
The Perfect Midfielder

My best goal is always the next one! Able to pass people, pass the ball, and of course, beautiful goals are indispensable! Advance to attack, retreat to defend; Richard perfectly interprets the responsibilities of a midfielder! Source-完美中场 by 冒青烟

SAHIL_RAI · Esportes
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

A Trap

Whether it is in a street stadium or a school field, Richard can always attract the attention of people on the sidelines. He can disrupt the opponent's defense again and again with sharp breakthroughs. He can send the football into the opponent's defense again and again for a Goal.

As a result, Richard gradually became famous. Many people knew that there was a little guy from the restaurant in the suburbs of London who could play pleasing football. He had brilliant skills that were much higher than those of his peers.

Richard's father was a die-hard football fan. Richard's mother has always been a die-hard football fan. If Richard can show great potential, then Of course, his parents spared no effort to support him in continuing to play football, Richard never stopped studying while playing football. Perhaps his studies are not the best, but he Is definitely among the Good student.

  When Richard was fourteen years old, a club staff walked into Richard's family's restaurant. He told Richard's parents that Richard had great potential and that he could make a career on the football field. Become a very good football player! So Richard's parents were moved. Maybe they knew before that Richard might be able to play football well, but they couldn't believe that Richard would become a very good football player, and they couldn't believe that any team would even think of using a contract Take Richard under your banner!

  Richard did not expect that he would be favored by the team. He liked football, but he only enjoyed the happiness that football brought to him. He never thought that one day he would need to make a living by playing football; but Richard was still very moved. He hopes that he can become better after receiving professional training, and he also hopes that he can become the best football player one day.

So Richard walked into the training ground, where there were professional coaches and the best players of his age; of course, Richard's father still insisted that Richard continue to work hard in his studies, so Richard started training at the training ground and Of course, Richard is very satisfied with the two-point and one-line life in school. He can not only enjoy the happiness brought by his favorite football, but also constantly enrich himself in his studies.

Richard persisted in this kind of life for three years, but he gradually focused all his energy on football. As for his childhood dream of going to college, Richard gradually gave up on such thoughts, because now he had a new dream. After getting a new youth contract, Richard began to focus on improving his skills.

But what happened afterward seemed unsatisfactory. Although Richard had been training hard, his skills never made much progress. His skills, which were originally far beyond those of players of the same age, were gradually overtaken, and his skills were gradually surpassed. The flaws also began to be magnified; but at this time, his parents did not lose heart in him. They supported Richard as always, and they always gave Richard encouragement. Perhaps during this gloomy time, the encouragement from his parents It's his biggest motivation.

By the time Richard turned nineteen, in June 2005, the team that gradually lost patience with Richard finally chose to give up on Richard.

"Heaven! Earth! Some kind-hearted angel sister, please help me!"

"The system is starting." Richard was so groggy that he didn't know when he fell asleep, but while he was half asleep and half awake, a cold electronic synthesized sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

"System scan completed." Suddenly Richard stood up in shock, but this cold electronic synthesized sound continued to ring in Richard's ears.

"The host has been confirmed, and the perfect midfield system is officially activated." Richard breathed a little hard and sat on the bedside holding the quilt. The cold electronic synthesized sound seemed so scary in the dark night.

"Host Richard, born on June 28, 1986; height 1.83 meters, weight 70 kilograms; plays the role of midfielder." The cold voice seemed emotionless, but this scene completely frightened Richard, because he I don't understand why this cold voice knows my specific information.

"The physical test is completed. The host Richard's physical condition is qualified. He needs to further strengthen his physical condition; the speed value is 7, the strength value is 6, the explosive power value is 6, and the endurance value is 8." The cold numbers shocked Richard's heart. The voice seemed to say There is a certain truth to it. Compared with Richard, he knows that his physical fitness is really not excellent.

"The technical test is completed. The host Richard's skills have failed and need to be comprehensively improved. The dribbling value is 7, the passing value is 5, the passing value is 4, and the shooting value is 5; the blocking value is 3, the stealing value is 3, and the prediction value is 3 ." The cold voice almost made Richard spit out a mouthful of blood. Although my skills are not very good, I'm not as bad that!

"The perfect midfield system has been bound. Once bound, the host has no right to voluntarily leave the system." Richard suddenly felt a pain in his head, as if something was forcibly stuffed into his head, so much that Richard almost fainted.

"What's this?" Richard took a few deep breaths angrily. He didn't know what was going on and his mind was in a trance. The most confusing thing was that the pain just now made him almost faint. Don't You must be suffering from some disease! Richard suddenly shivered. He had always been in good health, so his sudden headache shouldn't be a problem.

Richard suddenly laughed self-deprecatingly. Although his body was not particularly outstanding, it was at least healthy enough. Besides, no one suddenly had a headache or a fever. It seemed that he was unfounded! "Perfect midfield system?" Thinking of that cold voice, a smile appeared on Richard's lips. It seems that he has dreamed too much, but is it still perfect?

Suddenly Richard's expression changed and he sat on the bedside as dumb as a chicken.

"This is serious! Is there something wrong? This is not a dream!" Richard sat on the bed with a grimace. Richard grinned and looked at his bruised and bruised arms and didn't know what to do.

"Would any kind-hearted angel help me? I just want to live well! I haven't married yet and have children, so I still have to be filial to my parents! I'm still the poor and tragic first brother!" Richard sat down with a pious expression on his face. I was at the bedside, so I had prayed several times to the gods who knew it or not, but there was still no change when I opened my eyes!

"What the hell is this! At least give me some information. I will be destroyed if I fail the assessment for no reason. No one can stand it!" Richard was annoyed and scratched his wavy hair. It was all his fault. I live a good life, but I have to think about becoming the best player. Well now, it is possible to become the best player, but I have become the 'best player' whose life is in danger at any time!

"Brother!" Richard spoke to the air with a flattering face, "You need your young talents more than I do, so you should go find someone who needs you more, right?"

"Don't be silent. Can you give me some advice? You should speak up. What are your assessment standards?" Richard's voice was almost crying. He couldn't help but cry. He was almost dead. , there is no need to rush!

But there was no other sound in the dark room except Richard's heavy breathing.

Richard sat on the bedside dejectedly. Although it was gradually getting brighter outside, Richard still felt that his eyes were dark. The frustrated Richard didn't know how to face the next life.

No one can stand this! Have you ever seen such a deceptive person? Richard cursed bitterly! Of course, Richard had a reason to curse, but he couldn't do it without scolding. Who allowed himself to be forced to stuff something into his head for no reason? The most important thing, who didn't know what it was, could kill him at any time!

The corner of Richard's mouth twitched. It seemed that his life was probably in danger. He didn't know whether he was hit by a car or choked on water. Could he have been struck by lightning? Richard broke out in cold sweat. This legendary force majeure factor was really terrifying!

Although the body cannot be said to be excellent, at least it is still passable! But when it comes to technology, this thing is a scam. Is it unqualified? Isn't this going to cost me my life?

'Perfect midfield system'? I think you have a perfect deception system. You got into my head for no reason and you actually threatened to kill me! Okay, maybe you can make me become better and become the perfect midfielder you said, but you can at least give me an instruction manual or something like that. You have to be cautious about how you get into my head without saying a word. How I feel!

The time went back to a few hours ago. Richard, who originally thought he had a dream, was just about to fall asleep. Unexpectedly, something similar to a computer screen suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. Richard was startled. When he looked at it again, he felt Suddenly, it was like being struck by lightning; I saw the bust of a player similar to that on the computer screen displayed in front of my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and saw that I was right, that was Richard!

Richard was horrified by this strange scene. When he looked carefully, Richard wished he could faint immediately. But at this time, the disadvantages of Richard's strong psychological quality were revealed. Who can say about Richard's psychological quality? Not bad. But the bad thing is that your mental quality is too strong, because when you are in danger, it is difficult to faint!

The thing that looked like a computer screen clearly displayed 'Perfect Midfield System Officially Opened'. In fact, it doesn't matter. The key is that it says 'Host Richard's current ability value is unqualified. The system will decide to erase the host based on the assessment report. '

These seemingly innocuous words immediately scared Richard to the point of peeing. Richard immediately pinched his arms and thighs, but when his thighs and arms were bruised and purple, Richard couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh, "This, Isn't it a trap to deceive people?"