
The Phoenix's Prophecy

The Phoenix is told to be one among the first three dragons. While the two alongside Phoenix are to have had an unknown and unreachable end each, the Phoenix lives on, like phoenixes do, dying and living again and again, in circles and cycles. Through ages she lives on, she passes the prophecies on what has, and will happen again... The beast Rahambose, will be brought back. And the ones responsible will be the reincarnations of the first two dragons, Max and Sam, who just like their predecessors, will cause him back into existence. Knowing such a Prophecy of the Phoenix, the little dragons listen to the King, as he tells them what happened once the three met each other once more. And the little dragons can only HOPE that the past went about peacefully. It sure must've, the great King must've made sure of it. But even so, the saying always goes: in the end, it is always Rahambose. --------------------------------------------------- Updates:- Every Monday

MrParadox_2020 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 46 – The messed up (1)

"Drego?" Leo asks to the being who chuckles like an evil spirit, right in front of him.

Leo? Why do I speak of myself in the third person. What's happening?

"You and I both know that I'm not her," 'The Spirit' laughs.

'The Spirit', looks at her hand with shock and then blankness.

"You cut my beautiful hand that day. I really must be shocked and mentally unstable seeing this, but I'm not. How really can I be?" she asks, as if Leo could even answer.

What… I have to snap Drego out of this. I don't like this presence. But besides this, this other presence there… where is that from? Who is it?

"Because I already knew this, and some things else even. It is hazy now. Why am I here though? Did god give me another chance, or the devil?" 'The Spirit' looks at me, expecting. "It was neither. That presence was something else. A presence which feels like a… paradox. Couldn't be here. Shouldn't be here."

"Drego, you are in control," I say, snapping out of his thoughts, and putting his hands forward.

What? Why do I talk…

I look at my own hands as if they were foreign.

"And like that you give me time to figure. Even when I literally monologue like a madman, you don't recognise me as one. Where did that presence go? It wasn't you… but, why do I feel him in you? Is it you?" 'The Spirit' asks, and I see my own image from my front.


She means me.

What? Who are you?

I'm sorry. I didn't know that's how the story went. Let's worry about what she is Leo, I can explain, I mean you no harm.

"A purple dragon. I'm pretty strong than the last time. You really summoned me here? You know what would happen? I know. I have… the glimpse of the future. More like… I read it. Phrases. As if you all are the characters of a story. I read it."

Don't let her get into your head.

And what makes you better?

I'm sorry, you should never know. But I need to push you to kill her. And soon. Even when that is how the story must not go. Her time… originally… no, this is how it was supposed to go. No witnesses.

"Eh, you lack the perseverance of a purple."

"Get out of her head!" I hear myself say, and stay back as I watch my body go. I run to catch-up.

"Look who's catching up."

'The Spirit' stands still as I… if I even could call myself, or him, that… charge towards her. As I jump, 'The Spirit' moves her hand and a purple sickle-like structure cuts through space, towards me.

I jump towards my body and form a black sword to defend.

"I-it's a melee fight," Wyrom says.

"Really? A literal villainess appeared in front of you and you hope for me to play by your rules?" 'The Spirit' stares at Wyrom, making him gulp. "Ah… I sense it in you too. Maybe you'll be next. Stay right there, okay?"

'The Spirit' floats above in a jump towards me… but the sickle not having deformed completely: I turn around while clenching my body and still defending from the sickle I simply stop pushing away from its force. I drag on the ground, along her, and the sickle finally deforms.

I hear Wyrom rushing here.

The forest was way too deep for us to reach into where people could find us, luckily.

I quickly get off of 'The Spirit' and look at her bruised body. She gets up too, and shakes with fear of the bruises she sees on herself.

"I didn't read about me being this weak. This body is crippling already. Did the past have this information? The past? Why is it the past? No. I must not lose control. It's meaningless. Why must I try then? If it's all just past? I will not be past it!"

There would have been consequences if I had took another path, which I had considered. I shall never again make such a horrible choice, even when I never made it. Was this even my doing?

"I can't let me being put down! He can't decide my fate! I took on so many! I can-I can be stronger than Rahambose. I was. Can I still be? What must I do? What?" 'The Spirit' asks me again.

It is time.

"What? Who are you?" Leo asks, looking towards me.

And as I ponder towards him… I get it. Rushing towards the spirit with all my might, I form energy in my palms. At a feet away from her, I see a glimpse of such energy in her palms too. But as I aim towards her head, she aims it at the ground: by default.

The ground below us had broken, and I feel myself fall. Quite a rough but lucky fall… I cough through the dust which has also covered my vision. I feel myself immobile, even when not that hurt, as rocks lay on my lap.

As I attempt to move and the dust clears… I see someone standing right ahead of me. 'The Spirit'. Even with a damaged head… she stands there with a smirk-lit face

"Poor little thing," 'The Spirit' says with awe and pity, and raises her hand towards my face.



Something strikes like lightning. Someone. Wyrom. With a lot of effort, he lifts 'The Spirit' by her neck. Of course, his form was smaller now, by a lot than normal. Just the side effect of the powers he used; which wasn't his.

Wyrom grits his teeth as his form bulges with cracks opening from his skin and blood gushing out. He makes sure to steadily hold her before smashing her into the ground.

I see terror in the eyes of 'The Spirit', and feel it in myself too.

"You," she says, in a way.

"Leave her," Wyrom hisses, almost like a snake.

"These kids… aren't kids," 'The Spirit' tells to an unknown person.

Wyrom lifts his fists merged together, aiming for her head… making me scream and unknown scream of terror which I couldn't hear or make sense of. But Wyrom had no intention to stop, but arcs down to her chest instead: making her vomit blood and instantly changed form while turning to dust.

Drego looks at Wyrom with her eyes wide open in terror. She could probably see all of what had happened in the past minutes, just now. And she faints after the experience.

"Leo, you-" Wyrom says, turning and trying to rush towards me.

"-go. I can get myself out, you know that," I say.

Wyrom carefully lifts Drego's collapsed body, and puts her his chest.

"On a second thought… send someone to get me," I say, feeling a little tired. "And please don't use whiplash, you already seem weak. And the chances are you may drop her."

Whiplash was formerly Spythun's discovered ability. Even when Spythun said he would gift Wyrom the power, 'concerned for the bulky dude's slow movement'… it was obvious that the owner had no ability to handle the backlashes of such power. Form and strength recoil. Only Wyrom was the one who could evidently bear it… barely.

"Hmm," Wyrom blankly affirms to my words, and starts walking away.

"You still there?" I ask into space, only to be left with silence. "Maybe I hit my head too hard just now."

So I lay there, beaten from my position of being the strongest… by not one, but two people. But a part of me was proud of them… all of them. They had… grown so much.

I lay there… not trying to move out. Forming scared around my body, with my ability. Hoping it'd make me stronger… or help me see ghosts, if I did it right enough.

#Leo, the strongest. After the incident, he only believed in hurting himself resulting in his strength. And he could hear me. I could feel him better than any of the six. What did this mean? I couldn't save August or Stree… but maybe if I tried enough… could I at least save him? Not because he was the strongest but… maybe I don't want him to end up like Trinity.#

Like Trinity? What's that supposed to mean? Who really are you? Are you… really the writer?