
Chapter 240

After conquering the Water Leaping Fish, Xiaozhi added another general to his water-type team.

So far, the Fengyuan Yusan family has only been defeated by the Fire Chicken.

If we look at the team, Fengyuan Yusan Family has already gathered enough, because Xiaoyao's first partner was Huo Zhiji.

But as far as Xiaozhi is concerned, he really wants to raise a fire chick of his own. After seeing Ye Yue's Flame Chicken at the Silver Conference, Xiaozhi has been deeply impressed by the Pokémon Flame Chicken. ,

From the moment he saw the Flame Chicken, no less than ten fighting methods emerged in Xiaozhi's mind, which were simply tailor-made for the Flame Chicken.

But now there is a problem:"Seven Zero Three" Xiaozhi's team is full.

Therefore, the group decided to change the route and go back to Wudou Town first to replenish supplies.

"If you pass through this cave, you will be very close to Wudou Town."Xiaozhi took the Pokmon Navigator and pointed to the cave in front.

This route is a new route they found along the way. In fact, Xiaozhi knew that there was a route that passed through the original Stone Cave and returned to Martial Town. , but isn't the purpose of traveling just to explore the unknown?

And now they followed the navigator's instructions and came to the small cave in front of them. In order to experience the fun of walking, they even released their Pokémon. As the strongest Pokémon in the team, he has become the king of children here. Pikachu and Eevee are at the front, taking care of the little ones who are most prone to accidents in the team.

, Mu Shou Gong walked in the middle of the team with a branch in his mouth, and would fly over the walls from time to time to exercise his agility; Coco Dora, Lobster Soldier, Fire Chicken, Water Jumping Fish, Lotus Leaf Boy and Fritos all followed the team. In the middle, he looked very cute.

As for Carapace, he was held in Xiaoyao's arms. This was her most cherished Pokémon. However, sometimes, the core of this accident happened.

Xiaozhi's lobster soldier, who didn't know what happened, fell behind a step, then broke away from the army and rushed into the cave on the side.

Unexpectedly, there was a roaring bomb in the cave, which was the evolved form of Gu Niuniu. Gu Niuniu itself is very cute, round and soft, and has become the favorite Pokémon among girls in the Fengyuan area.

However, once it evolves into Shout Bomb, its appearance drops off a cliff, and it is very scary. The sonic power of the bomb can blow away a house.

Unexpectedly, the cave that the lobster soldier broke into was the place where the bomb was sleeping.

It poked curiously with the pliers in its hand and felt that it felt good. Then

, it stretched its sinful pliers to the big loudspeaker ears, which woke up the roaring bomb in its sleep, and it roared instantly with the anger of waking up. In the cave, the echo effect was better. It knocked back the lobster soldiers and jumped up and down out of the cave. The whole cave seemed to be vibrating in the noise.

Xiaozhi was slightly immune to it with the power of the waveguide, but Xiaoyao and the other three were immune.

Not so lucky, he could only cover his ears with both hands.

The consequence of this was that the carapace cocoon in Xiaoyao's arms fell to the ground, and the round little guy immediately rolled towards the depths of the cave as his companion.

When Pikachu saw it, he rushed over and greeted the mini dragon.

The mini dragon nodded, then turned into a stream of light and shot the lobster soldier back, and then headed towards the carapace cocoon….

Because the mini dragon's body is too slippery to effectively retain its carapace cocoon, they can only wait for Fire Chicken and Pikachu to come over and pick them up.

On the other side, Xiaogang also asked Friitus to open a hole in the mountain wall on the side, and quickly took Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng away from here.

Xiaozhi found the violent Howling Boom Monster. The waveguides all over his body turned into dark blue. An extremely powerful and gentle aura made the Howling Boom Monster gradually calm down.

"I'm really sorry for waking you up in your sleep. As an apology, I'll give you this!"As he said that, Xiaozhi took out some Pokémon food and handed it to it.

The roaring monster took it, smelled it, and then swallowed it in one gulp, and then walked away with satisfaction.

Then, Xiaozhi looked at his feet The little lobster soldier showed a helpless look in his eyes and knocked on its forehead,"You still don't make people worry!"

The Lobster Soldier also waved the pliers in his hand with a smile. It is estimated that after this time, the Lobster Soldier's character should be restrained a little!

After seeing Pikachu and Mini Dragon coming back, Xiaozhi waved his hand,"Let's go, Xiaoyao and the others should be there. Wait for us 0.3."

Outside the cave, after seeing Carapace Cocoon, Xiaoyao happily hugged him,"Carapace Cocoon, it's great that you are okay."

"Xiaosheng, look how far this is from Wudou Town?"

"If we walk a little further, we'll be there before dark."

So, before dark, they arrived at the Pokémon Center in Wudou Town.

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi decided to send Mu Shou Gong and Proud Swallow back to let his Pokémon grow for a while. I believe it won't be long before their Pokémon Strength will be greatly improved

"Doctor, I'll leave them to you."

"Do not worry!"

To be continued....