
Chapter 207

"Dr. Ohki, I have arrived at Fengyuan area."After arriving at the Pokémon Center, Xiaozhi first called Dr. Oak.

"Oh, is it so? Very good."Dr. Ohmu saw on the other end of the phone that Xiaozhi was in good spirits and couldn't help but feel relieved,"This new adventure is about to officially begin."

"Of course, I will keep working hard."

Xiaoyao saw that Xiaozhi and Dr. Omu were chatting happily, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and said,"Hello, my name is Xiaoyao."

Dr. Omu noticed the girl behind Xiaozhi from the beginning. Seeing her taking the initiative to come over to greet him, he responded politely:"Hello, Miss Xiaoyao, I am Dr. Omu from Zhenxin Town."

"Are you Dr. Omu? I often listen to your broadcasts about Pokémon lectures with my brother. If my brother knew that I had talked to you, Dr. Oak, he would be jealous to death."

When he said these words, Xiaoyao moved his face closer again,"I have just become a Pokémon trainer and I have been traveling for a while. Please give me your advice."

"It seems that Xiaozhi has made new friends in a new area! Dr. Ohmu sighed,"Xiao Zhi, you two should travel well and help each other!"".

"Don't worry doctor, I will take good care of her."But how to take care of it is unknown.

After hanging up the phone, Dr. Omu shook his head,"It's great to be young!"

On the other side, Xiaozhi taught Xiaoyao some related facilities of the Pokémon Center. After all, she is a newbie, and it is necessary for her to know some key things.

Time soon came to night, and they were here too. We had dinner. To be honest, the food at the Pokémon Center may not be as good as Xiaogang's, but there are many kinds, which is a very good spiritual support for trainers.

"Wow, it's delicious! The food at the Pokémon Center is simply amazing.々 "Xiaoyao himself has a very high interest in food, and he was full of praise after eating the food here.

"What's the point? It turns out that I have a very good companion, and the food he makes is even more delicious than the food at the Pokémon Center."

"ah? Really?"

Xiao Zhi smiled slightly,"Of course, but it is better to rely more on yourself during the trip. It is definitely impossible for everyone to encounter the Pokémon Center."

At this moment, the lights in the Pokémon Center suddenly went dark, and Pikachu and Eevee immediately came to Xiaozhi's shoulders.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi suddenly remembered that there are also two evil forces in Fengyuan. , if I remember correctly, the culprit for this should be...

"Xiaoyao, stay where you are and don't move. I'll come back as soon as I go."After that, Xiaozhi left. Xiaoyao is still a girl after all. She will definitely not feel at ease here alone. Only following Xiaozhi is the wisest choice.

So, when Xiaozhi was speechless, Xiaoyao Haruka also followed.

"Professor Metz, I hope you can come with us to the ancient ruins."

In Xiaozhi's sight, he saw a group of people in red clothes and a few black ruga, standing in front of a man in a shirt. When they told them about the ancient ruins, Xiaozhi probably already knew The origins of these people were revealed.

The two major evil forces in Fengyuan were the Lava Team, a mysterious force trying to expand the land.

But at this time, Miss Joy followed suit and the three of them were discovered shortly afterwards. , in order to be able to investigate their purpose, Xiaozhi did not rush to take action, but obeyed obediently.

Seeing their cooperation, Team Lava did not make it difficult for them, but locked them in a warehouse, and Professor Metz was also captured by them. It was taken

"Miss Joy, tell me what you know about Professor Metz and the ancient ruins."Xiao Zhi didn't panic, but acted very calmly.

"Mr. Metz specially brought the research institute here in order to study the ancient ruins. I heard from Mr. Metz that there was a stone chamber on top of that ruins. Legend has it that it might be the door connecting the ancient Pokémon world to our world."

"That's it!"Ash touched his chin. If so, it makes sense.

It is said that among the three gods of Fengyuan, there is a legendary Pokémon in charge of the earth – Groudon. This Pokémon has always been what the Lava team wanted to find. target, so after hearing the rumors about Gu Chen's ruins, they took action. After understanding it, Xiaozhi first asked Pikachu to use Iron Tail to open the door, and after handing it over to Miss Joy, he and Xiaoyao. Just go to the ancient ruins.

However, although Professor Metz surrendered under the pressure of the Lava Team, the murals on the stone slabs here only record that humans and ancient Pokémon such as Ammonite, Spiny Ammonite, and Fossil Helmet lived in harmony. The picture did not contain the information they wanted.

Then Professor Metz was brought out.

"` 々Xiaozhi, why didn't you take action just now?"

"One, they didn't do anything too extreme; two, I know too little about them now."Xiao Zhi shrugged,"But when it comes to gathering information, who do I know (Zhao Nuo)?"

Looking at Xiaoyao's confused eyes, Xiaozhi turned his head and said,"Hey, you have been following me for so long, why don't you come out and meet me?"

"Little devil, can you be more polite next time you call us out?"The Rockets trio are obviously a little dissatisfied with Xiaozhi's attitude.

"Don't pick so many choices. I'll give you a good job. Let's investigate the information about the force just now! I guess you want to do this too! If anything happens, just report it to me."


It is worth mentioning that at dawn, with the help of the four gems, underground water veins were discovered, and the ancient coelacanth, known as the Pokémon living fossil, was also discovered. It was also an unexpected gain.

After bidding farewell to Professor Metz, Xiao Zhi and Xiaoyao continued their journey.

To be continued.....