
Chapter 87

"what is that?"Sakaki was surprised after seeing that incredible scene.

It turned out that after sensing that Team Rocket was starting to take action, Ash directly let Charizard evolve into Super Charizard XY form, and then he sat on Charizard's back and walked with it let's move

"Charizard, let's go, use Flame Charge!"

With Xiaozhi's shout, the originally red-gold dragon flames on Charizard's body turned into blue flames, and crashed towards the spaceship in the center.

Only a"boom" was heard, and the spaceship They were smashed to pieces.

As for the island in the middle of the lake, most of the Pokémon had completed their evacuation, and only a few of the powerful Pokémon were staying with Hu Di and the other four Pokémon.

They were already at the important pass. An ambush was set up. As long as Team Rocket's people dared to come in through those entrances, they would be attacked by Pokémon.

Xiaozhi personally attacked this time mainly to find the main person in charge of this operation, because he was the main person in charge of the operation. Knowing that as long as the leader is controlled, the rest of Team Rocket will be as powerless as a group of fish.

After knocking over the spacecraft, Xiaozhi continued to look for the leader. According to his memory, the leader seemed to be a man. Female.

Then, Domino was seen around the corner.

When Domino saw Xiaozhi coming on the fire-breathing dragon, he subconsciously wanted to run away, but was stopped by Xiaozhi,"Hey, little sister, you didn't say hello when we first met. , is not a polite behavior!"

"Who are you? Domino asked. Her communicator was also turned on at this time, so Sakaki could also hear the conversation over there.

"I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town"

"Xiaozhi, do you want to be an enemy of Team Rocket?"

"What do you think?"Ash smiled slightly.

Then, Sakaki felt that there was no sound over there. With his mind, he must have guessed that Domino was now controlled by Xiao Zhi.

In fact, the reason why Xiao Zhi and Chaomeng had an advantage The advantage, in addition to the right time, place and people, is that now Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon has established a strong bond with him and has power comparable to that of the divine beast.

After Xiaozhi subdued Domino, Very unwillingly, he threatened:"Boy, do you know what you are doing?"

"Sister, you don't seem to understand your situation very well!"

"To be honest, your Rockets team is indeed very powerful, but to be honest, except for your boss Sakaki, plus the four cadres, I really don't take the rest seriously."

"Moreover, now that you are in my hands and have no leverage to threaten Chaomeng, do you think he still cares about you?"

From the beginning to now, Sakaki didn't speak. It seemed that she had been hit by Xiaozhi.

After Xiaozhi tied her up, he threw her to the Rocket trio,"I leave this eldest sister to you. You will be beaten so often. Give Fei's lines to her"

"Hehe, leave it to us!"Team Rocket is the best at this kind of work.

After further confirming that there was no problem on the island, Xiaozhi rode a fire-breathing dragon to Chaomeng's side. At this time, the two robots could not do anything to Chaomeng unless Chaomeng left on his own. Go in.

But it's impossible

"Uncle Sakaki, I was lucky enough to go to your Viridian Gym last time, but by that time, you had already left. What a pity!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's relaxed words, Sakaki wanted to eat him alive,"Isn't it Xiaozhi! I have to admit that you are very capable, but you still have to travel after all. As long as Chaomeng stays by your side, you will be in danger at any time. Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid? If I'm afraid, I won't be worthy of being Mewtwo's partner. And you are always welcome to come to me."As he spoke, Xiaozhi stretched out his right fist. After Chaomeng understood, he made a fist with his left hand and touched it lightly to show his attitude.

At that moment, the bond between the two people deepened again. Got it

"Mission failed, retreat."This is the last order given by Sakaki.

"Chaomeng, you will be mine sooner or later."

After saying these harsh words, Sakaki left with his troops, and Domino also said the phrase"what a disgusting feeling" very well. It looked like the trio had worked hard to train them.

"Chaomeng, I remember you have the ability to delete memories!"

Chaomeng nodded, then a blue light flashed in his eyes. It seemed that nothing happened, but the Rockets' troops had completely forgotten about today's incident.

"Xiaozhi, your Charizard has become much stronger, your Pokémon are very good, and I feel like I have established some kind of connection with you."

Xiao Zhi said:"That's the bond."

"Bond? What amazing stuff."

Later, Xiaozhi used the transparent bell that Suicune gave him before to summon Suicune to help purify the water, which can be regarded as making this place better.

"Xiaozhi, through the battle just now, I understand,"

"Even clones are still Pokémon and have the right to live with this world. They can also enter the human world."

"It seems that you finally figured it out"

"Xiaozhi, I want to stay with you and see more of the wonders of this world."Chaomeng said suddenly

"What?"Not only Xiaozhi, but also Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were shocked.

Mewtwo actually offered to follow a two-faced trainer like Xiaozhi?

"It was you who made me understand this truth. It was you who took the initiative to help me protect this place. I should repay you both emotionally and rationally. Let me be your guardian!"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly,"Okay, then, please give me more advice in the future!"

To be continued…