
Mingling dreams

Nathanael's POV:

As darkness engulfs the space around me, the sweet perfume of almonds overwhelms my senses. Growing stronger and evermore enthralling by the second. 

Drenched in my own sweat, I grip the warm sheets beneath my body just to make sure I am still lying in my bed. I firmly press my head further against my pillow and shut my eyes. I try to take deep breaths in, but all it does is make matters worse for me. All I can smell is her…

"What's the matter? I thought you wanted me," 

I push myself up as fast as lightning, my heart threatening to escape its caging. I flash my eyes green to inspect my room through the veil of blackness the night has brought along. Sure enough, her scent and her voice aren't the only parts of her that are present with me. Facing me, her silhouette stands a few feet away from my bed.