
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Livros e literatura
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81 Chs

Hummingbird Heartbeat

It really was quite fascinating, Hermione mused, swishing the vial in her hand absently. The milky white contents within had been preserved by a stasis charm Hermione had enchanted the vial with, so she had no fear of it losing its magical properties or going bad.

She'd collected Harry's semen on a whim, but she had had a germ of an idea when she did it. The fact was, semen (and particularly Harry's semen) was magically active. This wasn't surprising, after all pretty much any part of a witch or wizard's body contained magic. There were plenty of dark rituals that used blood, for instance. However, semen was far more magically potent than the other fluids the body produced, and more so than nearly any common potion ingredient.

If she hadn't known more about wizarding society, it would have been surprising that no one had investigated this fact before, let alone taken advantage of it. Hermione was certain, though, that there would be many uses for a wizard's… semen.

So she had hit the books. What she needed was alchemy. Determining the magical properties of something was no simple feat, and was rarely done in modern times due to the simple fact that the process had already been completed for nearly everything. The last notable alchemical project was Dumbledore and Flamel's work on dragon blood.

Thankfully, she wasn't going into this completely blind. She'd done 'a bit of light reading' on Alchemy during her first year after they had discovered the identity of Nicolas Flamel. Still, it was quite a task, not one that could be undertaken in a few days.

"Studying for exams?"

Hermione startled at Luna's interruption. "Err, no, actually. I was reading up on alchemy."

"Oh, good. You used to take school far too seriously." Luna replied casually "Some of the girls in Ravenclaw thought that having sex would give you a much more balanced outlook on life." She cocked her head "Though they didn't quite put it that way. I wasn't inclined to believe them- they'd often fallen victim to Farcity Fallout in the past, but in this case it seems they were quite right."

"Er, thanks?"

Luna took a seat across from her. Hermione wasn't quite sure of what to make of the blonde. It wasn't that she didn't like her, it was just that she was so difficult to connect with. Ginny and Harry seemed to easily brush aside her… oddities, but she still found it difficult to find common ground with her.

"Is that Harry's?" Luna asked abruptly, gesturing to the vial still in Hermione's palm.

"Who's else would it be?" Hermione responded, though she immediately regretted the snappish response. If she wanted to build bridges with Luna, she might as well start now. "Er, yes, it is. I, uh, collected it a few days ago. I think it could be useful as a potion ingredient, or part of other rituals, but I'd need to determine its magical properties first."

Luna's eyes gleamed eagerly "Wow, that's sounds really neat!" She burst out "You know, dad was always interested in that kind of thing, but he never would publish it. He wants the Quibbler to be a family friendly magazine after all."

"Oh, what kind of things have you heard, Luna?" Hermione asked, not expecting a useful answer.

"Well, semen was commonly used by early magical communities. Back before the statute of secrecy, when things were much less…"

"Formal?" Hermione suggested.

"Sure." Luna agreed "It fell out of favor sometime around 1000 A.D. Funnily enough, that was around when the ICW was founded. They must have suppressed it, just like they did with a lot of old magic."

Hermione's widened at the information, if it was accurate (knowing Luna, it was a tossup), it could be a lead, or at least a sign she was going in the right direction. Unfortunately, any further conversation was cut off by Susan entering the room.

"Girls." She announced, her tone was apocalyptic "We have a problem. They know, the entire school knows."

"Knows what?" Hermione demanded.

"What do you think?" Susan jibed "That we're all shagging Harry, of course!"

"That's inconvenient." Luna noted, sounding mildly perturbed.

Hermione froze in panic. "But that means…"

"Yeah. Dumbledore will know what's up for sure. Where are Harry and Ginny?"

Hermione blushed. "Er, in the Quidditch changing rooms, with Katie and Demelza." She contemplated letting him know through the link, but didn't want to ruin their fun. Still, Harry would react much better to hearing it from them than finding out from some random person in the hall. "I don't want to interrupt." She said simply "But..."

"Oooh! What are they doing?" Luna asked excitedly "Does it feel good?"

At the question, Hermione inadvertently focused on the physical sensations coming from Harry. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Hermione instantly lost cohesion. Her cheeks flushed and her eyelids fluttered shut as she let out a long, low moan. "Uhhhhhhhng, so good."

Luna's eyes glittered "What's he doing?" She asked eagerly. "Tell me everything!" Her voice turned unexpectedly naughty.

"Fucking Demelza." The brunette said crudely. "His cock. It's inside her. She's so warm and soft, around him. It's sooo, uhng!" She grunted as her hand pressed through her skirt onto her crotch, her hips tilting forward instinctively.

Susan's face was completely red, she was more than a tad surprised at how quickly the bookworm of Gryffindor had gotten… distracted. She also couldn't help the tinge of envy, but was consoled that she'd soon be bonded to Harry as well. Still, she was there for a reason, and it wasn't to watch her friend get off. Susan stepped forward and snapped her fingers in Hermione's face. "Hey! Aren't you forgetting something?"

Hermione startled, her expression becoming lucid once more, before shifting rapidly to embarrassment. "Er, right. Sorry." She mumbled. She shook her head slightly, as if trying to clear it. "I need a moment." She said, her voice strained.

After several deep breaths, Hermione began to regain her composure "The connection is a bit difficult to manage sometimes. Its easy to get sucked in." She explained, her voice shifting into lecture mode. "Now then, I suppose we should meet them outside the changing rooms."

"It'll be like a club meeting!" Luna chimed, as Susan nodded her agreement. Hermione leapt into action, packing her books away, grimacing at how disorganized she was being.

"Liber stipare." At Luna's spell, Hermione's books and papers flew into her bag, organizing themselves neatly.

Hermione shook her head, in her haste, she'd forgotten she could do magic. "Right." She recovered "Let's go."


Quidditch practice had never been such an ordeal to get through. Being in close proximity to so many people he had such confused feelings about was wearing on him.

Ron's feelings, if anything, had become more erratic since his breakup with Lavender. He hadn't been proud of how that had happened. Letting Lavender (and by extension) the while school know about Harry's… relationships, was a constant source of guilt for him. But guilt wasn't the only thing he was struggling with.

He'd wanted to tell Harry, before he found out on his own, but he didn't see a way of doing that without admitting that he'd spied on him. He didn't know if he could bear Harry's reaction to that… let alone Hermione or Ginny's.

And guilt, he was somewhat embarrassed to admit to himself, was far from the only thing welling up inside him. It'd already been hard enough to shut out the look of pure ecstasy on Hermione's face from when he had walked in on her and Harry. No, now he had to deal with picturing Katie and Demelza naked whenever he saw them. Even more disturbing were the occasional thoughts of Ginny, his own sister, that occasionally slipped through.

The night after the breakup, Ron had been awakened by a noise.

It was Hermione.

One of them must have miscast the silencing charm in the heat of the moment, because what he was hearing was oddly muffled.

Hermione Granger, the rule follower, the prude of Gryffindoor, was sneaking into the boy's dormitory for a shag. Jealousy once again bubbled up- had Hermione always been so slutty? Would he have been the beneficiary of it if he'd just grown a pair and made a move first? Maybe she would have put out for him if he had asked her to the Yule Ball?

"'Mione." Harry murmured "Tell me what you need."

"Stop fucking teasing me and just fuck me! Please!" Her voice was frustrated, with desperation creeping in as she continued. Ron fervently wished he could see what was going on, but as it was, he was left to his imagination to fill in the gaps. What was Harry doing to her to get her so desperate? His cock was twitching ardently in his boxers, needier than it had been seeing Harry with the quidditch girls in the locker room, but with supreme effort he resolved not to touch himself. In his current state he'd probably shoot off almost instantly, and he wanted to enjoy this.

Hermione had begun whimpering, and Ron could hear a soft shlick shlick in the background. Finally, the brunette broke "Oh please Harry! Cock! I need your cock! Whatever you want, just- FUCK!"

Ron's resolve to not touch himself lasted all of ten seconds. Once Hermione began begging, he couldn't help but take himself and hand and jerk off furiously. Hermione's ecstatic cry as Harry undoubtedly plunged his cock in was like a lightning bolt straight to Ron's cock. He stifled a moan as his cock twitched in hand, spilling cum across his chest and stomach. It was one of the best orgasms Ron had ever had, and it left him sapped of all energy. He couldn't even muster the strength to clean himself.

Instead, he just listened as Harry continued to fuck Hermione. Harry's grunts of exertion were almost completely drowned out by Hermione's moans of "Oh! OH! Uhn YES! YES! Oh fuck Harry! CUMMING!" seemed to be in synch with the slap of skin on skin and the subtle wet sounds of fucking. Ron imagined what Hermione must look like at the moment. He hadn't seen nearly as much of her as Ginny, Katie, and Demelza, just a good look at her bare legs when he'd walked in on her and Harry. He remembered the look of ecstasy on her face, but even then she hadn't sounded like this.

"Oh, Hermione, love. I'm getting close." Harry moaned. Ron had no idea how Harry had hung on for so long while shagging a girl, but it seemed even he had his limit. He was surprised, however, when Hermione began to beg him again, this time for his cum.

"Oh, yes Harry. Cum in me. Cum in me!" Her words lit Ron on fire, and his tired cock twitched back to life. He was so sensitive from his previous orgasm that this time he couldn't stifle his moan as he started stroking himself again. It took almost no time for him to get to edge.

He came with a quiet groan, as Harry and Hermione's euphoric voices echoed in his ear.

Ron was drawn from his thoughts suddenly as Katie punted the quaffle through the left hoop. He'd completely lost focus and let her get a free shot! The taunting smile she gave him was infuriating, even as it was surprisingly alluring.

He couldn't help but wonder if there was going to be a repeat performance after this practice. He was blushing now, but hopefully everyone would think it was from exertion. He knew he absolutely shouldn't be thinking about trying to sneak another peak.

No, there were a dozen reasons why he shouldn't. But, there was one, very pressing reason why he wanted to.


Quidditch practice had been a workout, as usual, and Katie gave it her all. If asked, she would say she was pushing hard for the final quidditch match of the season, against Ravenclaw, that was just next week. She would be lying, of course, and an uncomfortably large fraction of the quidditch team would know exactly why.

She was horny. That was hardly a novel problem, and she had toys and boys willing to help her solve it. The problem wasn't of kind, but of intensity. Part of it was the endorphin rush of flying and physical activity, part of it was the feel of her broom between her legs, even through cushioning charms, but most of it was Harry. She'd had this idea in her mind that Harry was still the cute innocent boy she'd met in her second year. It wasn't until she was seeing him in all his glory that she realized she'd been ignoring all of the obvious signs that he most definitely wasn't.

Harry Potter was bloody hot, his raven locks, striking emerald eyes, and handsome features were the talk of the school, but most girls didn't know about the lithe muscles of his arms, chest, and torso, and the certainly didn't know about his cock.

She had seen her fair share of cocks. On the small side was Colin Creevey's two inch little thing. The poor boy had been sitting dejected in the corner of the common room after what had apparently been a bad experience with Demelza. Katie had taken pity on him and taken him to a broom cupboard.

She hadn't really minded his size, it was actually kind of cute, and it'd be loads easier to blow him, but what was unfortunate was that he came mere seconds after her fingers had begun stroking him. Katie had had him eat her out, and Colin was very enthusiastic, eager to make up for his other issues. With some coaching he was able to make her cum, which she heaped praise on him for. He was hard at that point, so Katie decided to return the favor- though she'd barely taken him into her mouth before he came again.

Ironically, the largest cock she'd had was an even worse experience. Ryan Baldwin had been hung like a stallion, and it had hurt so much that Katie had to call it off at the first thrust.

No, Harry's was perfect. Slightly above average in length and quite girthy, it seemed perfectly proportioned to make her mouth (and pussy) water. What's more, he knew how to use it. The fucking he'd given her was hands down the best she'd ever had- deep and thorough, passionate and intense- she hadn't been lying when she had said it felt like her ovaries had exploded.

And then he'd managed to one up himself. As she had straddled his face, Katie hadn't been expecting anything to top that magnificent cock, and at first it seemed she was accurate. Harry was good, but it wasn't the best cunnilingus she'd ever had. But Harry was a fast learner- he must have been paying careful attention to her reactions and responses, because it hadn't taken him long to figure out what made her tick.

He learned so fast! Soon, he'd been wringing orgasm after orgasm from her body, and it was all she could do to not fall off. She had doubled over, unable to support herself and soon it was only Harry's hands that were keeping her aligned with his mouth.

The rest of the day had been a daze. All she really remembered was not being able to take her eyes off Harry at dinner, and the almost taunting looks Ginny kept sending her way. She had felt almost as bad as Demelza had looked in those following days. She'd even gone so far as to shag one of the blokes she'd dated in the past- they'd gotten intimate once, but the experience had been enough to turn her off from trying again. Now, she was just desperate to give it a go. She gave no warning- she'd just shoved him into a random broom cupboard and had her way with him. Unfortunately he had a terrible sense of timing with his thrusts, so she cast a sticking charm at the wall, pressed him into it and more or less used him as a human dildo while imagining that she was shagging Harry.

It hadn't helped, not really. As soon as she caught sight of the raven haired seeker, grinning and joking with Ginny and Luna, the frustration was back. Because she didn't want meaningless sex with a random bloke in a broom cupboard. She wanted Harry.

And god did she want him. It was driving her around the twist, and she was sure she was being more than a little harsh with her teammates in her sexual frustration.

"Oi Weasley! Work on having better stamina in the pitch, since you clearly have none in bed." It was particularly cruel throwing that particular rumor in Ron's face but she didn't feel guilty, seeing as how he was being a class A prat to Harry (and she was certain now that it was all jealousy over the amount of sex Harry was having). Ron had turned puce and charged her, but when Harry broke them up he had refused to repeat what she had said.

She lobbed more than a few comments at Demelza, the most effective of which was when Katie had simply asked what had happened to her knickers. Her 'reign of terror' came to an end when Ginny had gotten one over her over the quaffle and Katie had jibed "I'll get back at you for that, when Harry's moaning my name after practice."

"Oh please." Ginny had responded with utmost confidence "We both know that ten minutes with Harry will leave you a drooling mess. I get that you're horny and frustrated, but you really shouldn't take it out on the rest of us." She paused for a moment, before adding "Besides, Demelza has dibs."

"What about when they went off before practice?" Katie queried.

"Harry ate her out, if you must know." Ginny smirked "And he's promised to fuck her after practice, so you'll have to get in line."

Katie felt shame well up within her. Ginny was absolutely right, and what's more Katie couldn't bear get in between Demelza and her first real time with Harry. It simply wasn't right, especially with how strung out Demelza had been the past few days- she was quite ready to burst, the poor girl.

So Katie stopped after that, and refocused on flying- the rush of the wind in her hair, the feel of the broom between her legs, vibrating with latent energy…

Fuck, it was going to be a long practice.


Harry hadn't needed Ginny's input to guess that all three chasers were waiting for him in the girl's locker room. Demelza had quite the incentive to be there, after all, Katie had been stealing glances at him the entire practice, and Ginny… well he knew her better than to think she'd want to miss this.

Katie was doing her best to make it look like she hadn't been waiting for him, and that he had merely coincidentally caught her in her current state- with a foot planted on the bench, as she slid her leggings down her legs, leaving her only in her bra and knickers. She was fit, perhaps even moreso than Ginny, and it showed in her toned legs, lean stomach, and tight arse. Her façade of indifference was shattered once she turned to him.

It was the small things that gave it away- the way her breath hitched, or how her eyes flickered down to his crotch and then back up his body, the tremble of her hand as she pressed it against her inner thigh. That was even before he got to how she was practically posing for him, and the obvious damp spot on her knickers. All things Harry might very well have missed before, but thanks to Ginny and Hermione's insight into the female gender, he was acutely aware of now.

Harry would have said that Katie was practically begging him to fuck her with her body language, but that would do disservice to Demelza, who literally was begging him to fuck her. Demelza… Demelza was on her knees, presenting her naked body to him, the picture of submissiveness.

"Hey Dem." Harry said warmly "Are you ready for your reward?"

"No, sir." Demelza said, surprising him "I mean, I want to, uh, service you, please."

"Service me?" It took a moment for Harry to catch her meaning "Dem, you don't…" He paused, thinking about it.

Let her do it. Ginny urged. Then give her the good hard fucking she deserves.

Demelza just looked up at him hopefully, and that really, was what did it. "Alright." Harry conceded. Harry began to undress, and he was acutely aware of all three girl's eyes on him. He knew exactly where Ginny's lustful gaze was focused, and expected as much from her. The redhead had stripped completely, and had her legs spread shamelessly as she stroked herself.

Katie too, was staring at him hungrily, her tongue swiping over her lips in anticipation. The hand she had placed on her thigh was on the move, seemingly of its own accord, and soon was rubbing at her panties, where a damp spot was forming.

Demelza, though, had the strongest reaction by far. By the time Harry had completely undressed, she was gazing up at him almost worshipfully. Normally, he'd be annoyed by that kind of treatment- because normally that sort of fanaticism was about things that he felt he didn't deserve the credit for, or were things utterly tragic (and usually both at the same time). However, he knew Demelza wasn't caressing his cock in her shaking hand because of his fame. He knew she didn't let out a breathy moan as she touched his shaft for the first time because of his bloody scar. He was able to revel in Demelza's attentions because he knew they were for him, not his celebrity image. He had seduced her, he had teased her, she was horny and desperate for him.

"Oh my god." Demelza breathed as she began to stroke his cock.

"Not what you expected, huh?" Katie said knowingly.

"Its so soft…" Demelza murmured in seeming awe.

"Excuse me?" Harry asked with mock indignation. Prompting giggles from Ginny and Katie, while Demelza backpedaled.

"I mean. In my books, it's always 'he was as hard as iron' or whatever. And you are, but…"

"Things are a little different than erotica you read would lead you to believe." Katie told her, almost nurturing. "A boy's penis isn't some sort of club, it's an organ- firm, yet the skin is soft, and very sensitive."

Demelza had actually turned her head to look at Katie as she said this, and was now regarding her with quite a bit of deference. "Go on, keep stroking him." Katie encouraged. Demelza startled and quickly resumed her attentions.

"Every bloke's different, some like to be stroked more firmly, some less. Just let his reactions guide you." Katie instructed.

Ginny, while all too happy to let this dynamic play out, had to put in "He likes it a tad firmer… there!" She sighed as Demelza tightened her grip just slightly "Uhng, that's good."

Katie shot Ginny a slightly confused look, but filed that bit of strangeness away for later. "But stroking him off wasn't what you actually had in mind, was it?" Katie asked rhetorically.

"No." Demelza whispered.

"You know, giving oral can be quite pleasurable in its own right. Isn't that right, Harry?" He wasn't sure if she was referencing the time he'd spent with his head between Katie's thighs (which indeed was a wonderful experience) or if she knew about what he and Demelza had done earlier. Either way, Harry was inclined to agree "Absolutely."

"Enjoying it mostly isn't about the physical sensations. It's about the experience. Dem, I want you to smell him." On the face of it, it was an odd request, but his link with Ginny gave him some insight into the logic behind it.

Demelza leaned in and hummed as she took in his scent "He smells… good. How?"

"Well, it's all about compatibility. If you have chemistry with a bloke, then his scent is like… instant turn on. Of course, if you're a poor fit, it's not so peachy keen. So, what does he smell like to you?"

"Like… Harry. And sex. And-and he smells like… like."

"Like a man." Katie finished knowingly. "Go ahead, you know you want to."

At this point Demelza had her faced pressed against his length, so it was a simple matter to press a kiss against him, and another, and another. Then she swiped her tongue up his length, circling around the head and then taking it into her mouth with a moan.

She was enthusiastic as she bobbed up and down. Perhaps she was a bit too enthusiastic, because it wasn't long until her teeth had scratched against Harry's sensitive flesh. He gave a sharp hiss at the pain, and Demelza pulled back instantly, looking apologetic and pleading.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She began, but Harry silenced her with a finger to her lips.

"It's alright. It was your first time. Mistakes happen." He assured her, cupping her cheek with his hand.

"Well, you're rather on the small side, so you might have a bit more trouble with that particular problem." Katie added ruefully "And it looks like you were a touch too eager. Just relaxing a bit would probably help. Like this-"

Katie stepped forward and knelt on one knee, grabbed his cock by the base and swallowed him with ease. Harry shuddered as her mouth glided downwards quickly and easily. She was good. His toes curled and his hands went to her shoulders for balance as she demolished his composure in seconds. She was very good. As she drew back, Harry couldn't bite back a moan.

Katie looked ready to dive right back in, judging by the gleam in her eye and how she was licking her lips. But instead she turned back to Demelza "He tastes delicious too, doesn't he?"

"Yeah." Demelza agreed, though most of her attention was focused on Harry- captivated by his reaction to Katie. Her goal was now clear in her mind; get Harry to react like that.

So she dutifully tried again, this time making sure to relax her jaw. It wasn't so much that she was sucking his cock, more like his cock was penetrating her mouth. She slowly slid down his shaft, taking as much of it as she could and all the while looking up at Harry, searching for a reaction.

Katie had no doubt done a whole lot more than just relax, but Demelza was just happy she hadn't bit him, and wasn't confident enough to use her tongue creatively or use suction without accidentally nipping him again.

She continued to bob up and down slowly, allowing herself to become accustomed to his girth, until Harry seemed to lose patience and gripped her head, weaving his fingers through her hair. Demelza felt an undeniable rush of heat in her core as he began to guide her. At first simply urging her on, but soon controlling her movements entirely, and then just holding her head still as he moved his hips.

Oh Merlin, he was fucking her mouth, just like she'd imagined he would. She moaned around his cock, and her pussy throbbed desperately as a new wave of her arousal started trickling down her thighs. The world fell away; it was just the taste and smell of him- so intoxicating- and the feel of his cock as he used her mouth for his pleasure.

Until, that is, he pulled back suddenly. Demelza swayed on the spot as she tried to regain her bearings.

Godric, she'd almost came from him fucking her face, and judging by the look of him she would have beaten him over the edge. This was supposed to be about serving him, not getting her own rocks off!

"Please, Sir. You don't have to stop. I can take it harder, I can take more." She wasn't certain about that, but she was at her wits end at the moment.

"I'd bet you can. But right now, I'd rather take you."

Demelza's thought process froze at Harry's proclamation. It barely registered as Harry pulled her up, and she didn't even think to resist as he laid her across the bench. He parted her thighs, slick with her arousal, and asked her "Are you ready?"

Demelza responded with an unintelligible whimper. Not good enough. He chuckled "What was that? No?"

That got through her senses "No! I mean YES! Please sir! I-uhhhhhng!"

He pressed into her, and her body offered no resistance to the invasion. Her folds parted for him easily, and she was so wet he practically glided as he pressed deeper. Demelza threw her head back, mouth wide open but only emitting a soft, strangled groan and a trickle of drool as Harry penetrated deeper into the most vulnerable and sensitive part of her.

He hilted himself inside her. Demelza had never felt so filled - he was so thick. It was a level of satisfaction that she hadn't even realized was possible- having him inside of her and his strong arms encasing her. She never wanted it to end. So when he began to pull out she couldn't stifle to whimper of disappointment.

"Oh Dem" He purred "I own you now."

And with that, he let loose. Gone was the teasing, the measured touches and restraint. Harry was fucking her. He was ramming his cock into her with a speed and strength she could never hope to achieve. She was no match for him, she'd barely even been able to maintain herself when he was slowly easing himself in. Now that he was unleashed, she didn't stand a chance.

She shrieked and yelped, panted and drooled as he utterly destroyed her with his cock. He drew orgasm after orgasm from her with only the occasional assistance from his fingers against her clit (brushing lightly, he'd learned already).

He stopped and turned her over so that she was on her knees, pussy displayed to him. He cupped her womanhood and growled "Mine."

"Yours." Demelza echoed like a prayer, and then he took her again. In this position, she was completely submissive to him. He had her pinned and even if she could summon to fortitude and coordination to lift herself up, he would easily be able to press her back down. She was being fucked like a bitch, he had turned her into a drooling bitch and she loved it.

Before long, his voice, harsh with exertion, was in her ear. "Dem. I'm gonna cum in your pussy. You want my cum Dem?" Oh god yes she did.

"Yess." She moaned back "Seed me. Give me your seed master!" She was more than a little shocked with herself for referring to him as 'master'. True, she had referred to Harry as that a few times internally during her 'sessions' the past few nights, but never verbally.

She couldn't regret it, however, because she knew as soon as it left her lips that it felt right. Moreover, when he heard it, he growled in her ear and his thrusting went into overdrive. His cock suddenly felt impossibly harder and it was only a few more thrusts before he moaned "Oh god, Dem. Fuck!"

She'd lost track of how many times she came, but know that he was cumming inside of her was like throwing gasoline on the fire. She was screaming, he was moaning in her ear, and her pussy was grasping desperately at his shaft, as if to draw cum from it. It didn't need the help, with each thrust, Harry buried himself deep within her and his cock injected load after load of semen deep in her core.

Dean may have been the boy to take her virginity, but Harry had done him one better. He'd taken her body, and given her pleasure beyond measure. He planted his seed deep inside of her, and it felt as if he'd planted a flag. It felt as if he'd left part of himself deep within her, and claimed her.

Demelza slumped back against the bench, wearing a blissed out expression. Harry spent a full minute tending to her, stroking her hair tenderly and kissing her cheek and temple while whispering words to her that Katie could not hear. It was clear that she was no longer in the position to participate in their rendezvous, which suited Katie just fine.

She hadn't felt so desperate for a cock in… well quite a while. Maybe not since the time that she had both Fred and George naked for her- it had been her first threesome and they were both quite good looking. She believed that Angelina and Alicia were now sharing them or something like that, based on their comments when they'd last met up over the holidays.

When Harry finally pulled back from Demelza, Katie's eyes were drawn to his cock, still mostly hard and glistening with Demelza's arousal. She grunted as her hand, which had been not so subtly rubbing at her panties, pressed down on her clit. She realized then that no, she hadn't been this desperate in even longer, not since her first relationship.

The guy she'd been with had been quite talented in bed, and he knew it. She'd been young, naïve, and completely blown away with her first experience with sex. He'd used it, used her. She'd been so… cock drunk, that she'd gone along with all of his bullshit, letting him fuck her on the side while he had a girlfriend all along.

It had all fallen apart, of course, and Katie had been so ashamed of herself. But pandora's box had been opened, and Katie couldn't just go back to being celibate. So she decided to take control. No guy would use her like that, because she wouldn't let them, she'd use them.

But Harry… Harry had a way of disarming her. Any other guy, she could enjoy and discard at her leisure, but not Harry. Perhaps that was truly why she'd never gone after him. Not because he was too innocent, or the timing was never right, but because she knew deep down that she was weak to him, that it never could be just sex.

Katie was paralyzed as Harry advanced on her sporting that lopsided grin of his. His hand had gone to his cock and had firmly stroked it- not so much for the pleasure of it, but to bring it back to hardness. Truly, his cock was as fine a specimen as she had ever seen… felt… tasted. She licked her lips.

It was at that point that several things happened.

From the entrance, she heard a distant 'Oh my god.'. Harry froze, as he too realized, thanks to Hermione, that something was amiss. A moment later, Hermione rounded the corner, her wand raised, the tip already glowing with a dull red light before she hissed "Incarcerous"

The spell shot towards them, but was intercepted by what had seemed like empty air, neutralizing the disillusionment charm, revealing for everyone in the room the unwelcome sight of Ron Weasley.