

"Come in" Natalie called out to Rachel,allowing her into the office,ignoring the numerous missed call she had declined from Dave. Rachel rushed in smartly, her grape shirt tucked underneath her perfectly fitted skirt which showed in her shape all down to her thigh,few inches above her knees.

Rachel calm aura was adopted by a frantic simper. "Ma'am you have to fly to Connecticut,no later than this evening.

Natalie raised her brow,staring intently at Rachel. She was a brunette, but was highly efficient. When Natalie had first met her,after Asher had recommended her,she took a liking to Rachel. She was sweet and usually minds her business. "What the reason?"

Rachel dropped some files,giving the other to Natalie. "The commissioner had requested a meeting"

"The commissioner?" Natalie questioned. Now she had to go,this wasn't a something she could have sent Rachel to. "Alright book the available flight. ASAP."

"Already done" That hadn't surprised Natalie, again Rachel was good at her job. "It's an hour away"

Natalie sent her an approving nod,clearing the files that occupied half of her glassy table. She had to first inform Asher and Carrie. She arrived at the airport, boarding her scheduled flight to Connecticut,Hartford.

It was brief and soon she arrived in Connecticut. Connecticut. It greeted her with a familiarity. This was certainly not her first time here.

Perhaps Natalie felt it to,her entire emotions hardened. She was here for a reason and soon will be out. Natalie wasn't intent on sharing nor thinking about it. She scampered into the commissioner's office. Her gaze instantly recognizing the broadened back of the man who stood before her. Dave bloody Anderson. 'What on earth is he here for." She had intentionally been avoiding him from that night and now he's here.

Just as she decided she wasn't sinking any lower into her thoughts, the main antagonist appeared before her.

Maybe he felt her presence, Dave turned, facing her a pleased expression occupying his annoyingly disgusting smug of a face.

Natalie took some nerve calming breath. She offered a smile and now secretary was at her side,thankfully. The young sultry lady with the inappropriate revelation of her skin, gestured into the office. "Sir would like to see you both now."

This indubitably answered Natalie's question. 'So they were both here for the same thing.' Now another question sprung up. Why the commissioner requested her presence. As far as she could tell,the business between them had ended few months ago on a good note,she ensured it. So what could it be. She was about to find out anyways. Dave boisterously led her in,holding a chair out for her. 'Imbecile'

The commissioner as always had his cheery mood on. Twitching his mustache idly. Most acquaintances had a cold definition of his character.

Well maybe some of it was quite true. The Commissioner Sam was rather quite standoffish and hostile but with Natalie he took an exception. Maybe because she made an impression on their first encounter,and a more contributive undeniable factor was her appealing beauty that never fails to draw the unrequited attention.

Natalie on the other hand knew exactly how to handle the likes of the Commissioner.

"And how's Mr Reed?" The commissioner asked,carefully staring.

Commissioner Sam took the opportunity to draw in her beauty when she answered gently, when he was convinced he was fully satisfied,he went on with the ultimate reason for the meeting.

Throughout the commissioner's speech,Natalie never spoke up,nodding consistently. She watched the silly sultry excuse of a secretary,pacing irritatingly,crouching down in the excuse of offering a drink,exposing her puffed up chest on the other sorry excuse of a male,who was having quite a blast.

'So this was the reason' She nodded at the commissioner with a smile, tilting her neck to Dave. 'This was no doubt his doing, he had somehow convinced the commissioner for another business project but this time with Krystal Group included...And who was she to object'

"Then I guess it's done" The commissioner laughed hysterically. "We'll finalize it tomorrow morning." The commissioner gaze were now on Natalie, "I've arranged everything at the hotel to make you comfortable enough for the night."

His hands slightly brushing her hands. "Sorry for the inconvenience." Mr Sam hadn't noticed the anger raged Dave who watched the actions of this silly old skunk.

She conjured up another smile at Mr Sam exiting the office. 'Yay...another godforsaken day with that bastard' Her inner thought squeaked in aggravation.

And Dave was beside her with the afternoon running by.

He cleared his throat. 'What now does he want to say' Natalie thought,a little derision in there.

"Have been wanting to see you Natalie."

"Been busy" She didn't have time for this,Natalie knew exactly what he was going to say.

"It's about the other day,I just wanted to clear the air. Miss Brooke was there for an early meeting" His guilty voice invaded.

Natalie took a halt. "I didn't ask Dave. Whatever's going on between either of you is not my concern and I'd like it to stay that way"

"Believe me there's nothing"

"Dave it doesn't concern me. You are a widower and free to live your life" Natalie pushed words in his mouth,it was obvious she was getting annoyed and Dave could sense it,so he did what any wiseman would do,he dropped it.

"Rather than cramping up in the hotel,why not I tour you around the famous city."

Natalie gave it another thought "Why not" She assuaged her words infuriated voice.

Dave took her on a stroll, touring the entire place.This wasn't foreign to her. Neither this place nor the memories here. She followed on, dismantling every ounce of pain crawling in.

This was once a lovely fond place for her and Dave. The very place Dave swore love to her while she was supposedly away in college.

Every place he'd once taken Jeanine,was the same place he had shamelessly taken Natalie. It made her think of how many more females he had taken there. It should have made her heart ache at that thought but it didn't.

Just as Natalie had had enough with the whole charade and was awfully bored and frustrated with this nincompoop,Dave pleaded he had one final place he'd take her to.

And soon they were there. 'Seriously... a restaurant' Natalie didn't say a word,but Dave could definitely read the look she threw him.

It wasn't all that fancy both on the outside and inside. Dave held a chair out for her. "And this is the best place of mine." Natalie looked around with a grimace. This place wasn't familiar at all,Dave never took her here,not even once. It was empty and practically the last place she could swear Dave would go.

Moment later,a gruffy valiant man motioned through,and from the way both greeted,it was obvious Dave knew him.

"And this is Natalie" Dave's eye twinkling idiotically like a lovestruck schoolboy.

The man stared blankly at her. "I'm Philip" A smile dangled at both edge of his lips. "You must be very special, Dave has never brought any female here" His eyes now on Dave,the smile he had worn earlier grew massively.

Natalie took another glance at the silly Dave. Natalie couldn't quite tell if this was a well staged ploy or not,but that wasn't her concern. She had overspent her time and that was enough.

She requested nothing more than a coffee,she didn't plan on staying here any longer. Dave probably sensed it but was not having a quit.

Soon Natalie was done and they head to the hotel. Natalie stomped to her room,sparing no time with Dave.

She couldn't explain her sudden mood swing,but the less time she spent,the more better she'll feel or maybe yet safer. She wasn't Jeanine. She wasn't a fool. He could no longer charm her with his sweet words.

Natalie idled herself till evening in her room,speaking with Skylar, a little joy would suffice. She hadn't had a clue how the time flew with Skylar bickering nonstop about school. She could hear the thunderous rumble from her stomach and knew she had to quell it,she headed out hoping Dave would at least show mercy by been out of sight. She didn't think she could take anymore.

Just as she had feared,Dave was right there,his irritating smile on.

'She should have made an order.' She thought ushering a tired smile.

She was here for dinner and soon be out.

Natalie moved to a sit placing her order,she particularly picked a chair farthest from Dave's but guessed he didn't get the point.

And he was over.

He slid into a seat,without permission. She begun her dinner and as quickly as she could, she was done.

"Natalie,please wait " Dave grabbed her as she made her way up.

"A round of drinks?" Dave insisted, Natalie settled back in her seat,after much of a thought. Dave hideous smile was back. He could never be anywhere better.

"How do you like the city?" Dave continued, he needed to hear her voice, that melodious siren of a voice.

Natalie tiredly drank from her juice,effortlessly beautiful. "It's great,been here a couple times but never had the opportunity to tour around like today"

Dave swelled in ego and a certain self appreciation.


"Not my first time but believe me I had fun today and because of you I also had the chance to visit uncle Phil's restaurant."

Natalie's took the chance to explore further. "Looks like you know him very well."

Dave's laughed lightly."Yes I do.Uncle Phil is like family"

Natalie couldn't hide the surprise his words shook her with. Like family and she never heard of him. Dave had never spoken to her of anyone neither from the orphanage nor from anywhere else. 'Uncle Phil' She rang severally in her head maybe it would sound familiar but it didn't. She quickly boarded the ship of curiosity. "How so?"

Dave gave Natalie a long gaze,as if contemplating about a decision. He broke out from his thoughts. His grey eyes meeting hers. 'It's quite a long story. To cut it short. After I left the orphanage, Uncle Phil took me in until I got a scholarship in California, then he moved here."

Natalie was struck awe. Dave seemed to be leaving her dumbstruck. She hadn't known,not even Jeanine had known.

"Hmm. You must have talked a lot about him"

Dave threw her another look. "Actually no." He shifted his torso. "This is the first time speaking of him to anyone."

Natalie couldn't just take a quit. She had to appease her curiosity. "Not even to your wife" Natalie had to chirp in Jeanine.

Dave's expression still hadn't change and bet he didn't know where this was going. "You mean Jeanine?"

Natalie rolled her eyes mentally. Who else would I mean?

Dave oblivious to what was transpiring in her head gave a light chuckle. "Never...not once did I mention him to her" Natalie couldn't distinct if that was satirical or rhetorical.

Dave gulped down his remaining drink,he was no doubt in a good mood. He wasn't even having an alcohol, just as plain as Natalie but still,something was going on with him.

Dave couldn't quite apprehend or explain what was happening. All he knew,he felt an enthralling pull to this woman.

He gazed at her. Whatever was happening to him he loved it. He felt obliged to answer her every question. He felt the need to be truthful and he went for it.

There was nothing he could do,for the first time he felt speaking his heart. Natalie didn't say a word,she stared at him blankly with her sky blue eyes as Dave lamented.

Her blue eyes to him, gave him assurance and the willingness he needed. Dave could feel the weird feeling his body vibrated in,it was in a good way. Something he had never felt before.

This woman had awaken something he never thought he had. Dave didn't know what took over him but something had changed and he loved the simulation he was dreaming in,he loved been by her side.

"And why's that she was your wife afterall." Natalie had taken his answers to heart. Now she wasn't leaving here without hearing it all. Somehow she'll pry the reason Dave had hated her so much. All she did was love him and that was a crime. She knew Emma hated her,more so because of her jealousy,something so minimal. And for that she was killed. But Dave, Dave hadn't quite said why he hated her and since he was in good spirit she should as well make use of it.

Dave drew in a breath. This was becoming serious. His eyes never leaving her compellous ones. "Didn't just feel the need to,there was no point letting her know" Natalie gave a slight tilting of her neck. 'Because you had plans of getting rid of her right' Her emotions were no doubt clouding her.

"And why" Dave wasn't a bit suspicious at her inquisitiveness, he strangely wanted her to know. This was something he couldn't tell anyone not even his lover,Emma.

"She was just different" Dave blurted,Jeanine was different and that was her crime.

Natalie wasn't given up."How so?"

Dave sighed. This wasn't something he could say. "You wouldn't understand"

"Really. I'm starting to think you didn't love her" Natalie was shrewd but kept an unconcerned gaze.

Dave didn't think much. He knew the answer. He had never loved her. Jeanine was a mere plan. That's all. He gazed into her encouraging blue eyes.

"To be honest our marriage was umm." He struggled for the right choice of word. "Conceptual." That's it. "It more conceptual to me and a convenience to Jeanine."

'Convienience' Natalie heart clenched. He even dared to say that to a stranger and defamed Jeanine. If Dave wasn't smitten. He would have noticed the murderous glare Natalie threw him in a second. "So you never loved her. Not once."

Dave in a second could see the hurt in those eyes. But as egoistic as he was,he had other thoughts buzzing through. 'She was jealous'

"Maybe I tried to". He was back to his script. "Or maybe not. I guess it just didn't work out"

"Until she died"

Dave kept his gaze on her. "I guess so."

Natalie had had enough. After all this time,he never once thought of his child the one he killed. Dave was a monster and all this charade of his was not getting to her.

"Maybe in another life you could understand and learn to love her" Natalie just had to say.

Dave gave an almost unnoticeable sinister laugh. "Never not even in another life." He said so low under his breath but Natalie could make of his words. Dave didn't deceive himself. He knew it. Even if she was to come in another life. He still wouldn't spare her a glance. He wouldn't be a fool to fall for her. And that was the l ucid truth.

Natalie conjured a smile,covering the burning hatred in her heart. 'Only if you knew Dave' She thought.

Natalie had another thing in mind,she was about to say something when she saw the hazy reflection of a figure from behind on her glass.

A devilish instinct crawled in.

"I think I have to rest" Natalie was up,taking a turn,when she stepped on her track, and lost her balance. Dave was up quickly, saving her from the disaster or so he thought.

His hands were on her,Dave was pulled again into his desires, slowly he brought his lips closer. Natalie stood,but not frozen on her feet. She dreaded what was happening but remained glued to her feet,until Dave successfully breached the gap between them and his lips were on hers.

Before Dave could go further, a disturbing wail,violently pierced through. "Dave!!!"

Dave jerked away,turning to his side. His eyes widened unreadably. 'Emma. Why was she here?'

He glanced at Natalie and back to Emma. He was short of words,confounded. "Emma" Anyone could tell though it sounded like a statement but had a lot of questions in there.

"Dave--" Emma begun as he raced to her side,abruptly cutting her off. Dave grabbed her wrists and pulled her out.

Natalie inhaled innocently,taking her seat,she wiped off her lips with a tissue.

Emma jiggled her hands free. She threw a slap across Dave's face. Her eyes shooting fury. Dave knew there was no saving but held his glare. "What are you doing here Emma"

At his words,she gifted another slap. Her burning eyes holding back a tear. "I curse you Dave Anderson"

"You shouldn't be here" Dave ignored her words.

"How dare you?" Her voice sounded. "I warned you Dave-"

Dave again cut her off. "Emma you sho-"

Emma was quick. "Shut your mouth Dave" She warned again. "I warned you to get that tramp out of your head. I swear I didn't go through everything to be treated like this. You are MINE Dave. Jeanine couldn't change that and neither will she." Emma was enraged, she couldn't stop,she needed to draw the line. "Dave don't push me. I will never have that. I could kill-"

"Natalie" Dave quickly interrupted Emma before she sold them out. He gave Natalie a look,trying to decipher how long she had been standing there and if she heard anything. But the cold stare she sent his way was adamant on not letting him in.

Natalie gave a glance at Emma and walked away, she didn't say a word,not even to the fading calls of Dave.

Dave was mad,yet another time Emma managed to spoil everything. Before this walking typhoon came,he was happy,spending the evening beside his stainless beauty and now... He couldn't even bring himself to finish his thoughts, what occupied his mind was what Natalie thought of him. And by the looks of things it definitely not good.

Angered he returned Emma's fierce glare. "Please Emma just let me be"

"Get rid of your infatuation" Emma wasn't requesting.

Dave knew it. "I'm sorry love, but I can't." He matched her tone. "I just can't. This is not an infatuation, maybe at first it was but not anymore" Dave was completely honest.

Emma was void of emotion. "What did you just say?"

"I feel drawn to her Emma,I can't explain it but I want her and you can't stop me." Dave left no room for more argument, he stomped away leaving Emma transfixed.

She was distraught. She wished she was dreaming. But knew better, her head arched in anger. She wasn't letting this slide. Natalie had bewitched Dave and she took it quite easily. No. No.

This wasn't her. This wasn't Emma Brooke. She had mellowed after Jeanine's death,she won't let that married tramp get her way nor let Dave walk away so easily. Dave was hers. Whether he liked it or not. Emma had to make Natalie understand in her typical way. But...

Emma paused on her thought. She had to set Natalie straight but first there was something else she needed to settle. 'She wasn't crazy.' She said,lacking a bit of confidence in her words. Lately she had begun seeing things,feeling what she shouldn't feel and she had to take care of that first.