
The Pinnacle of Life in the United States of America

I would like to clarify that none of this book is mine I just got it from another novel site and I saw it was not on Webnovel so here it is. there is alot of bashing of the usa in the book I have been trying to look through it and see where gas that happened so I can take it out if you see anything like that please tell me.

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61 Chs

Trial play

   "im sorry, you look, you know, like that kind of ladies." Lu Ning continued his performance, talking, and looking up and down Alice.

"Well, once, I stepped on the thin ice and fell off, I will tell you..." Lu Ning continued his lines, but at this moment, he seemed to be in deep fear, remembering that he didn't dare to remember. Things.

   "The water is really cold, just like the one below...like a thousand knives inserted into your body." After a few seconds, Lu Ning took a deep breath and said again.

   At this time, the two looked at each other again, and then, Alice looked at the ground again, the fear in her eyes deepened again.

"You can't breathe, you can't think, you don't feel anything except the pain." Lu Ning's words are like the temptation of the devil, unconsciously drifting into Alice's ears, hitting her heart, Alice's line of defense is in. Rout.

   Seeing this, James Cameron can be regarded as seeing the doorway, Lu Ning's acting skills are really good, and now he has started to play with Alice.

   is not the kind of pressure play and snatching play, but a better sense of play with the other party.

   Lu Ning finished this paragraph, silent again, and lowered his head slightly, as if falling into memories again, with a trace of fear in his expression.

   Alice looked back at Lu Ning from time to time, then glanced at the ground, clearly feeling a retreat.

   "So, I really don't want to jump with you, but I have already spoken..." Lu Ning raised his head again after a long silence, as if he had made a certain determination.

   untied his pants and looked at Alice: "I have no choice." There was another look at each other, "I really hope you can come back to the railing so that I don't have to worry about it again."

   said with a look in his eyes, beckoning Alice to come back quickly.

   "You are a lunatic." Alice commented on Lu Ning, and turned her head and stopped looking at him.

   "Everyone said that." Lu Ning replied indifferently, and then slowly approached Alice: "But with all due respect, miss, I will never stand outside the railing at the stern if I am crazy."

   Alice has not looked back, but her body trembles slightly, and her breathing begins to intensify again.

   "Come on, come and give me your hand." Lu Ning tentatively stretched out his right hand from behind Alice, knowing that Alice could see the hand.

   "You don't really want to do that." Lu Ning kept inducing Alice.

   Alice turned her head again, and finally decided to stretch her hand to Lu Ning. The two of them held their hands together, and Alice slowly began to turn around.

   The two finally looked at each other face to face for the first time, and Lu Ning let out a breath.

   showed a wicked smile.

   "My name is Jack Dawson." Lu Ning introduced himself, with the evil smile at the moment and the beauty of the flourishing age.

   This is Lu Ning that Alice has never seen before, and her breath quickens.

   "Ruth Dewitt Booker." Alice looked at Lu Ning's eyes and announced her name.

   "You have to pull you over to sign for me." Lu Ning said a witty remark humorously.

   Alice was chuckled by Lu Ning.

  . . .

  . . .

   "Go ahead." James Cameron urged a little dissatisfiedly as they watched the two stay still for a long time.

   "Uncle James, you gave us this script."

   "Oh, is that so? Okay, cut." James Cameron called the end.

   Lu Ning and Alice both let out a sigh of relief, and Lu Ning quickly picked up the clothes he had just thrown on the ground.

   "Hey, boy, don't worry, you have a great body." James Cameron teased Lu Ning, which also meant revenge.

   Alice turned her head a little embarrassedly, she didn't dare to take another look, um, okay, actually she still took a peek.

   "Boy, when did you learn to act?" After Lu Ning finished sorting himself out, James Cameron spoke again. He had never heard of Lu Ning's acting.

   I have to say that Lu Ning's acting skills have completely conquered James Cameron. Such acting skills may not be possible for a forty or fifty-year-old old drama.

   can still bring opponents as strict as possible. Such an actor is definitely the director's treasure.

   "So, Uncle James, did we pass?" Lu Ning asked tentatively.

"This really embarrassed me. To be honest, I really have nothing to say about your acting skills. Let's be honest. I was originally looking for Leonardo DiCaprio. You are completely Broke my idea."

   James Cameron seemed a bit embarrassed. Let's use Lu Ning. You have to modify the script yourself. Although it is not too troublesome, there are risks.

   Don't use Lu Ning, I just agreed, as long as Lu Ning's acting skills are approved, it will pass.

When agreed, James Cameron really did not expect Lu Ning to have such a good acting skill.

   "By the way, Uncle James, I heard that your funds are not very abundant. Personally, I am willing to put out 15 million yuan, and only ask for a normal box office share."

  Lu Ning also didn't want to push James Cameron too hard. With this capital injection, James Cameron also seemed to confess that 20th Century Fox and Paramount were not.

  Although I have just been harassing me, but at any rate I have the acting guarantee.

"Hmm." James Cameron was a little moved when he heard Lu Ning's willingness to personally inject capital. A few days ago, because of insufficient money for costume design, he urged Twentieth Century Fox and Paramount to confess to increasing investment. All companies said they had no money, and they had to give up some.

   However, now that Lu Ning is willing to inject capital, the clothing problem has been completely solved. Well, the tableware in the VIP room seems to be able to be upgraded to another level.

James Cameron looks much more pleasing to Lu Ning now. Well, Lu Ning is not the kind of completely Asian face. After all, his grandma is a standard American, and Lu Ning's appearance has the contours of America. Distinct and resolute.

   The big deal is to set the male protagonist to be of mixed blood. Sometimes dyeing dark brown hair is not a big problem, but the benefits are still the better.

   "Well, Lu Xiaozi, you also know that the crew is a little nervous, do you see your pay?"

   "US$10,000 will do." This price is also the price of a general high-level group performance.

   "That's great, what about the heroine?" James Cameron asked brazenly again.

   "Uncle James, you can't go too far. My mother is really willing to talk to you." Lu Ning curled his lips and opened a dye shop for some color.

"Haha, okay, then the salary of 1 million can't be more." James Cameron said embarrassedlly, be honest, the price is not bad for Alice, but For the giant Titanic, the low is pitiful.

   "I'm fine." Alice quickly took the words, and it was an accident that she could get the heroine.

   Alice doesn't care about it at all.

   "Well, just 1 million." Since Alice had spoken, Lu Ning could only agree.

   "Do you have any other opinions?" James Cameron asked the two senior officials of 20th Century Fox and Paramount as usual.

   The two shook their heads unanimously. Lu Ning and Alice's acting skills were already excellent, and there was no need to offend the king Lu and Queen Lin behind Lu Ning for this matter.

   "Haha, that's how it is decided."

  "Ding, system temporary task: Impress James Cameron with acting skills

   Mission completion reward: Tian Lai singing voice (special)

   Lu Ning, male, 16 years old

   Face value: 93 (you completely surpass the so-called small fresh meat, I have to say that your genes are really strong)

   Intelligence: 8 (out of 10, you can learn everything very quickly, belonging to the children of other people in the mouth of the parents of your classmates)

   Physical strength: 6 (It can only be said to be so-so, such physical strength may be rejected by individual women)

  Skills: English proficiency, Mandarin proficiency, French proficiency, German proficiency, driving (beginner), fighting (proficient), native love words (proficient)

  Special: aristocratic temperament (the existence of emptiness, but it can be felt), peak acting (possessed by the actor), the voice of heaven (your singing is heavenly to anyone)

  Current task: None

   Current wealth: For you, who owns an American Express Centurion, you don't actually need to fight. "