
The Perfect Midfielder

My best goal is always the next one! Able to pass people, pass the ball, and of course, beautiful goals are indispensable! Advance to attack, retreat to defend; Richard perfectly interprets the responsibilities of a midfielder! Source-完美中场 by 冒青烟

SAHIL_RAI · Esportes
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

JiLi’s Tears

Richard and Ji Li Hazel were not very interested, and they sat together in silence, drinking beer.

"Can you tell me what unhappy thing happened to you?" After a long silence, Ji Li Hazel spoke first.

"You don't seem to be happy either. I can tell you what happened to me, but in exchange, you should also tell me why you are sitting here drinking alone." Richard said it noncommittally. He did not have an habit to complain to strangers, even if she is beautiful.

  "Okay, fine. But you have to tell the truth. I don't want to hear lies about my girlfriend dumping me or losing my wallet." Keely Hazel smiled and looked at Richard.

Now Richard was in a dilemma. He never thought that Ji Li Hazel would agree.

Seeing Ji Li Hazel looking at him with interest, Richard couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He had no experience complaining to a stranger, especially a beautiful woman!

"I am a football player. I started receiving professional football training when I was young. I performed well at first, so I entered the youth team, Chelsea's youth team; but just this year, the team told me that they would not accept me if I was needed, so I started looking for a new team that could accept me; fortunately, I was lucky, and I finally passed the trial training of Tottenham Hotspur; I stayed in the youth team there for two months; maybe it's because the team's players are in poor condition, so I got the opportunity to join the first team not long ago." Richard thought for a while and said, After all, he and Ji Li Hazel just met by chance; even if he said it, nothing goes smoothly. Richard looked sideways and saw Jili Hazel sitting next to her with her chin in her hand and listening seriously. "Although my strength is limited, I performed well in the training of the first team. One of my teammates caught a cold unexpectedly two days ago. He plays the same position as me, but there aren't many players on the team who can play this position. Ji Li, you know, I didn't think about it. But I was able to get a chance to play immediately; I thought I should be able to go to Ewood Park with the team today, but in the end, the coach told me that the team can only play with 16 players."

Richard drank the last sip of wine in his glass, smiled wryly, and spread his hands. "Jili, I'm done; I'll leave the rest of the time to you."

"Richard, I didn't expect you to be a football player. To be honest, when I first saw you, I thought you would be an Actor Or Model; I didn't expect you to be a football player." Ji Li Hazel said with wide eyes.

"Richard, you will get a chance to play soon. I believe you will become the best player in the Premier League! The boss of Chelsea will regret missing you!" Ji Li Hazel clenched her fist to cheer Richard. Road.

"Ji Li, thank you for your encouragement. I believe I will succeed soon, and I will definitely become the best player. Of course, now is the time for you to tell me about the unhappy troubles you encountered." Richard glanced at Jili Hazel in a funny way. Although Jili Hazel seemed to be encouraging Richard, her guilty look told Richard that she was trying to make a fool of herself and get through.

"Do you really want to know?" Ji Li Hazel picked up the wine glass without interest and said it in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter if you really don't want to say it." Richard is not a gossip. Since Jili Hazel doesn't want to say it, he will definitely not stalk her.

"Drink a drink with me." Ji Li Hazel suddenly raised his head, glanced at Richard, and said, "Two beers, a big one."

"Although I'm just a player who doesn't get a chance to play, I can't be an alcoholic." Richard said with a wry smile as the waiter placed a large glass of beer in front of him.

"Have a drink with me, just one drink!" Ji Li Hazel looked at Richard expectantly.

  Ji Li… Hazel picked up the wine glass and drank the beer in one gulp. Maybe she drank too quickly, like Ji Li. Hazel was choked and coughed immediately.

"I am a page 3 girl." Hearing Ji Li Hazel's words, Richard paused for a moment with the wine glass in his hand. He never thought that the pure and beautiful girl in front of him would actually be a page 3 girl. You know, "The Sun." Almost all the girls on the third page of "The Sun" are a little exposed, or to be precise, even the bikinis are not exposed enough. All the provocations are actually adult gimmicks from "The Sun".

Richard quickly came to his senses. Page 3: Girls are not a shameful industry. Maybe their clothes are a little revealing, and maybe they will do some disgusting stunts in order to become famous, but what does this mean? Is every page 3 girl a bad person? Is it true that every third-page girl does anything for fame and fortune? In Richard's view, those third-page girls were girls who once had dreams, but they didn't have better opportunities.

"I know you don't know me, which surprises me. Of course, I also have some regrets, because before I met you, I thought every Premier League player already knew me." Seeing that Richard's expression did not change, Ji Li Hazel breathed a long sigh of relief. She didn't know why she suddenly cared about her image in front of Richard; she had already had a fierce ideological struggle before saying that she was a third-page girl. If Richard If Richard showed disdain, then she would turn around and leave. She didn't want this polite-looking Boy to look down on her; of course, if Richard showed hot, naked desire in his eyes, then she would also Turning around and leaving, she was tired of the disgusting look that wanted to swallow her whole.

Seeing that Richard didn't speak, Ji Li Hazel snatched the beer from Richard's hand and said, "Four more beers!"

"Okay, stop drinking." Richard snatched the wine glass from Ji Li Hazel's hand.

"Do you think I'm despicable and shameless? Yes, I'm a page 3 girl. I'm the kind of girl who has no shame for fame and fortune." Keely Hazel's beautiful eyes were filled with tears.

"No, I don't think so." Richard felt indescribably uncomfortable looking at Ji Li Hazel's pitiful look. It was hard for him to imagine that this innocent-looking girl could actually be a large-scale third-page girl. And judging by her tone, it seemed that she was still a well-known third-page girl. However, Richard felt a little relieved when he thought of Jili Hazel's hot figure, which made him a little embarrassed at first glance.

"No, that's not the case! You all think I'm despicable!" Ji Li Hazel snatched the wine glass from Richard's hand, and her tears, mixed with the beer, fell into Ji Li Hazel's mouth.

"I came back to Lewisham the other day. I haven't seen my parents for a long time. I miss them. I want to eat the sandwich my mom made for me. I want to see my dad happy, His smiling face." Keely Hazel suddenly lay on the table and choked. "But when I returned home, my parents treated me very coldly. They told me that I had embarrassed them in front of the neighbors. Richard, you know, when I came home, those Neighbors who were very good to me when I was a child looked at me with contempt, while those friends who grew up with me seemed to want to use their The eyes peeled off my clothes! I even saw a guy older than my father swallowing me! I didn't want to stay there for a moment; I didn't want to see the people I knew looking at me with disdainful greed."

Richard had no experience comforting girls, so he was a little at a loss when he saw Jili Hazel crying. However, Jili Hazel's cry obviously attracted some people's attention. At least Richard felt that someone was looking at her. Pointing here, "Ji Li, don't cry! You must stop crying. Someone from the next family is watching us. If you cry like this, they will think I did something to you. Here But in the bar, if any drunken man wants to be a hero and save the beauty, I will be doomed!"

Ji Li Hazel immediately stopped crying when she heard Richard's words. She raised her head and saw Richard observing the situation around him with a guilty conscience, as if he were ready to run away as soon as someone came over. Richard didn't know why he looked so guilty. Ji Li Hazel couldn't help but smile, wiped the tears on his face with the back of his hand, and drank heavily.

"My grades have never been good. I couldn't go to college after graduating from middle school. Because I like fashion, my family sent me to a hairdresser. I liked this job very much. I once thought I would study hard. I want to be the best hairdresser, and I want to design the best-looking hairstyle." There was obvious sadness in Keely Hazel's eyes. "I started working as a hairdresser, but soon I met a boy; he is two years older than me. He started pursuing me fiercely after I first arrived at the hairdresser. I was only sixteen years old at the time. Although I really wanted to meet my Prince Charming, at that time I just wanted to become the best hairstylist, but he did not give up his pursuit of me, even though I had clearly rejected him several times, and although I tried to find a new hair salon, he was always able to find me. At that time, he was very interested in me. He will keep sending me flowers, he will keep creating romance for me, and he will work hard to make me happy. So on my eighteenth birthday, I accepted him, and on that day I thought he was It will be everything to me; I am willing to give myself to him, and I want to believe that we will be happy together forever."

"But Richard, you know, not long after I blew out the candles on my eighteenth birthday, he sent a set of my photos to The Sun.He wanted me to compete for the third page, girl! At that time, I couldn't believe what he did; I couldn't believe he would let me run for Page 3 Girl, but he told me it was nothing; he said he knew my dream; he said he was doing it for ours. Working hard for the future, he told me that if I can become a page three girl, then I will be very famous, and then we will be able to have our own hair salon." Keely Hazel covered her mouth hard. I let myself cry, but big tears still rolled out. "I want to believe that he is for our hair salon; I believe that he is for our future, so I followed his request to compete for the third page girl. I followed what he said to make myself look hotter. So I became a page three girl, and I eventually won the page three girl championship in 2004. I thought this was enough; I knew we had earned enough money to open a hair salon. But I didn't expect that he would continue to ask me to continue to be a page 3 girl; he asked me to become sexier, and he wanted me to wear more revealing clothes!"

Keely Hazel shook her head in pain. "He told me that we don't have enough money now. He told me that we need more fame. He told me that we only need to persist for a period of time, and we will be able to have our own hair salon Shop. Okay, I want to believe him, but I never thought that he would become more and more excessive! Do you know, Richard? After I came back from Lewisham a few days ago, he knew why I was unhappy, but instead of comforting me, he just told me his latest plan. He asked me to date Joe Cole from Chelsea; he said it would improve my reputation! I couldn't believe it. I really couldn't believe it. Is this still my lover? Does he still care about me? I can't believe all this!"