
The Power of 41 Supremes

At 19 years old, Ley Kagenou is not only an emerging actor but also an aficionado of anime and light novels, media that have captivated his heart from a very young age. So much so that the passion he has for these fictional universes has transcended merely being a hobby, deeply influencing the roles he plays on the big screen. Ley is known for embodying characters that follow a distinctive formula: they are always arrogant, confident, and tyrannical. One day, while delving into the pages of the latest volume of "Overlord", Ley finds himself fantasizing about life with the powers of the protagonist Ainz and what it would be like to live more simplistically - free from worries, an existence focused on sleeping, eating, and enjoying the pleasures of leisure. However, this fantasy takes an unexpected turn when, after falling asleep, Ley finds himself at the mercy of an apathetic god who, on a lazy whim, decides to end his earthly life. Now, ripped from his reality and thrown into a world he despises, Ley Kagenou must navigate his new existence as the Holy Tyrant Paladin. Discover Ley's saga in a realm where hatred and fascination with the unknown intertwine. ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ Well, this is another fanfic of mine, I was inspired to write it after reading a fic with a similar storyline, you can even see that the prologue is completely or almost identical to the one in the Spanish fic. But I decided to take a different direction, while the Spanish fic is completely focused on unrestrained comedy, almost as if it were a Konosuba of life, mine - although it will have comedy - will not be so focused on that, it will be more about Ley's overpowered life. If you are interested in the original fic, here is its link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/355553236-dxd-con-poderes-de-overlord Author's name: @Riguerrero94

Nataruki · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 1 – 41 Supreme Beings in 1

Ley Kagenou POV

As soon as I regained my vision, following my conversation with the 'Author', I was greeted with a spectacular view above the clouds... and yes, I was in free fall, from an altitude of about ten thousand meters. Why am I so calm? The answer is simple... I'M NOT!!! "Ahhhhhhhh!!!" I couldn't stop screaming as my falling speed increased.

Desperation took over me. Why? Oh right, "You didn't teach me how to use the powers!! Ahhhh!" I screamed, as I was swallowed by the air, feeling that my speed was no longer increasing. It seemed I had reached terminal velocity, but that in no way calmed me! "I'm still falling at over 70 km/h!!" I yelled in my thoughts.

As the ground rapidly approached, about to 'kiss' me, I desperately tried, "Magic!!" hoping for some miracle to occur. But nothing happened, and I continued to fall. "Damn, how do I get out of this?!" I shouted again, desperate, as the imminent impact drew closer. The only image that came to my mind in those final seconds was that of a paladin. "Lord Touch-Me, give me your protection!" I cried out, surrendering to despair.


Third Person POV

A resounding boom, similar to the sound of dynamite exploding, echoed through the small forest. Approaching the newly formed crater, one could see a figure lying within it: a shimmering white and platinum armor, adorned with a helmet whose design resembled a praying mantis. The breastplate boasted a huge sapphire embedded at the center, over the heart, radiating a pure and divine light. The figure was also wrapped in a crimson-red cape with golden details, pinned at the left shoulder, and a coat tail that extended from the hips of the armor to the ankle.

The figure rose from the small crater as if nothing had happened, merely shaking its head and exclaiming: "I'm alive!!" The voice emanating from the armor was arrogant and commanding, but clearly emotional, as it stood up completely.

Looking at his own hands and inspecting himself, the voice, calm yet still arrogant, spoke: "It seems everything went well, but a mirror would be better. This appears to be Touch-Me's armor, {Compliance with Law}, that was the name of this armor."

Walking out of the crater, Ley surveyed his surroundings. "A forest?" he wondered internally. "At least it's better than landing in the middle of a city." He finished his thought, avoiding imagining what could have happened if he had landed in the city wearing the armor he now donned, an armor that surpassed Divine Grade items.

Looking around once more, he spotted a small lake and approached it. As he looked at his reflection in the water, he confirmed, "Yes, now I'm 100% sure this is Touch-Me's armor." He murmured almost in a whisper. It wasn't that he had been unsure before, but a confirmation was always good, he thought.

As Ley recovered from the relief, the armor dissolved into blue particles, causing him to fall to the ground, now devoid of the armor's boots. Looking at his own body, he realized he looked the same as before he was sent to this world, only beardless and seemingly back to being 15 years old. "So, nothing has changed, because if I shaved my beard in my former life, I would look 15 anyway." The young actor sighed, now endowed with the powers and abilities of 41 supremely powerful beings.

"Well, what shall I do first?" he questioned himself, placing a hand on his chin, thoughtful. A few seconds later, he slapped his fist into the palm of his left hand, "Obviously, a house!" he exclaimed with clear arrogance, but a serene smile on his face.

"<Multiple: Maximize Magic: Create Greater Item>!" Ley invoked the 7th level spell, causing several magical circles to appear on the ground and, consequently, a house. It was a simple structure, quite different from the luxurious super mansion of his past life. A small wooden cabin, measuring about 20x20 meters, divided into four areas: a kitchen integrated with the living room, a bedroom, and a bathroom. Beside it, there was a small enclosure that could be used later, and a few simple windows completed the structure. Simple in design, but...

"Darn, I forgot that this spell creates Superior Grade Items," he murmured to himself. Despite its modest appearance, the cabin was made of the highest quality wood a mortal could manufacture, with almost magical resilience.

The interior of the house and everything in it was almost a living relic, nearly divine by human standards. The cabin could withstand hundreds or even thousands of tank shots or super missiles without even accumulating a layer of dust on the wood or any other part of the house. "It's not like it's a problem, right? I'll just live peacefully here," thought the young man, contemplating his creation.


Ley Kagenou POV

After taking in my new residence, I turned my attention back to the crater created by my fall. I sighed and walked over to it. If memory served right, there was a spell to manipulate or make earth appear... "<Earth Surge>!" As I named the spell, the earth in front of me began to move, unsettling me slightly. However, I managed to stay steady, focusing on the magical circle and beginning to fill the crater.

With a sigh of satisfaction at the completed task, a serene smile—still marked by my usual arrogance—appeared on my face. Now... "Food," I murmured to myself. Who doesn't want food? Theoretically, I shouldn't need to eat, drink, or sleep, given the abilities I had requested. Yet, I was feeling hungry.

This meant one of two things: either I hadn't received the capabilities of <<Sleep Immunity>> and <<Eating, Drinking, and Breathing are Unnecessary>>, or somehow I needed to activate these abilities... just as I had done with the magic and Touch-Me's Armor, which saved me from the fall earlier.

I reflected for a moment... did I not have anything in the inventory? If I received Touch-Me's Armor, perhaps I had inherited all the items from the 41 Supreme Beings. But how to access the inventory? In the novel, Ainz did it naturally, as if his body was already accustomed to it. I sighed. Unfortunately, I was not Ainz. I might have his abilities and magic, but not his memories.

Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine that black smoke, lifting my hand as if to reach into the inventory. I spent about 10 minutes moving my hand back and forth until...

I felt something. My hand disappeared just as I opened my eyes. "My hand..." Yes, it was immersed in a kind of black mist that tore through space. Somehow, I knew what was inside, as if the information was transmitted directly to my brain. "How odd," I murmured. In the inventory, there was no food, only the principal items from the 41 Supreme Beings of Ainz's Guild and a few other items, such as a book titled 'All Over 700 Spells of Ainz' and some cash items.

It was frustrating; I wished it had been food, but anyway... "<Create Greater Item>", I whispered, hoping to materialize an apple in my hand. And so it was. The apple was a deep, almost blood-red, shining in the sunlight that filtered through the leaves of the trees. I salivated before bringing the fruit to my mouth and biting into it.

At that moment, the world seemed to stop. I was astonished... "How..." I couldn't even finish the sentence before devouring the apple with astonishing speed. "How can a simple apple taste so good?! This is the power of magic, yes, damn everything else!" I shouted, after devouring the fruit as if it were the last I would ever eat in my life.

After that unforgettable meal, I began to ponder what to do next. "Test other Items?" crossed my mind. If Touch-Me's armor equipped automatically when I thought about it, then, if I... imagined Ainz? I waited a few seconds, before feeling the magic particles. Upon opening my eyes, I saw, to my surprise, black particles enveloping me, and then Ainz's robe and his 10 rings appeared on my fingers.

Before they could fall off me, and the rings nearly slipped from my fingers, I quickly raised my hands, sighing with relief. But then, something hit my head, causing me to grab it in pain, and I saw a red sphere at my feet. "Damn, isn't that damn sphere a World Item?" I exclaimed, feeling a mix of pain and anger, before realizing that Ainz's gear was too large for me. "Weren't these things Divine Grade? Shouldn't they automatically adjust to my body?" With that thought, the clothes and rings glowed for a moment before shrinking and fitting perfectly to my body.

"Well," I said, before picking up Ainz's sphere and storing it in the inventory — I wasn't crazy enough to lose an Item capable of circumventing the laws of the world. I approached the water pond again to see my reflection. "Look at that," I commented, observing myself in the magical robes that had replaced my clothes, enhancing my defined chest and abdomen, as well as my face, while my blue eyes seemed to sparkle.

What really caught my attention was what was floating next to me. "{Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown}..." I murmured, looking at the item which, like Touch-Me's armor, surpassed Divine Grade. I raised my hand and, as if responding to a tyrannical order, the staff came to my hand, which grasped it instinctively. I felt its absurd power.

"Fuck," slipped out involuntarily. I felt that, if I wanted, I could destroy the Earth with a simple command given to this staff. I sighed, trying to calm myself down. I didn't want anything bad to happen. Letting go of the staff, I watched it float away, maintaining a certain distance from me.

As I observed the rings on my fingers, a sigh escaped me. I decided to dissipate Ainz's equipment. "Until I learn to master the skills and capabilities of the 41 Supremes, I must stay protected," I reflected, still remembering the pain from the impact of the red sphere. And what better way to do that than to walk around in the Armor of a World Champion, superior to Divine Grade?

I concentrated on Touch-Me's paladin armor, hoping to feel the light particles again. I felt the energy approaching, but upon opening my eyes, I realized that only my left arm was enveloped by the armor. I felt its weight and nearly fell before it fully adjusted to my body. "Okay, it looks like this is going to be more difficult than I thought," I spoke into the void, observing how only my arm had been equipped before the armor dissolved.

This experience revealed an important truth: controlling and fully utilizing these powerful items would require more than just desire or will. It would necessitate a deep understanding and adaptation to my own body and mind. The journey to completely master the arsenal of the 41 Supremes would undoubtedly be a formidable challenge.


Third Person POV

Through the forest, under the song of birds and the whisper of the wind, walked a knight... Yes, a knight. Ley, clad in his platinum armor, moved between the trees. "It wasn't so hard, just an hour or two," he commented with his dominant and arrogant voice, as the part of the armor equipped on his right leg momentarily disappeared, almost unbalancing him, before reappearing. "Well, one cannot master powers capable of destroying worlds in just a few hours," sighed the young man in the sacred divine armor.

As he continued, the paladin stopped in front of a tree sturdier and taller than the others. "Okay, time to test," thought Ley, opening his right hand to materialize a sword, which he instinctively grabbed. He positioned himself, ready.

"I hope those fencing lessons are useful with a sword capable of cutting through an entire continent...", reflected Ley, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes for a moment, then reopening them, focused and sharp — though invisible through the helmet. With a speed that broke the sound barrier, Ley's sword executed a flawless horizontal cut on the tree, which fell without resistance. "Good, that was easy," thought the paladin arrogantly, before realizing that dozens of other trees behind the first had also been felled by his strike. "Or maybe not," he murmured, still with a touch of arrogance.

Watching from a distance, the paladin Ley spotted an intense crimson glow. He immediately identified the presence of demonic magic in this light. Sighing, he intoned the 9th Level spell, "<Perfect Unknowable>", which made him invisible to the naked eye, also erasing his sound, smell, and even the tone of his voice, rendering him practically undetectable.

Advancing confidently while still wearing the armor, Ley cautiously approached some bushes and observed the scene. He glanced around and murmured to himself, "These are not...". Before him were three familiar figures from the world of DxD.

The first was a young woman with crimson hair and blue eyes, sporting a serene smile and a voluptuous body, dressed in a school uniform. The second, also a young woman, had black hair tied in a ponytail and violet eyes, with a smile that carried a touch of sadism, and an equally voluptuous body, wearing a uniform similar to the first, but with black stockings. The third figure appeared younger, with short white hair and hazel eyes, sporting a serene and almost expressionless face, and a less voluptuous body than her companions, wearing the same uniform.

"What the hell are these three doing in the middle of the woods?" Ley questioned himself, recognizing the female characters from DxD: Rias, Akeno, and Koneko. "And where are Issei and Kiba?" he thought, noting the absence of the male characters. His sharpened senses picked up on Kiba fighting a small demon. "Okay, Kiba is here, but I don't feel anyone else. This means Issei hasn't joined the Gremory Clan yet. I'm here before the start of the story," concluded the former actor.

Kiba, a young man with almost feminine features, platinum blonde hair, and dark blue eyes, wore a male uniform that matched those of his companions.

"Whatever," Ley decided, moving away from the scene. "Mental note: avoid this direction. I don't want to get involved in this damn fanservice and Ecchi story." With that thought, he steadily moved further away from the battle against the demons, remaining invisible and inaudible thanks to his spell.