
The Poor Guy's Slave

Spending his nights going through tissues and watching adult videos, Ceil had coined himself a bum, a nobody. He's never recognized at work, his boss gets his name wrong, and people tend to sidestep him. But all that changes the day Ceil makes a moral decision and saves a real prick from being killed by a car. Of course, this upsets the life and death quota, so the Director of Hell agrees to give him a chance at becoming a Master of a Sex slave. Sounds great, right? Biting off more then you can chew can sometimes make even the tastiest of things hard to swallow.

Natashia_Lou · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Do You Smell Smoke ?

"Emm, thank you, Master! Rose doesn't eat food, but it tastes yummy."

I sighed as my stomach growled and set the cup of beer down for her to drink while I slammed my down.

"Rose, can I ask you something?"

She nodded enthusiastically like a child, "Of course, Master. I will always tell you whatever you want to know!"

I grinned and nodded, "Why didn't you sleep with that Grand Master? Then, if you had, you could have advanced and found your perfect Master."

Looking at me thoughtfully, she shook her head, "No, Rose could never sleep with him. I did refuse, but it wasn't until after what I had heard from the other sex slaves what he did to them."

"What did he do?"

Taking a deep breath, she sat back in the kitchen chair and fiddled with the ends of her hair, "He would cut them, tie them up. One slave told me he even choked her until she passed out, and when she woke up, he had tied a gag around her mouth and made her watch him abuse other slaves. I knew he was like that. One time he held this grand event and hired other Grand Master's slave's including house slaves, to work it. Once it was over, he refused to let us go home. Some of the guests that stayed got to pick which slave they wanted to spend the night with. It's against the rules, but no one would tell on him. He's too powerful."

I shook my head in disbelief. Who knew Hell had assholes too.

"What about the Director? Why doesn't anyone tell her? She seems strict, by the book."

Rose nodded quickly, "Yes, Director is very strict. But she can't stop him. He rules over the academy we go to and owns half of Hell. So we are stuck doing as he tells us. The director places as many sex slaves as she can in hopes they find their perfect Masters on their own. When I dropped out, I was stuck in the redlight photo district. I made lots of money there, but I was lonely. But then, Director called Rose and said she had a Master that could help me that won't hurt me. It was you, my new Master."

I was almost tearing up from her story and feeling pissed at the same time. Yeah, I'm a sex-crazed bum who spends more hours watching porn than actually sleeping, but I wasn't a deviant sicko.

"I'm sorry you had a hard time, Rose. Hey, why don't you take a shower, and we can watch a movie? Tomorrow, if you want, you can come with me to look for a part-time job. If we are going to make this work, first, I'll need more money."

"But Master, what about sealing the contract? If we don't seal the contract, Rose has to go back home, and you will die!"

"WHAT! I will die? Says who?"

Rose sighed and nodded, "Master didn't read the contract. Article 666.D states that if the contract is incomplete, Ceil Jankins is officially voided as Master and must return to the holding center to await placing."

"Await placing, what the heck does that mean?"

"It means, Master, you will wait there before they assign you to Heaven or Hell. You died, Master, but with Rose here, you won't ever die again! I swear!"

I ran my hands through my hair and started pacing, "How do you know that? I thought you couldn't read?"

Rose sighed again, "Rose can't read, but I was there when the Director made the contract. There's a template on the Director's computer. She only changed a few things and the name. So I asked her to read the important parts to me. Rose's memory is top-notch," she explained, tapping her head.

That simple action made me smile and not worry about dying so much. But I still had to live.

I realized the Director had put us together on purpose, but she had made a mistake paring Rose with me. Rose needed a real Master to move on and be safe, but unfortunately for her, she was put with a useless young adult barely able to scrape by or be the type of Master she needed.

I sighed and decided I would worry about that tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, we will seal the contract, I promise, but tonight, we should get some good rest. I'll find some clothes for you to wear to bed."

Rose shook her head, "I have clothes in my bag, Master, don't worry!"

She jumped up from the chair and grabbed her bag, still by the door.

"Rose brought her whole wardrobe with her!"

Pulling out a bunch of different color leather straps, I realized what I was looking at and laughed, "You can't wear those to bed, Rose! They won't even cover up your, uh, you know, body parts."

She grinned playfully, "Rose sleeps naked!"

For a moment, I thought of her smooth naked body in my bed and me crawling up from the end of the bed between the sheets and putting my mouth on her, but then she playfully laughed.

"Haha, this isn't all Rose has!"

Right before my eyes, like I was watching Santa Clause reaching down into a magical sack, Rose pulled out handfuls upon handfuls of clothes, setting them on the floor.

"Wow, you pack better than the Army! How'd you fit all that?"

She was still pulling out stuff, shoes, purses, and cosmetics as she responded, "It is connected to my closet in Hell. So I reach in and just grab it. It's kinda fun!"

Beaming at me, she started feeling around and pulling before sticking both hands in the bag, and finally, she pulled out a huge pillow.

"I like my pillow," she said, hugging it and smiling at me.

Rose didn't make you feel like a pervert for liking someone that acted so much younger. Instead, she made you want to protect her. And when she flipped her switch to the seductive, sexy side, you knew Rose was all woman.

"Ha, yeah, I can see that. Alright, uh, I guess I can make room in the dresser for now."

With both our arms full of stuff, we went into the bedroom.

My room was bare, so it made more sense to give her the clothes rack, and I emptied some small baskets to put under it for her panties and bras, which made me almost hard as a rock imagining her wearing them.

Once we got everything situated, I said, "I'll get the shower started for you. It's a little touchy. Towels are in the cabinet above the toilet. As far as soap, um, you can use mine, I guess."

Rose looked up at me and gave me a sexy grin before pushing me back on the bed. Damn, she's strong.

She hopped on top and straddled me before I could sit up.

Leaning down, pressing her breasts into me, she said, "Shouldn't Rose be dirty before she takes a shower, hmm?"

I couldn't answer. Her lips were on mine, assaulting them, nibbling them. Her tongue pushed its way inside to wrestle with mine. I couldn't fight it, her grinding on the hardness under my pants, the warmth and wetness coming through, bathing the skin over my hard cock. I was going to do it this time. I was going seal the deal, and even if the house were burning down around us, I wouldn't stop.