
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Livros e literatura
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81 Chs

Hate Me

"You… don't… ever get tired?" Ron panted.

"Not this time of the month." Daphne muttered, while her neck was flushed and sweat beaded on her brow, she wasn't nearly as bad off as the redhead trailing behind her. "I go fucking stir crazy. If I don't run, I might just tear the place apart."

An apartment was no place for a werewolf, Ron acceded, and Daphne took her frustrations with her living situation out in the evenings when she went on blistering runs through a nearby park. Ron had made the mistake of joining her this particular evening, and ended up having to slow to a walk on the final leg. He'd honestly expected her to go on without him, but to his surprise she'd slowed down… just so she could bicker with him.

"Giving up, Weasley?" Daphne redirected "Want me to carry you back?"

She drove him mental, but it was also kind of nice. "You wish!" He shot back unthinkingly, and Daphne eyebrow quirked at the mental picture that provoked. Ron wasn't sure what to think of the way the corner of her mouth curled up as she regarded him.

Still, he could see that she was pulsing with pent up energy, probably itching to blaze through the last of her course. So Ron gamely mustered his energy and pushed onward. Perhaps mercifully, she didn't tease him about his slower pace… at least not much.

"C'mon you doofus. I'd rather not have you collapse, not when we're so close. It'd be annoying."

"Yeah." Ron said breathlessly "Clearly you'd be the real victim there."

Two showers later, and it was normally the time when Ron would be considering returning to the Burrow for dinner. However, that thought was put aside when the floo activated- Remus' head appearing in the fireplace.

Daphne, now looking much more at ease, took the lead in the conversation, but Ron quickly found that it was about a topic he was quite familiar with. Harry's crew were working on Pansy, and who better to figure the girl out than her roommate?


Normally, Auror Tonks wouldn't have much in the way of business on the top level of the Ministry of Magic, and would have been turned away as soon as the elevator doors opened… unless the situation was truly dire, like Death Eaters invading the Ministry, or something.

However, Tonks had her new 'Advisor to the Minister' badge, which she happily flashed to the aid who attempted to pester her. She didn't say a word to Scrimgeour as she handed Harry's note to him. He knew very well that there was only one reason that she would be visiting him. To his credit, the Minister didn't hesitate in setting aside his paperwork in favor of the letter.

After reading the contents of the letter he looked up to Tonks, his face inscrutable. "This is… promising. I assume that you will be on the auror team?"

Tonks nodded "Yes, and I have a few others in mind. Though I understand that Harry and Susan are worried about this leaking."

"I'm sure you do. I think you and a few other aurors have been working very hard recently. Why not take a break Friday morning, meet up at Diagon Alley? No need to file a report about a social outing, after all." The old auror winked.


With the excuse of putting on a façade for Pansy, Harry was now finding it impossible to pry his amorous women away from him. They'd always held back a bit for Gabby's sake, but now the risk of getting caught was no longer a barrier, it was an incentive. That bit of encouragement was all they needed to remove all restraints. It reminded him of his position as his birthday orgy had concluded, drowning in pussy.

That first day, Pansy had indeed walked by the door when he and Susan were shagging. Susan had immediately kicked it up a notch, screaming his praises to high heaven. "Oh Merlin YES! YES! GIVE ME THAT COCK! FUCK ME HARD HARRYYYY!" Harry had done as he was told, and soon his grunts and the slap of their bodies were also audible in the room beneath Susan's screams.

Either Susan was secretly an exhibitionist, or the screaming helped her along, because she came rather quickly, and Harry found himself playing catch up, coming belatedly with a few soft moans. As he came down, Susan had whispered in his ear. "You should have moaned louder, you know how hot it is for girls."

Harry did know, but it was one thing letting loose like that with people he trusted, it was another thing entirely moaning like that for Pansy. The coven ended up being somewhat split on this, Hermione and Demelza felt the same way, neither fully comfortable with Pansy's presence.

Luna, however, found it fun- coming up with wild things to scream while with him. She'd begun roleplaying scenarios that Harry could really only follow because he was linked to her. They usually involved himself being some sort of magical being- often ones that didn't seem to exist. Thankfully, fairies, incubi, and high elves were all excellent lovers in Luna's opinion.

Ginny had even fewer scruples. Her mind had immediately gone to engineering a scenario where Pansy would walk in on them. Harry first instinct was discomfort at the idea, but as he met Ginny's eyes it all fell away. This was how he found himself reclining in an armchair in the sitting room, with Ginny blissfully grinding in his lap. The redhead had never found it difficult to cum with him, but as Harry had come into his own- grown more confident, experienced, and powerful- she'd become increasingly hair trigger for him.

Their 'explorations' with Fleur had only intensified this, and Ginny found that perhaps the best sex she'd ever had was with Harry right after she watched him with Fleur. They were wickedly hot together. Not only did Fleur's teasing turn her on like nothing else, but when Harry finally returned to her it made the experience all the sweeter- like coming home mixed with eating a feast after being famished all day.

Ginny found that exhibition tickled her fancy as well, and when she realized that Pansy had frozen in the doorway, and was now staring at the scene with wide eyes, she felt a thrill more potent than even the feel of Harry's hands caressing her back or his mouth teasing her nipple. She felt triumphant, because she had something that Pansy would never ever have, and she wanted to flaunt it.

"Oh, yes! Yes! YES!" She exalted, throwing her head back. "Your cock! So good! So fucking good, luv!" To emphasize her words, she pulled her hips up and let him slip free of her briefly, just long enough to give Pansy a glimpse of him before slamming her hips back home. Ginny let herself cry out freely as she came, knowing that every orgasm would only serve to fuel Pansy's jealousy, and made sure to pepper in as much praise for Harry, his body and his prowess as was reasonable. That was until Harry, his patience spent, flipped them over and set his own, much more vigorous pace

This was not the plan, but all thoughts of the plan had gone out the window for them both. Ginny only remembered much later, when she and Harry had collapsed together, cuddling and basking in the afterglow. She looked over and saw Pansy, still standing in the doorway. She was flushed and her breathing was heavy, but as she met her eyes, something sparked in them- jealousy, loathing.

Ginny realized she might have made an enemy.


Pansy rushed back to her room, dove face first into bed, and screamed into her pillow. Embarrassment, shame, lust, jealousy, hatred- all of it swirled inside. She thought she might be going mad.

She knew Harry and the girls were… intimate with each other, but she had no clue that they did it this much. It seemed like she couldn't walk down the hall without hearing the evidence of their lovemaking. Even when they weren't fucking it seemed at least one of them was always touching him- if only a hand on the shoulder or a peck on the cheek.

Suffice it to say, Pansy never got the opportunity for any one on one time with Harry. The girls watched her like a hawk around him. This was driven home when she stumbled across Harry with Ginny.

That bitch… Ginny knew she was there, she was taunting her. It made Pansy's blood boil, but for all her rage, she was impotent. She wasn't even supposed to be watching this, and it wasn't like she could start a scene, not without blowing the mission. It just wasn't fair. How did that little blood traitor bitch catch Harry's eye when a true pureblood like herself couldn't?

Its probably because she lets him fuck other women. Pansy thought vindictively. She's so desperate that she'd do anything to keep him.

But as angry as she was, she also couldn't deny that that had been the hottest thing she'd ever seen. She'd only ever heard them before, and that had been hard enough. Now, with her head buried in her pillow and her eyes closed, she couldn't stop the images of what she had just seen from reappearing- taunting her just as surely as Ginny had.

With a frustrated moan, Pansy flipped over and pushed her skirt down. She'd had nearly no experience with masturbating prior to this week, but she was a quick study. There was much more to it than simply moving her fingers in the right way. Fingering herself without being in the right frame of mind was useless to her. Fortunately (or unfortunately) she'd been nearly constantly in the 'right' frame of mind since arriving here.

She'd had no trouble conjuring up any number of fantasies- her favorite was tying up all the girls in this damn house and forcing them to watch her have her way with Harry. It was a fantasy that she'd come back to again and again, elaborating and adding details each time used it.

This time however, she didn't even need her imagination. The memory of what she had just seen, practically burned into her mind, was more than enough. All she needed to do was to replace Ginny with herself- or better yet picturing her knocking that redheaded whore out and taking her place- and Pansy found herself being swept away. More than anything, she found herself captivated by that moment when Harry flipped her over and took control. The look of burning focus and desire on his face, how his muscles worked as he relentlessly railed into her… unff.

When Pansy came down from her peak, it was with a bit more clarity. Ginny's taunting didn't matter anyway, she decided. Soon, Ginny would be captured, interrogated, and then dead. That bitch was going to get what was coming to her, all of them were. She'd succeed in her mission and Harry…

Pansy felt a momentary flicker of regret. It was a shame. She would have loved to win him over, but it was clear to her now that she couldn't. And if she couldn't have him, then at least she could be satisfied in making sure no one else could either.


"I still don't like this." Harry said anxiously. He wouldn't have had a second thought about being the bait himself, but Ginny?

It was only he, Ginny and Hermione, cloistered away in their room. As soon as they got word from Luna that Pansy was eating breakfast, Ginny and Hermione would walk out. Hermione would announce to the dining room that they would be going to Diagon Alley, and she'd apparate them away.

Straight into a trap- a trap they were the bait for.

"You aren't sending me anywhere, prat." Ginny rebutted "I'm sending myself." Harry made a noise of frustration in the back of his throat; the distinction didn't seem overly important to him.

"It'll be okay, Harry. We've done far more dangerous things than this. There'll be a ton of people just waiting to intervene, and we know the Death Eaters will be trying to not kill Ginny." Hermione assured him. He intellectually knew that she was right, and that it was a little hypocritical of him to be opposed to this when he'd pulled even riskier moves in the past. Still, his mind couldn't help but go over every possible way this could go wrong. What if everything happened to quick and they were able to snatch Ginny away? What if Voldemort himself came?

"Yeah, and I owe my damn life to those risks, Harry." Ginny pushed. "This is the right thing to do, and you know it." Which is why you're letting us do this. We both know if you were going to put your foot down, you would have done so right at the start.

Harry nodded, knowing she was right. The Harry Potter of a year ago probably wouldn't have allowed this. "I know. Just… be careful. Please. I don't want to know what I'd do of either of you… died. Even without the bond, I don't know if I could bare it."

Almost as one, Ginny and Hermione encircled him in a hug. They stayed like that, with their arms wrapped around him, for a long minute. "God. I love you." Harry murmured, finally pulling back with a new sense of resolve. "Right. Let's do this."