
The Phoenix's Prophecy

The Phoenix is told to be one among the first three dragons. While the two alongside Phoenix are to have had an unknown and unreachable end each, the Phoenix lives on, like phoenixes do, dying and living again and again, in circles and cycles. Through ages she lives on, she passes the prophecies on what has, and will happen again... The beast Rahambose, will be brought back. And the ones responsible will be the reincarnations of the first two dragons, Max and Sam, who just like their predecessors, will cause him back into existence. Knowing such a Prophecy of the Phoenix, the little dragons listen to the King, as he tells them what happened once the three met each other once more. And the little dragons can only HOPE that the past went about peacefully. It sure must've, the great King must've made sure of it. But even so, the saying always goes: in the end, it is always Rahambose. --------------------------------------------------- Updates:- Every Monday

MrParadox_2020 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 4 – Abnormal happening

"What's with the ball?" a voice makes me jump, and pounce away, and look towards the source, with intent to defend myself.

"Oh my god, Fara. Don't just… you know. I could have hurt you by mistake," I sigh.

"Still will live way longer than you, don't worry," Fara smirks.

"Right-right, the prophet who never dies," I mock.

"I just tried to copy a name and failed miserably, alright? I accept my defeat. Just go easy on me."

I just scoff.

"You still didn't answer me, Aster."

I look at the ball I have placed at this common-ground around this deserted area.

"I guess… I'm just repenting in a way. I can't play with people now. So at least people can still have fun… it is free. I make it a little free at least."

Fara doesn't say a thing, and just zips her mouth and looks at a non-existent person of interest.

"Just humour me, otherwise it is sad."

"I can't do that. That'd be a bit harsh," Fara says with pity.

"No way… I'd love it."

"He'd too… of what you've become. Of your wiseness, which takes on him."

"Ha, that's a compliment, not humour," I scoff.

"From my heart, really. But if you still want me to mock you… I could destroy you. With ease."

"Ha, is that a challenge, I say with a hand around my waist."

"Oh, no thank you," Fara says, smacking her fist at her mid-chest. "No gem. Maybe after."

"Hasn't occurred in a thousand. You still wishing."

"Maybe I'll take that challenge. Let's go."

"Oh," I say. "Let's move out."

And we move far away, and watch a girl and two guys come into the ground, a bit too closeby to each other, and start playing with the ball I had placed.

"That them?" Fara asks. "Even when I saw them a couple times… never can recognise because of the distance."

"Prescription: spectacles."

"If you miss them, you can just go talk to them, you know. Stalking is creepy. And what if we get caught?"

"This is not stalking… besides, we are leaving."

Fara just stands there, as I start walking. Then after a little recollection, she follows me too. But even this way, we just stay around in this forest-like place.

"By the way, in the letter which Max sent me, he specified that they'll be going to 'The Factory' tomorrow. It is safe right?"

"Bold place. And why should we care?" Fara asks, but I glare at her, with annoyance. "Well, human-military place. So yeah, it is safe, Lady Flame."

I scoff. "You using that title as mockery is rude you know. Got that with respect."

"No-no, I say that with-" I groan with a little pain and Fara just looks at me. "Again? We really need to stop coming around here."

"I'm just trying to find answers for this exact thing. How is it that I can just feel Max once in a while?"

"Maybe just… newfound powers?"

"Exclusively for Max?" I ask, annoyed by her again.

Fara just smirks.

"Really? To start with, he is basically almost married to Sam."

"Yeah… yeah, I know. We literally saw how they got together."

That we did… the weird confession of theirs was all thanks to Rusty though. He knew that both liked each other, but never could say it. So Rusty just… by mistake opened up about his sister having a crush on his friend, when they were together. Very weird of a start.

But a start which somebody else I know, would desperately want. Alongside us people around them.

"Look, I know how this looks but-"

"You are worried for your friends. Even when they are… human."

I just stay silent.

"You should go talk to them," Fara suggests. "Please… you just… they are still friends. Even when they are… humans. No words to the others, I swear. This… you need to."

"Can I have a day with them?" I ask.

"A day would be…" Fara says, but I look at her with hopeful eyes. "I guess Line and Tony could take care of the base at that time."

"No… they shouldn't leave Ashville," I say, thinking deeply. "Just have the ones at base ready to retreat. In case we get attacked."

"Will be done," Fara says, bowing a little. "One day."

"One day… I'll be back the day after's morning."

Fara's eyes turn into a glare, but she just nods it off.

As I walk forward, Fara follows me.

"What?" I ask.

"I'll just see you off."

"You just want to know where to find me, don't you," I sigh, and Fara just shrugs.

This way, we reach near Sams' and Rusty's house. Max seems to be with them. Rusty stays at the back- where did he go?

"Did he just…?" Fara asks. "Aster… are you sure they are human? Because that seems like-"

"-he got summoned by the crystal cave," I say, but… it was rare to see someone gone for more than seconds. "I don't seem to need a day then, give me until noon."

Fara nods, with surprised and doubtful eyes, eyeing back at where Rusty had disappeared from, as Max and Sam run inside the house.

"Are you certain though…?" Fara asks.

"I'll keep an eye and confirm."

"And after that…?"

"Bring in friends."


I yawn loudly, with my mouth wide open. Sam stares at me, so I cover my mouth with my hand and feel a little weird, so Sam looks away rather quickly.

"Can't believe we survived that," I say, trying to start up the gears of conversation with these two. After Rusty's incident last night, we didn't get enough sleep or conversation going.

I even remember every second of the past ten and more hours, as I didn't sleep even for a moment.

"Yeah well, what even was that? You didn't have to stay awake all the time," Rusty says.

"Says the guy with-" I say and check around to see if anyone is overhearing us, "with a torch in his chest. Which sends code messages even."

"Message which we couldn't decipher," Sam points

The only code we knew was morse. The other two did check some other meanings… but nothing.

"I guess I'm just… a dragon you know? Like, I don't know what the odds are… but maybe I just qualify?"

"Qualify? As in worthy?" Sam asks.

That hurts my ego a bit. Why wasn't I worthy?

Besides, weren't dragons these big lizards? If so… I'd pass on the opportunity.

"Well, if I could get my hands on that book from their room… I guess there is like a whole study of this thing. Don't know how helpful though."

"At least a start, not like we can get a hand on such a book in the library… or perhaps," Sam says, thinking deeply.

"Wow, you Book worms."

"You study science and we literature. Compare with that… there's not much book number difference there," Sam says.


"Howdy?" a voice comes, a familiar one, and the only one who uses such a word always. "Happy birthday, Rus. Look who's gotten old."

"Aster?" I ask.

Aster shakes Rusty's hand, while smiling.

Still the gorgeous European red-head. She didn't seem to have changed much physically, a little tan on her skin, and a smile to be the cherry on top of it. A braid-line at the top of her head, consisting of her red hairs, which was braided into leaf-shapes, but looked like hearts. Black dye at the edge of her hairs falling by her shoulder's length, at the sides.

But was this still the same person? Even when her details were familiar, she seemed distant to me in the moment. Even when I dared to write to her.

"See? People still use that expression, ha!" Sam says.

"It hasn't been a hundred years, Sam," Rusty says.

"What? Give me the story here," Aster asks curiously.

"Well, Sam used the same expression last night, to wish me. Even at such a situation," Rusty sighs.

"What situation?"

"Ah, nothing," I casually say.

"Now besides playing with my dear brother. You… Where you been?"

"To answer that… how about we go someplace else?" Aster asks.

Wait… if she got my letter then… oh, that'd be perfect!

"I know a place," I say.

Usually, not many know… or perhaps everyone knows, and doesn't bother to talk about it out loud, for reasonable reasons… but, there is this escape from the University, a path from which we can exit easily.

The teachers… you can get on their bad side if they catch you, so this was the best option. And considering how our theatrical coach always has a bone to pick with me and Sam… this was for the best.

The four of us escape this place, as if we were extremely trained spies or something. And get a taxi ride… because we knew how to do that too. Just needed not to fret about the driver not stopping. This old man, with white hairs, and jelly-like skin, stops and allows us in.

Aster sits in the front seat, besides the driver. And I squeeze in-between Sam and Rusty.

"To 'The Factory'," I say.

The driver looks at me through the mirror, with questioning eyes. "Are you sure? It is a suspicious place."

"If you are afraid to drop us off until there, you can just let us go by the forest-area, that'll be more than enough," Aster says.

The driver opens his mouth slightly, but just nods, stepping on the accelerator.

"So you know the place," Rusty says.

"Yes," the driver says.

"I'm sorry, I was talking to her," Rusty says, hinting towards Aster.

"Ah, I apologise. I'll stay silent until I'm asked for."

As the car gets silent for a long moment there, Aster starts talking.

"Yeah, I do. Pretty well actually."

"Back in school we three used to hangout there a lot," I say.

"Well, I could say that I have hung out there… a few times too."

"If you'd like… I can accompany you to there. Like on the inside. If this is a dare or something," the driver says.

"No, that won't be necessary," Aster says.

"Oh I apologise," the driver says, coughing a bit loud.

"Are you alright?" Aster asks.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"Please, you don't have to be sorry," Sam says.

The driver coughs a bit more, but smiles, getting relief from Sam's words.

We stay silent for the rest of the ride. He drops us closest to 'The Factory' and even gives us a discount, as we were kind. Yet, Sam insists on tipping him, and we divide the expense for it, among the four of us.

"It is unfair though, we had to pay fifty percent," Rusty says, as the car goes away. "We are siblings you know."

"She suggested the tip," Aster says.

"Exactly," I say and bump fists with Aster.