
The person who Challenged a God: Clueless Reincarnation

Haruki Sato, transcending mortality in his former realm, emerges anew in a world infused with powers and abilities. Driven by a quest to traverse the entire globe and catalyze positive change, he embarks on an exciting odyssey of discovery and transformation, In each nation, our protagonist discovers a unique, long-forgotten form of magic tied to the land's history, unlocking extraordinary powers and forging alliances to avenge his village in an epic tale of rediscovery and revenge. Come Join Our Journey As Satō Haruki Becomes The Strongest Sorcerer, and a God too of course. --------------------- Image is not mine, if the original owner sees this, please be forgiving. image by lee.js. (chapters are posted either weekly or Thursday to Friday)

AsunaOfficial · Fantasia
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8 Chs

Wandering Sorcery 2: Shinma Nō Hishō

As the adventurers delved deeper into the dungeon's depths, the oppressive darkness seemed to close in around them, suffocating and foreboding. Torchlight flickered off the damp stone walls, casting eerie shadows that danced and writhed with every step they took.

Suddenly, a cacophony of guttural snarls and bone-chilling rattles echoed through the corridors, sending shivers down their spines. Without warning, a horde of goblins and skeletons surged forth from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with malice and hunger for blood.

As the horde of goblins and skeletons descended upon them, Sato felt the weight of his sword in his grip, its familiar weight a reassuring anchor amidst the chaos. With a determined glint in his eyes, he locked blades with the nearest goblin, parrying its frenzied attacks with practiced ease.

Beside him, his father fought with a skill and precision that spoke of years spent honing his craft. Their swords moved in perfect harmony, a dance of steel and blood that cut a swath through the enemy ranks.

As they fought side by side, a brief lull in the chaos afforded them a moment to catch their breath. Sato turned to his father, their eyes meeting in silent understanding amidst the din of battle.

"We make a good team, don't we, son?" his father remarked, a hint of pride coloring his voice.

Sato nodded, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "yeah, dad. Together, there's nothing we can't overcome."

Their brief respite was shattered by the sound of a pained cry from one of their companions. Turning, they saw the mage crumple to the ground, clutching at a grievous wound.

Without hesitation, Sato and his father rushed to their fallen comrade's side, their swords flashing as they fended off the encroaching enemies. With a whispered incantation, Sato summoned a shimmering barrier of magic to shield them from further harm, "Ordinary Defense Technique: Barrier" Sato Exclaimed buying them precious moments to tend to their injured ally.

As they worked feverishly to staunch the flow of blood and ease the mage's pain, Sato felt a surge of determination welling within him. They may have been outnumbered and outmatched, but as long as they stood together, they would not falter.

With renewed resolve, they returned to the fray, their swords singing as they carved a path through the enemy ranks. Despite the odds stacked against them, they fought on with unwavering courage, their bond as comrades and as family shining bright amidst the darkness of the dungeon.

And when the last of their enemies lay vanquished at their feet, and the echoes of battle faded into the silence of the dungeon once more, they stood together as victors, their spirits unbroken and their resolve unwavering in the face of adversity,

Emerging from the depths of the dungeon, battered but triumphant, Sato and his companions breathed a collective sigh of relief as they stepped into the welcoming embrace of daylight. The cool breeze of the outside world washed over them, carrying with it a sense of freedom and renewal after their harrowing ordeal.

As they made their way to the dungeon's entrance, they encountered General Yuta Matsumoto, his imposing figure standing tall amidst the bustling activity of adventurers coming and going. With a nod of acknowledgment, Sato approached the general, his injured mage comrade held gently in his arms.

"General Yuta," Sato began, his voice tinged with gratitude, "we've defeated the first line of defense from the depths of the dungeon, thanks to the valor and camaraderie of my companions."

General Yuta regarded them with a solemn nod, his gaze betraying a sense of pride in their accomplishment. "You have done well, young adventurers," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Your bravery and determination are commendable."

Turning to address the incoming parties, General Yuta issued orders with a commanding presence, directing them to complete the task of clearing the dungeon once and for all. With a sense of satisfaction, Sato watched as three more groups of adventurers entered the dungeon, ready to face the challenges that awaited them.

As the last of the adventurers disappeared into the depths of the dungeon, General Yuta turned his attention back to Sato and his companions. "You have proven yourselves worthy of the title of heroes," he said, his voice firm but tinged with warmth. "Continue to hone your skills, for greater challenges lie ahead, I will send my Raven's through your journey."

With a final salute, General Yuta took his leave, disappearing into the crowd of adventurers bustling about the entrance to the dungeon. Sato watched him go, a sense of determination burning bright within him. He knew that this was only the beginning of their journey, and with his companions by his side, he was ready to face whatever trials awaited them in the days to come.

13 Years After The Rebirth Of a Mirage Mage Haruki Sato, Somewhere Far Away From The Nation Hueruivm, Outskirts of Hueruivm

As the activity around the dungeon entrance began to settle, Sato and his companions found themselves drawn to a nearby bench, seeking a moment of respite amidst the hustle and bustle. With a gentle hand, Sato lowered their injured mage comrade onto the seat, ensuring they were comfortable as they tended to their wounds.

As they sat together, the sounds of chatter and clanking armor surrounded them, a symphony of voices and movement that filled the air with a sense of camaraderie and unity. Three of their fellow adventurers, their faces weary but determined, joined them on the bench, offering words of encouragement and support to their injured comrade.

Amidst the conversation and laughter that filled the air, Sato couldn't help but reflect on how far they had come.

Sato: (You know, softly, his gaze drifting to the horizon, it's moments like these that make me realize just how fortunate I am.)

His companions turned to him, curiosity shining in their eyes as they awaited his explanation. With a small smile, Sato continued,

"I've always dreamed of embarking on grand adventures and facing incredible challenges, but I never imagined I would find such steadfast companions along the way. From the camaraderie of my guild to the unwavering support of my father, every step of this journey has felt like a blessing."

His words were met with nods of agreement from his companions, their own experiences echoing his sentiments. Together, they shared stories of triumph and hardship, laughter and tears, each moment weaving itself into the tapestry of their shared journey.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting golden rays of light across the landscape, Sato couldn't help but feel a sense of peace settle over him. In that moment, surrounded by friends old and new, he knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, he would face them with courage and determination,

for he was not alone on this journey. And with his companions by his side, As the conversation flowed around them, Sato suddenly realized that he hadn't yet learned the names of his fellow adventurers. With a sheepish smile, he cleared his throat, drawing their attention.

"Ah, forgive me," he began, "I've been remiss in not properly introducing myself. My name is Haruki Sato." He glanced at the mage beside him, who offered a friendly nod.

"And I am Kiriro Fujimura," the mage chimed in, his voice soft but filled with warmth.

Turning to the swordsman who had been fighting alongside them, Sato felt a sense of curiosity piqued by the figure beneath the cloak. With a flick of his hand, the swordsman pulled back his hood, revealing a shock of vibrant red and black hair that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight.

"I am Ryuko Tanaka," the swordsman declared, his voice steady and unwavering as he met Sato's gaze with a determined stare.

As Sato's father approached, shouldering their bags with practiced ease, he offered a casual wave. "Oh, and don't mind me," he interjected with a chuckle, "I'm just Osuke Sato, Haruki's father." He nodded in his son's direction, a proud smile playing at his lips.

With introductions complete, Sato couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and unity settle over their group. As they continued to converse, sharing stories and laughter, Sato knew that he had found not only companions for the journey ahead but friends who would stand by his side through thick and thin.

And as the sun kept setting below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Sato couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him. For in this moment, surrounded by friends old and new, he knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together as a team. And with their strength and determination guiding them, there was nothing they couldn't overcome.

𝓣𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓿𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭...

End of chapter #005

Chapter By: scarlet17

Contributions By: wwwtheaa