
Chapter 2


Each Hampton Police Officer has a zone. We work zones in pairs, not partners in the traditional sense but being separated from McDaniel was excruciatingly heartbreaking. The kind of heartbreak that needs a delicate, soft skinned criminal to play with.

Being a beat cop, a traffic enforcing, domestic violence defusing observe and intervene cop leaves numerous opportunities to scout some potential delectable treat for later consumption. Anybody will do as long as they are a young female, brunette, skinny, and a small time criminal.

Enter this young lady, short shorts, cropped top, but most importantly, brunette hair. She's a jaywalker. That's a crime. A non-enforced crime but getting away with a tiny crime is a gateway to larger crimes. Officer Petty decided it was time to tie a name to that face.

Giving her the blue light special, Petty pulled up beside her to take a closer look and see if she fully met the criteria. Exiting the vehicle, he said, "Moring ma'am, Hampton Police, Officer Petty. Mind if I talk to you for a minute?"

Brushing her long dark hair away from her green eyes, the jaywalker said, "Sure thing Officer. I'm in a rush, keep that in mind." Standing on the sidewalk, the target was giving off some serious 'fuck off' body language. She was unknowingly inching her way closer to a special visit from off duty Officer Petty.

Scanning each inch of her, black faded opened toed shoes, shorts that could be classified as underwear if they weren't made from denim, a bright yellow cropped top that left nothing to the imagination, all topped off with six sterling earrings climbing up the left ear and four mimicking on the right.

Petty said, "This is just an educational situation. Here in Hampton, jaywalking is barely a crime but a crime nonetheless. I need to see your license dear."

Once the attitude-filled young lady handed over her license here came trouble. Hitting the 'wake up I'm a cop' button twelve times as he screeched to a halt, here came Petty's zone partner Anderson. This jackass was all about the lights, sirens, mountains out of molehills life. You go six miles per hour over the speed limit and Anderson will make you feel like you're next up for the electric chair. Fucking douche.

Officer Petty quickly snapped a picture with his Samsung of Olivia Hall's license before the entire plan went to shit. Officer Anderson was also about making himself the center of every situation, especially when a beautiful scantily clad young woman was involved. He was half chub when he jumped from his vehicle.

Both hands on his gun belt, he said, "What have we here Petty? Harassing the ladies out here I see." The smirk on Anderson's face was certainly the most punch worthy facial emotion possible. Officer Petty's patience would be pushed to the edge of the cliff. It was up to him to keep it from falling over.

Petty said, "Officer Anderson, just informing a citizen of a minor infraction. She is free to go, no worries. You bored?" Petty handed the young lady her license back without running it through the database, nor had he questioned her about anything really.

Olivia Hall, potential victim number two, smacked her juicy fruit bubble gum aggressively. She was agitated. Her Friday morning was being slowly consumed by not one but now two officers over crossing the street. Yet again, she flipped her brown hair from in front of her hazel eyes and released a 'can I go yet' sigh with her hip jutted out being held in place by a nicely placed hand.

Officer Petty looked through his Raybans, staring intensely at Officer Anderson. It was a standoff, a stalemate, who would speak first? The sun was high and angry today. This contest of wills was punishing both officers. The sweat trails raced one another to the peak of Officer Anderson's chin before he finally broke. "Alrighty, let's get this young lady on her way and get back to real policing Petty."

He eyed Ms. Hall up and down a couple nauseating times and adjusted the crotch of his pants. No doubt about it, a full chub was coming. He said, "Keep it looking good chica." With a slow wipe of the brow and a hand gliding through the hair, Officer Anderson graced us with his exit.

With one final warning Officer Petty said, "Ms. Hall, watch the jaywalking. Have a wonderful day." Turning back to his vehicle, Petty watched her in the reflection of his mirror as she angrily flipped him the bird. That was strike two. Once he was seated back in his patrol vehicle, the defiant young lady walked right across the smoldering street with a grin on her face, a 'fuck off' grin. A yellow corvette and a white Aerostar had to take evasive braking actions to avoid balling her up into a mangled piece of human flesh and bones. Strike three.

Let the research begin. Olivia Hall was indeed about to be taught a severe lesson about authority, respect, and horrible agonizing pain when you fuck with Officer Petty.

At this point, family ties, social media presence, boyfriends, whatever, those didn't matter much to Officer Petty. She was in for the surprise of a lifetime. Death. She just didn't know it.


The disgrace of being a sergeant and then having that stripped from you for merely engaging in salacious activities with your partner, it was not only humiliating, it was downright enraging. Ever since that day, months ago, Officer Petty felt something eating at his insides. With each chomp, some good was taken from him. Sensibility. Gulp. Rationale. Delicious. Sanity. Delicacy.

Each consumption left a void so enormous that the pain from it started to fill itself in. Second by second, the gaping emotional wounds were slowly welling with rage, a dash of hatred, and a helping of demonizing evil. Once in place, Officer Petty was nothing more than a vessel for those emotional desires. Simply put, it just clicked. It happened unknowingly and he was living life every day with a new set of mental deficiencies. I suppose it was the logical step to slowly list the way he did. Human nature really.

As Officer Petty returned to Headquarters near the end of his shift, he was pleasantly surprised by Officer McDaniel. The deep lust he felt for her was almost as powerful as the insatiable desire she had for him. The two locked eyes, his dark almost black beady eyes beamed intensely into her ocean blue hopeful eyes. She blew him a kiss as she passed pressing her hand to her mouth and gently tugging at her lower lip.

Officer Petty made the international signal for 'drink later'? Officer McDaniel nodded and blushed, her full cheeks grew dark with redness. Almost as red as her bra from the interrogation room. It was a date!

Now that date time with McDaniel's' was set, it was time to severely focus, Olivia Hall. The computer system slowly trudged through all the information in search of that name finally settling on that face partially blocked by her thick brunette hair with those luxurious hazel eyes. Petty can still see her with that defiant hand on her hip but what really sunk in and made this a true mission was the flipping of the bird. Fuck her.

Officer Petty slowly filled out the day's paperwork as the digestion of Olivia Hall's information was draining its way into Petty's mind and private notebook.

June twelfth, stopped a lime green Dodge Charger on Coliseum Drive at two forty nine a.m. for reckless driving and expedition of speed. Driver, Charles Sinclair, was given two citations and a court date three months from now.

Olivia Hall, twenty-three, nine fourteen Beechmount Drive, Hampton, Virginia. This was a good thing. Exciting actually. That was a very quiet and elderly filled neighborhood. My records must reflect that I stopped her and talked to her about jaywalking only because Officer Anderson decided to snake his way into my stop to check out a young delicate soft skinned pussy carrier, his words not mine.

June twelfth, stopped a citizen for disturbing the peace as Jonathan Williams screamed 'fuck you' and 'cunt' at a woman minding her own business while gliding along with her toddler in a Vista grey and black stroller, top of the line. Mr. Williams was given a citation and a warning of being whisked away to jail if I had to return.

Olivia lived alone in a home she rented from a ninety year old woman, Edith Jones. Edith relied on handymen of all types and even strangers to assist her with grocery carrying and plumbing work. Shit, even light bulb changes. Her children lived close but they were merely waiting out their inheritance and not worrying about little feeble Edith. Olivia had a heavy social presence, like all young folks, but that was not a show stopper. She was a bitch that could be easily lured into a troublesome situation that would lead to her removal from this Earth while her soul floated in purgatory as her judgement took place.

The time was coming. Her life clock was now severely accelerated. Death wanted her, hell, Death wants all of us but Petty would be sending this young lady to meet face to face with the carrier of the Scythe well before she was meant to go.

Let the hunt begin as her punishment patiently waited in the wings disguised as a pressed uniform and a shiny badge.


Olivia Hall stood at her open window, inside light on full blast. Advantage one to Petty. Her robe opened slightly to show she was wearing nothing more than her birthday suit. Petty thought, shit, if I were twenty something-again I would be rocking a slick ripped body.

If you did not know, lights glaring inside the house severely depletes the occupant's ability to see out of a window. Oldest trick in the book for a stalker.

Petty, off duty Petty, sat in his streetcar. The smell of mildew and cigarettes overwhelmed the fresh air seeping in from the cracked window. A nineteen-ninety Toyota Corolla, more rust colored than actually black as it left the factory, was a very "every day and none descript" car.

Beechmount Drive is a small, isolated neighborhood. Porch lights on but just for the hell of it. No one was really nervous in this area. Crime is actually amazingly low in this zone. Well, it was amazingly low. Shit's about to get real. That's what the kids say these days right?

The home rested, the type of resting there was back in the day when all the doors were left unlocked and everyone slept like babies. Sweeping the house left to right, there are many glaring issues, as far as Olivia's safety goes.

Three security lights, each enveloped in it is ow artistic spider webbing, were clearly not operable. With that information in hand, it was safe for Petty to assume there would be zero outside cameras, at least high-quality cameras.

Things appear to be lining up for Ms. Hall's punishment. As she continued to stand in the window, awkwardly long, it was easy to assume that no one else lived with her and there were no animals meandering around the house.

This one might peg Petty's fun meter. So far it looks promising, the struggle and fight would really determine the level of joy that would come from snuffing out a young, rebellious soul.

Death waited in the back seat of the Corolla and tapped Petty's shoulder, "Can we speed this up Officer? I'm so anxious I might pee my robe and I just had it dry cleaned…in hell." An ominous laugh filled Petty's brain as he tilted the rearview mirror only to see a backseat full of random junk and things he would spend hours looking for when he needed them.

With his Marlboro reaching the filter, heating his fingers, Petty exited his could not get out of his own way Corolla and quietly shut the door. Looking over his uniform, black adidas, black sweatpants, and black turtleneck, the hiding in the shadows uniform of a serial killer.

Creeping along the bush lined driveway, Petty was sure that a ding and dash would work long enough for him to slip over to the side of the house and glide into the opened window Olivia was flaunting her wares in.

Pulling his black wool cap down tight to the edge of his eyebrows, Petty strolled up, hit the button and duck walked to the open window. Olivia could be seen exiting the room, sinching her robe tight and working her way to the front door. Petty pulled a utility knife from his pocket and sliced the mesh screen in the shape of an X.

The front door could be heard opening, no inside chime or alert meaning there was no active security system in place, with Olivia frustratingly huffing and puffing, "Stop fucking around! I have a very important appointment in ten minutes and you're ruining it you stupid kids!"

Petty perked up like a little kid caught trying to steal condoms from the 7-11 because he was too shy to just buy them. Taking a fifty percent factor of safety, Petty set himself on a five-minute clock. The plan has changed.

Olivia returned to her room, the window she was flashing in earlier, and undid her robe again. From this close, Petty could tell she exercised. The skin over her hip bones was tight but there was clearly some muscle between the two.

The plan was an everchanging game of cat and mouse. Four minutes to go and he had to get Olivia out of the house. Thank God she still left the interior blinding light on. If you took an elementary school ruler and held it out from Petty's chin to Olivia's stomach both ends would touch.

Here is the plan, no need to enter the home. Now, we are going to snatch and run. Slowly and quietly Petty peeled an arm length piece of duct tape free from the roll and stuck it to his left forearm. Now for part two of the revised plan.

The fun level was growing with each passing second. Three minutes to go.

Petty began to mumble ever so quietly, "Here for a date, time for the date, too early, date." With each recitation, the volume increased until Olivia began to catch each sound with her ears.

She leaned down, robe swinging open, fluttering with ceiling fan, "Is that you Jacob44? You're early, just come to the front door." She stayed leaned down and awaited a response. Petty was invisible and the simple glee of this all was making him have to piss.

Now or never, two minutes to go, Petty reached in with both hands, grabbed Olivia by the head and pulled her body through the open window with the precisely cut screen. As she opened her mouth the let off a horrendous scream, Petty wrapped the duct tape around her head, careful to not cover her nostrils in the process.

One minute to spare, Olivia fought and flailed all the way to the car. Sitting her tight in the front seat and applying a strong concentration of bleach under her nose, Olivia succumbed to the noxious odors and fell limp. Petty then placed a medical oxygen mask around her head, removed the duct tape from her mouth and pumped a very light amount of O2 into her respiratory system.

Noticing her red silk robe was wide open, Petty used the duct tape to secure it shut. He had a girlfriend, and this was basically cheating, lust and all. Reaching over his latest victim, Petty grabbed the seatbelt and secured her in place to guarantee a safe delivery to the spot.

Pulling away normally and as a non-serial killer would, Petty couldn't help but notice blue headlights turning the corner behind him. His resting heart rate stayed steady as no Hampton Police cars, undercover or marked, had lights like those. In his head, "Bet it's a BMW."

As the slick silver gloss coupe pulled into the Olivia's driveway, the BMW badge could be seen and instantly recognized. Petty gave himself a mental high five and proceeded to the killing room with the bratty, jay-walking, middle fingering Olivia Hall strapped in tight.