
The Dedia Clan (3)

Once the lights were out, Neban felt something coming his way. He ducked down, crawling on the cold ground as he felt for Ice Queen. Another attack came while he was on the floor, causing him to move in a zigzag pattern. 

After a minute of dodging the attacks in the dark, his hand hit against something cold and hard. Neban touched it before bringing his hand up until he grabbed the handle. 

When another attack came, Neban got on his knees as he quickly pulled the weapon out. He caught the attack with Ice Queen. A loud clanging sound resonated in the darkroom. 

Neban shot out multiple [Shadow Beam] with his free hand when he felt the weight still on his weapon. It meant that the woman was in front of him. 

Once the beams shot out, the weight disappeared as he heard cursing before a cry of pain came right after.