
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Livros e literatura
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81 Chs

Dreaming While Asleep

After their session together, Harry led Susan to the Room of Requirement. He coordinated with Ginny, who was working on getting Hermione and Luna for another 'group meeting'.

Unfortunately, the room was in use already. Huh. Harry's mind took a moment to process the information, until he realized. Of course, Malfoy.

Harry had to admit, but worrying about whatever Malfoy was up to had fallen a few notches on Harry's priority list. The realization that he was a horcrux, and the resulting massive amount of sex he'd been having had more or less shoved that Slytherin git to the back of his mind.

In hindsight, Harry realized that that was a mistake, but it was hard to blame himself when Ginny was in the back of his mind ready to start yelling at him if he started blaming himself. He imagined that Hermione was probably pleased that he'd stopped focusing so intently on Malfoy.

"Err, I kind of want to wait and see if we can get anything useful out of this." He told Susan, as he pulled out his invisibility cloak. "You don't have to stay with me, though" He grinned mischievously "If you do, I can make it worth your while."

Susan giggled as a blush stained her cheeks. Not only was the prospect of getting more alone time with Harry appealing, but it was also an opportunity to become involved in one of his legendary adventures. How could she refuse?


Harry would not sleep that well that night. He'd been floating on a cloud since he and Ginny had bonded, but the reminder that Malfoy was still up to something and apparently had just gotten good news based on his mood as he left the Room of Requirement, had abruptly returned him to earth. He'd spent the rest of the day feeling guilty over setting aside his suspicions about whatever Malfoy was plotting, at least until Ginny forcibly distracted him from his brooding.

This apparently manifested itself in a return of Harry's nightmares. Cedric crumpling to the ground in a flash of green light. Sirius falling back into the veil. Hermione, petrified and still as stone in the Hospital Wing. Ginny, lying cold and pale on the floor of the Chamber of Secrets. Voldemort's voice echoed in his head. You will lose everyone.

Harry was just barely able to bite back a cry as he jerked awake.

Oh Harry. Ginny sniffled

Determined to push the panic and anguish from his nightmare aside, Harry made his way to the bathroom and washed his face.

Did you see that? He asked her.

Saw it. Felt it. I guess that means we can share dreams too. Its fortunate we've been having so much sex that I haven't had any sex dreams.

Harry tried to grin, but the mirror revealed even to his eyes that it was a mockery of a smile. The nightmare had touched on something that he been secretly terrified of ever since he and Ginny had started dating. The very fact that she was close to him made her a target. Hell, all of his friends were targets because of him.

If you're thinking of pushing me away to protect me, it's a bit late.

This time, Harry did actually smile. While Ginny tone was joking, he could tell that she intended to kick his arse if he tried to push anybody away to protect them, and it truly was far too late to try to distance himself from Ginny.

You have to let people make their own decisions. Ginny continued. We all know the risks, but we think they're worth it. How many times have you risked yourself for someone you cared about?

Her passion shone through their link, warming Harry's soul. He was so lucky to have her. I'm not sure if I could survive without you, Gin.

Ginny knew Harry well, and she knew that when Harry got into a brooding mood, it was bloody difficult to pull him out of it. Fortunately, she knew just the trick. Come to bed Harry. I think I have the perfect distraction for you.

Harry returned to bed, pulling aside his curtains and gasped softly. Laying on his bed was Luna, clothed only in an unbuttoned nightgown, wandlight illuminating her bare curves. She truly was beauty, with her nearly unblemished pale skin, and she was a tantalizing mix of innocence and naughtiness. Her hand was tucked between her legs, and though it was hidden in shadow Harry could tell she was touching herself by the bliss on her face, and now that we was listen for it, the soft schlick of fingers on wet flesh. All thoughts of his nightmares and brooding were wiped from clear from his mind.

Okay Gin, how exactly did you pull this off?

Don't look at me, I'm just as surprised as you are.

"Luna… how?"

"Oh, I just asked the Room of Requirement to make a passageway to the Gryffindor sixth year boys' dorms." Luna said, her normally airy tone noticeably husky. "I wanted to go into the bathroom with you, but you didn't appreciate that the last time I did it." Harry internally winced at the memory of her coming up behind him while he'd been at a urinal.

"The room can do that?" Harry breathed, thinking of how useful that would be. "I'd never even considered..."

"Of course you didn't, Harry. You're much too busy keeping us happy to worry about things like that." Luna said between soft gasps

That's right Harry, just make sure to give us a good shagging and let us womenfolk take care of everything. Ginny teased.

Harry mentally rolled his eyes, but there was a grain of truth to it. Harry had begun to feel that there was something building in him, more and more as the days went by. No matter how many times he had sex, or got off, he somehow always wanted… needed more. Harry knew it was more than just Ginny's influence, though she was delighted by the change, and he'd begun to doubt he could handle his girls without it.

Harry was drawn from his thoughts by Luna's hand reaching into his boxers. Luna was quite obsessed with giving Harry head, at the expense of any other illicit activities. Harry had tried to return the favor, but Luna always insisted, and Harry found that when Luna looked up at him with those pleading eyes, it was almost impossible for him to say no. Almost.

Harry allowed her to pull him to bed by his shaft, but when she tried to position him so she could suck him off, Harry resisted. Instead, he pressed her back into bed and crawled on top of her. Her creamy skin practically molded against his body. "Harry." She protested "I wanted to taste you again."

He positioned herself at her entrance- she was dripping. "I know, but I want this." He murmured "And I know you want it too." He rocked against her, not entering her but rubbing against her labia and clit, smearing her arousal over his shaft.

"O-o-oh." Luna whimpered, gyrating her hips with his "I s-suppose that works too."

Harry smiled, and placed a kiss to her lips, before pressing his shaft into her. Luna reacted, oh how she reacted. The noises she made- it was as if she didn't know if she should whimper, gasp, or choke- she just let out an incoherent stream of syllables and sounds as her body stiffened, shuddered, and then coiled around Harry.

Harry set a slow, but forceful rhythm. The way Luna was reacting to him triggered a surge of possessiveness in him. He wanted to wrap her up and protect her, but at the same time he wanted to ravage her- make her fall apart even more than she already was.

More than anything, though, he wanted to claim her. And as her inner walls clenched and quivered around him again and again, it became almost unbearable to hold back the urge. He wanted to bury himself fully in her and spill himself in her.

Luna was of similar mind, because soon she was whimpering in his ear, begging him. "Please. I need it." Her oh so needy voice was stirring something deep within him "Cum. Give it to me."

How could he resist? With a final thrust, Harry sheathed himself in her and let go. Though Harry did not have the presence of mind to see it, Ginny did notice the almost transcendental look of pleasure on Luna face as she took his seed.


This was supposed to have been a meeting to 'induct' Susan into their… coven, but it had almost immediately been sidetracked by Ginny and Harry's shared dreams and Luna's discovery of the Room of Requirement's capabilities. Hermione's quill, naturally, leapt into motion. The room's ability to create passageways would be quite useful for the next ritual. She paused, as her body reacted to the thought.

She and Luna had agreed that she'd be the best choice for the next ritual. It was only logical, but she'd felt slightly bad for putting Luna off even if the blonde hadn't seemed to mind in the slightest. Ever since then, her anticipation had been rising. It really wasn't long now, until she and Harry… they… Another shiver shot down her spine, and she was feeling hot all over, but particularly between her legs.

Through much of the day, she'd been training herself to maintain focus even with Harry's magic in her veins. It was a challenge- a constant dance between her intellect and the heat in her core- fighting to achieve balance.

It had gone better than she'd expected. After resisting the urge to masturbate in the shower, she'd spent most of the day reading up on theoretical magic- specifically the relation between magic and the body. Hermione was actually beginning to suspect that in some ways she was brighter under the influence of Harry's magic, or at least her creativity was enhanced and she seemed to be able to make inferences more easily… when she wasn't distracted.

Susan, however, had insight to their situation that Hermione hadn't considered. "Okay, but have you guys thought about the political aspect of this?" Susan asked, to resounding silence.

"Er, not particularly." Harry volunteered "I guess I just figured to hell with it- everyone's going to talk about me anyway."

Hermione looked to Susan helplessly. She was hardly an expert on wizarding law, and often found the wizarding legal system archaic and overcomplicated.

"That's something I always admired about you, Harry." Susan admitted "That you always put up with whatever rumors went your way- as long as the people you cared about believed you. But I guess what I'm trying to say is, let's think about the future for a minute." Susan paused, as if to set the scene.

"You've defeated You-know-who I mean, V-voldemort. You're the heir to two ancient and rich houses, beloved hero of the wizarding world. You could do a lot of good with that influence."

Harry nodded along. "And I imagine being with seven witches would hamper my reputation."

"Not necessarily." Susan corrected. "But it would need to be done correctly, and we'd need at least some of the people in the press on our side."

"I'm sure the Quibbler would be willing to help." Luna volunteered.

"Er, thanks Luna." Susan agreed awkwardly "Anyway, I was thinking last night about this." Susan sighed, before continuing more somberly "Before my Aunt died, she let me know about a law- one that relates to dying bloodlines. She didn't like it, but she wanted me to know what my options were. It's not practiced much now, but multiple marriages are allowed in wizarding Britain."

"How?" Harry asked.

"Well first of all Harry, you'd be eligible for a second marriage- since you are the last remaining heir of the Potters and Blacks. One of your wives would take the name of Potter-"

"Dibs!" Ginny interjected.

"-and the other Black."

Harry nodded in understanding "So I take it, there's more?"

"You can also marry me." Susan said, seeming quiet and small. "Because I'm the last Bones." Harry rose, disentangling himself from Ginny and Luna, and pulled Susan into a hug.

Susan sniffed, returning Harry's hug and resting her head on his firm chest. It was comforting, to be wrapped up in his strong arms and steady warmth. "Thanks." She whispered.

After a few moments, Harry reluctantly pulled back, surveying her. "You're welcome. I understand." And really, he did.

"What that means is, if I marry and take the name of my husband, my bloodline will die. In pureblood society, it'd be impossible to find a man who'd be willing to take his wife's name but…"

"There'd be no shortage of blokes who'd like a second wife." Ginny supplied "Who'd be able to keep her name and her bloodline alive." She snorted "I guess I'm not eligible."

"I am!" Luna said happily, Susan nodded in agreement.

"A fair many witches would be, actually. Wizarding birth rates are much lower now than in the past" Susan glanced at Ginny "With some exceptions."

"I'm not sure; I'd need to check my family's genealogy this summer." Hermione mused "I might have some very distant relatives running around with my name. I like the idea of keeping my last name, though."

"That wouldn't be a problem, 'Mione." Harry assured "I'm not- I'm not the type of bloke that would expect that." Hermione beamed.

"Anyway, having the marriages be 'official' would help us." Susan continued "And for Ginny and Luna, having the family's consent would be a plus as well."

While Ginny winced, Luna was unphased. "I'm sure dad would be fine with it, he was never one for traditional relationships." She chimed.

"My mum is going to freak. Especially if she hears it from Ron first." Ginny frowned.

"Or from Dumbledore." Hermione said darkly "Wouldn't it be important to get my parent's consent as well?" She added "I mean, it shouldn't be needed at all since I am of age, but…"

Susan smiled and shrugged apologetically "I know it's a double standard, but a lot of these people won't care because they're muggles."

"Is it even worth it trying to appease these people?" Ginny asked "We've seen how public opinion can shift on a dime based on what hack piece the Prophet decides to publish on a given day."

Harry frowned as well, he knew all too well how fickle the court of public opinion was.

"Of course it's worth it." Luna piped in, drawing the gaze of the other four. "It's like when we got that story published in the Quibbler. A lot of people are going to have their brains affected by nargles, but there are a lot of people we can reach, and if we want to change things then we need to."

Susan smiled "Exactly, if we just hide away from the world, then all the same problems that lead to V- Voldemort in the first place are going to continue." She looked at Harry "I spent six years minding my own business, pretending I couldn't change anything but you, Harry, made me realize I was wrong." Susan placed her hands on Harry's shoulders as she continued passionately. "You never struck me as the type to sit back and let bad things happen- not if there was something you could do about, even if it was difficult or inconvenient."

Harry couldn't help it, he kissed her. Susan's eyes went wide, before they fluttered close and she returned his sweet kiss, drawing him closer. His arms reciprocated, holding her tenderly.

Susan whined slightly when he pulled back, looking entreatingly up at him with half-lidded eyes.

"You're right, Susan." Harry said simply, his eyes seemed to dance with emotions- affection, kindness, compassion, but most of all a righteous determination. It was enough to make Susan's knees tremble, if the kiss hadn't been. "Thank you."


Severus turned and silently exiting the headmaster's office, Dumbledore's dismissal was polite, but it was a dismissal nonetheless.

The headmaster had much to think about.

Tom had commanded Severus to travel abroad for 'recruitment' over the summer. While he could certainly request that he stay, that would jeopardize Severus' position as a spy. No, Severus' information was far too crucial to the war effort to risk, even though he would be the best person to deal with Harry.

There were others who had the skills needed, certainly. Though many in the Order would be reticent to help, he was reasonably certain that he could show some of them the necessity of this course of action. It seemed that increasingly, Dumbledore found himself in need of… perhaps not advice, but someone to bounce ideas off of. His normal conversational companion, Minerva, would be far from receptive to his plan.

A shadow crossed over his face. With a negligent wave of his wand, the top cabinet of his desk slid open. His hand slid to a cold grey stone, carved in the precise shape of a pyramid. He'd nearly lost his hand over that seemingly innocuous stone. He took hold of it- and despite having been siting in his office, it was still cold. With practiced ease, Dumbledore turned it over in his hand.

And again.

And again.