I'm close! I'm -ahh!- close! I'm gonna… gonna…"

"Don't." Her rapturous expression froze, her eyes going wide with shock.

"I… I can't?"

"Don't cum. Until I tell you to." Harry said, and willed it so. He moved behind her and whispered in her ear "I own you, right? I can do whatever I want to your body." His fingers continued to slide through her folds, while his other hand rubbed her breast.

"Y-yes." She stammered. "I-I-I- Oooooh." He zeroed in on her clit, and she squealed. Her knees buckled and it was only Harry's support that kept her on her feet as she leaned heavily into him.

He saw why Luna had enjoyed enhancing his pleasure and playing with him earlier… he loved her like this, so utterly susceptible to his every touch, completely at her mercy. "Oh god master its so much, its so much. I- gunna cum, gunna cum!" Yet she didn't cum, even as her body shuddered against his, even as she writhed and whined and squealed, release evaded her.

"Do you want me to stop?" He murmured.

She shook her head frantically. "Noooo." She moaned.

He released her, letting her fall to her knees, and circled around in front of her. "Hnng. Hnnng. Hnnng." She moaned softly, her body still trembling, over-sensitized, ringing with pleasure with no release valve. Harry began to slowly and deliberately undress, focusing on each item of clothing and taking his time. It was remarkable, seeing her get more and more worked up as he undressed, her moans becoming louder and more desperate, her breathing becoming heavier. When he finally revealed his cock, she let out a series of loud grunts, her eyes squeezing shut as her body tensed and arched spasmodically. She was trying to cum again, he realized, but she couldn't.

He cupped her jaw and forced her gaze back down to his cock. "Look at me." He said, echoing her earlier entreaty. She did indeed look at him, her eyes zeroing in on his manhood, glassed over with desire. "Do you want my cock, pet?" She moaned unintelligibly, so Harry followed up "Answer me, pet."

"Yesssss." She managed, and Harry shook his head.

"Surely, that's not the best you can do. Tell me what you want."

"Cock!" She grunted "Want cock! Please! Please!"

"That's more like it." He grinned while she continued to utter whimpering pleas. He silenced them with his cock, easing into her mouth, choking off whatever she was saying and replacing it with a low, guttural moan as her eyes rolled back.

She was so far gone that she had none of Luna's technique, so Harry just continued to thrust into her mouth, gently at first, but building up speed as he realized that she could take it. At one point he pulled out to check on her and she begged him to not stop. "More! More! Please, more!" He had sensitized her entire body, including her mouth. What he was doing to her was actually incredibly pleasurable to her, a sweet torment. And she liked a little torment.

He didn't hold back this time, using her mouth selfishly, thrusting as deeply as his cock ached to, and she took at all. "I'm gonna cum pet." He grunted "I'm gonna cum right down your throat. If you can take it all without spilling, you get to cum too."

She received that message loud and clear, judging by how her eyes bulged and her hands went to grip his arse, her nails stinging as the dug in. The sheer power and dominance he felt was a potent cocktail, something entirely different from his experiences with Ginny, Luna, and Hermione. He felt like a king, like a god, like he could do anything, like everything he wanted was his for the taking. And then he was coming, and he remembered.

He remembered everything.

He pumped string after string of his essence down her throat, and she took it all, accepting every drop of him, everything.

When he was done, he slumped back into the chair, shivering in pleasure. "Dem." He said, her eyes met him aswirl with emotion- surprise, love, desperation. "I remember. Thank you." Then after a moment "Cum."

The effect was instantaneous. One moment, she was shivering in his lap, the next she was screaming. Harry smiled in satisfaction, reclining back into his chair to admire Demelza as she came and quickly growing to hardness. He smirked slightly as an idea percolated through his head.

He'd been so… aggressive earlier because of his situation- he'd been trapped, helpless, not truly understanding his situation and largely powerless to help himself. Of course it had built up, Demelza had been the perfect release valve, the perfect way to assert control of the situation. Now, he didn't truly feel the need to assert dominance, he could savor it. Demelza's head was laying in his lap, her mouth agape as she moaned, it would be so easy to just…

He knit his hands through her hair guided her mouth back to his cock. Her moans grew more vigorous even as they were smothered, and her eyes rolled back as he pushed her onto his cock.

Right, he had made her body more sensitive, he could have some fun with this. He continued to guide her head gently with one hand, while his other slid down her body, cupping her breast and lightly pinching a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Demelza spasmed, emitting the closest equivalent to a scream that she could with a mouthful of cock. Oh yes, he was going to have fun with this.

He leisurely thrust his cock upwards, luxuriating in the sense of power he felt. "That's a good slut." He cooed, even though he wasn't sure she had the presence of mind to hear him. "Worship me."

Her orgasm continued for so long that eventually he reached his once more, but on a whim he decided to deny himself. Pully her mouth off his cock and letting her head rest on his thigh, so that her orgasm could finally work its way out of her system. Her eyes locked on his shaft, mere inches from her face, but she slowly began to calm down.

"How was it?" He asked her, when she seemed to reach a good point, where she was relaxed and happy rather than in the throes of pleasure.

It took her a moment to collect her thoughts, and when she did, her words were halting, as if her brain was still recalibrating. "The best."

"The best?" Harry asked with some fond amusement "Better than when we bonded?"

"The best I've ever had, master."

At that point, a truly wonderful awful idea occurred to him, and he just couldn't let it go. How far could he push it, he wondered? "Harder."

Demelza was confused "What?"

"Cum harder."

Her hands began to shake, a spark of fear in her eyes as something began to take her over. Harry met that fear with warm reassurance, and it was gone, replaced by trust and acceptance. An instant later, her entire body pulsed, as every muscle tensed simultaneously. She grunted, which was more of a consequence of the forced exhalation of air than anything.

As soon as the tension had entered her body, it left it, leaving her totally boneless. She was smiling a wide dopey smile, and her eyes stared glassily ahead, Harry doubted she was seeing anything at all. He felt a twinge of concern, wondering if he should call the whole thing off. He stood up and ran a hand through his hair, an anxious tic. It was then that he noticed that her eyes weren't staring straight ahead, they were following his cock. Huh.

Well, she seemed happy enough.

She clearly wasn't in any distress, he calmed himself, deciding to pick her up and take her to bed, content to just hold her close to his chest until she came back to herself. It would take a while, but eventually Demelza would jerk suddenly, as if being suddenly awoken. Her once placid expression grew wild, her pupils blowing out. She started shaking, as he clutched at Harry with trembling hands, gasping rapidly and emitting tiny, desperate whimpers. Harry just brought her closer to him, cradling her head beneath his chin as she slowly calmed down.

Her breathing steadied and her grip on him became more relaxed "How are you doing, Dem?" She didn't answer, so he pulled back to take a look at her… she was fast asleep.

His heart melted at the sight of her, She was just so adorable. She stirred, unconsciously squirming closer to him and making a noise of contentment. He just wanted to smother her with affection and pleasure, wanted to protect her and give her everything.

She'd helped him come back, all of them had. He'd been listless and lifeless until Ginny had reawakened his passion. He'd been charging out directionless until Hermione had shown him the façade of his fake life and gave him clarity of purpose. Then Luna had found him and showed him the wonder and joy of not merely existing but living. Finally, Demelza had come to him, and she'd given him control. He'd allowed him to reclaim his past, he was ready to claim his future. He burned to break out of this prison and seize the life that was waiting for him.

He reached out through the bond. He hadn't even know what to look for before he remembered how to reach out. But now that his memories were back, he could acutely feel the absence- the bond hadn't been torn out, but it had been stretched, deadened, and mangled.

He felt fury rise in him. How fucking dare they do this to them? Their bond was something special and sacred, the most beautiful magic any of them had ever experience how dare they mutilate it like this? Harry pushed out with his magic, forcing it into the dormant connections, and when it didn't give him the reaction he was looking for, he pushed harder.

Nothing was going to keep him from the people he loved.

The pressure built up, like he was pushing water into a clogged hose, but he didn't let up. Something had to give eventually, and it wouldn't be him. Just as the strain was beginning to become painful, he felt something.

It was Ginny. She'd felt him, and was reaching out from the other side. Then Hermione and Luna were joining her, and then Demelza. She stirred beside him in bed, looking up at him. "You can do it." She said "We're here with you, always. You can do anything."

He saw stars. The block gave way, his awareness of his bondmates returned with force, overwhelming him with sensation, almost like he was bonding with all four of them all over again. It was incredible and beautiful, but it was too much. The room melted away before him, and his awareness sooned followed.

He was free.