
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs


Something had been welling up inside of Ginny as Harry drove his cock into her. It was more than just physical pleasure. It was a force far beyond what she'd experienced. It was magic itself. It was love.

It was Harry.

When she came, she didn't just feel herself come. She could feel him. She could feel how wonderful his cock felt as he released himself inside of her. She could feel how much he wanted her, how desperately he loved her, how he'd do anything to make her happy. She could feel his magic surging within her, and she could feel something deeper, like his very essence entering her.

As long as she lived, she would never have a more intense experience. Her mind shorted out.

When she came to, she was on the floor, and a very worried (and mostly naked) Hermione was standing over her. "Ginny! Oh, thank god you're awake!" Hermione cried, but Ginny only heard her distantly, as if through water.

As she got her bearings, she became aware of another presence, intimately coiled up in her mind, or maybe even deeper. The last time she'd felt anything remotely like this, she'd been under the influence of Tom Riddle, but this couldn't be more different.

As if answering her thought, she felt a surge of protectiveness surge through her. I'll never let that happen again. It was Harry.


Gin. He answered, and alone with his words, a rush of emotion hit her. Adoration, respect, love, lust. That was what he associated with her name.


Ginny's mind leapt on that. She felt his desire for her, even now, after experiencing what might have been the strongest orgasm someone could experience. She could feel how he felt about her. How he thought about her body throughout the day. How he loved her breasts. Her strong thighs. Her flat stomach. Fuck.

She could feel his cock. Right now. It was hanging limp, but as she turned her attention to it already began to come to life. With growing awe and lust, Ginny felt what Harry felt as he became aroused.

She realized that Harry was exploring her as well. Right now, he was caught in a memory, well, a fantasy, she'd had in class that day. She'd imagined tying up Hermione, Luna, and Demelza and letting them service Harry's cock while she watched and fingered herself.

She hadn't really wanted Harry to know that fantasy, but she couldn't be bothered by it right now. She was feeling how his penis swelled, how intense the need to just reach down and stroke it was. She shuddered as he became fully erect, proudly jutting into the air.

How do boys get anything done? Ginny wondered, because the way it felt now was about to drive her mad. But then she realized it wasn't fully erect, not quite, because it pulsed again (so that's what it feels like when he twitches) and got harder. It truly was indescribable. His shaft pulsed with… with everything. Magic, so much raw need, and… and power.

Ginny cried out, and struggled to get to Harry, who was laying on the floor not even a foot away from her. She was still weak from the ritual, but she managed to drag herself towards him.

"Ginny! Are you even paying attention to anything I'm saying? Are you okay?" Hermione chided, but it didn't even register.

Oh god Ginny. Harry thought. You.. you… you. She could feel what he was trying to tell her. She was intoxicating. How he couldn't even fathom how much she lusted for him. He was just as affected by this as she was.

Need… need… need. Ginny managed, and Harry understood exactly what she needed. His cock, his pleasure, his orgasm. She never needed anything more in her life. Her arms shook and gave out. She could barely control her body, because all she was focused on was his.

Harry, with supreme effort, staggered to his feet. Hermione tried to talk to him, but he sort of just pushed her aside. He stumbled to Ginny, and she tilted her hips and spread her legs slightly, presenting herself to him. She realized that she'd never been this turned on in her life, and they hadn't so much as touched each other or themselves.

All they'd done was feel each other.

Harry lowered himself down on her, and Ginny realized she was sobbing with need. Please. Need. Need. Need.

Harry entered her. She felt the way his muscles tensed as he thrusted. She felt his need to penetrate, just as she felt her own deep need to be filled. His cock erupted in pure burning pleasure as her walls embraced his shaft. Just as he felt her pleasure- how she felt as he entered her- her pure ecstasy of being filled- hit him like a freight train.

His pleasure fed into hers. Hers fed into his. They both came after that one thrust. Harry was coming inside of her, and she was coming to. They descended into one magnificent, shared orgasm together.

Neither of them had any idea how long it had lasted, certainly longer than any orgasm they'd had before (aside from the one they just experienced during the ritual). Ginny hadn't even realized she was moaning until Harry had mentally noted how hot it was.

Harry had rolled over beside her, blissful satisfaction rolling over him as his cock softened. It felt absolutely wonderful, but while Harry might be in the grips of his refractory period, Ginny wasn't in quite the same place. As she came down from her orgasm, she wanted him even more desperately than before. Because she'd just felt him cum! She felt how he felt and it was bloody fantastic! She wanted to make him feel that again and again and again.

With a supreme focus she didn't even know she was capable of, Ginny rolled herself over and straddled Harry. Luv. She said I need you to get hard. With that statement, Ginny unlocked a part of her mind she instinctively kept hidden. The part of her that couldn't stop undressing Harry with her eyes, the part of her that thought about fucking him every time she saw him, the part of her that constantly fantasized about him, had considered begging him to fuck her, or even let her suck his cock throughout her third year. The part of her that was ravenous, the part of her that wanted to devour him, that wanted the devour his cock with her cunt.

She kept so many barriers up, so that she could act at least somewhat composed around him in public. But with them joined, the barriers were gone. Just as her desire for him flooded him, she too surrendered to it.

Harry spasmed beneath her, completely overwhelmed by the force of her desire for him. His cock instantly became hard. It was just as glorious as before, and Ginny wondered if she could just keep him constantly erect. And then, it felt even better, because he was coming.

Even as Harry moaned and his body quaked, only a small sting of cum dribbled out of his cock. The realization that Harry had cum from her thoughts alone was heady and empowering. Ginny tried her hardest to focus on exactly how Harry felt- how it felt as his cock contracted, pumping even when there was nothing left to pump, but she couldn't quite because she was coming too.

The sheer force of her lust was actually an asset, because despite being in the throes of orgasm, the power of her desire helped her focus on her body enough to drive herself onto Harry's cock.

They both screamed as another orgasm washed over the first one, but Ginny wasn't finished yet. She wanted more. Even as her focus faltered, her body picked up where her conscious mind left off. It was deep rooted, it was primal, she was rutting him.

At first, she was completely lost in her pleasure, but slowly she found a sort of detached awareness through it. She felt like she was in heat, like an animal that had been completely dominated by its urges and whose sole purpose was one thing, to fuck. She found that she couldn't stop her body's movements, and that even wanting to stop felt completely alien to her. She was looking down at Harry's body. She realized she was drooling, and that her cunt's juices were so copious that they had drenched Harry's midsection and were dripping onto the floor.

She looked up, staring at her tits. But wait, that wasn't her. That was Harry. But then they realized that there wasn't a difference anymore. At least in that moment, they couldn't really be described as two separate people anymore.

They were one body. Connected by a rod of pure pleasure that stretched from the base of their cock to deep within their cunt. They were one mind, equally enthralled in the way their breasts bounced and the way their sweat created a sheen on their muscled chest. They were one heart, filled with desire and love.

They weren't quite sure why they stopped, or what broke the connection, but then suddenly Ginny was Ginny and Harry was Harry again- albeit with intimate awareness of each other's minds and body.

Ginny had collapsed onto Harry's chest, and soon after realizing that, she realized that she was in pain. Her abs and legs were sore and cramped from exertion, she could feel bruises on her thighs, where their bodies were colliding. She felt bruises from where Harry's hands had dug into her hip. And then there was the chafing. OW! FUCK!

An instant later, she realized Harry was going through exactly the same set of pains. Chafing, soreness, bruising. Merlin, how long had they been fucking?

"Are you quite done?" Hermione asked irately as the two groaned in pain.

"Err" Harry spoke, wincing at how raw his voice was "I think so?" The question was internally lobbed to Ginny who agreed that yes, she was physically incapable of continuing further.

"It's been two hours since we got here, so it's just short of three o'clock." Hermione informed them without prompting. So that was where that wantonness had gone Ginny mused, two hours of them fucking had probably gotten old for Hermione. Not for us, apparently. Harry added.

"I asked Dobby to get water and food- set out in the library of course. I take it you two aren't in any shape to move quite yet?" She asked dryly.

Harry shook his head. "Sore." To say the least.

Hermione's agitation broke. "I bet." She smirked. "I can prepare some restoratives for you tomorrow, but we do need to get you two up to bed before morning."

They eventually, after several hours of recuperation and liberal applications of numbing charms, managed to stumble back to their dorms. It was a painful process, but they couldn't get caught out of bed. Dumbledore would immediately know what had happened, if he didn't already know.

You know, this is the first time I've been around you without wanting to have sex with you since… the chamber.

Don't even start. Harry grumbled. I don't trust ourselves to not somehow get worked up again.

Trust me, we're both in extreme pain. I don't see us having sex again until at least lunchtime.

"You guys really need to tell me what the hell happened back there." Hermione told them, once they got back to a deserted common room. "Later of course. Go sleep. I'll cover for you."

When they got to bed, they both fell into a dreamless sleep almost instantly.