
The Peculiar Investigations - A Series Of Short Stories

Peculiar Investigations In the city of Avalon, curious mage Merlin seeks purpose beyond his noble roots. He joins "Peculiar Investigations," a detective agency solving enigmatic magical disturbances and mysteries. Led by experienced Hal, the agency's approach combines research and quick response teams. Merlin's mastery of elemental magic aligns with the company's mission. As he delves into this new world, he envisions a life of exploration and purpose, far removed from his privileged past.

Zifu · Fantasia
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7 Chs

A Mysterious Cat Village

Sunlight streamed through stained glass, scattering prismatic hues across the plush rugs covering the floor. Merlin sat across from Hal, sipping aromatic tea. He had never seen the chief's private office before.

Shelves stretched from floor to ceiling, sagging under peculiar artifacts - geodes with inner mysteries, ancient scrolls sealed by wax, ornate weapons with etched runes, and oddities gathered from across the realm. One shelf held glass vials preserving specimens like pixie wings, cockatrice feathers, and basilisk eyes floating in amber liquid. Another case displayed skulls of defeated beasts like dragons and chimeras.

The shelves also teemed with crumbling leather tomes, some chained and others cloaked in wards. Merlin's fingers itched to peruse these archives of arcane knowledge, but he restrained himself out of respect.

Hal unfurled a weathered map, tapping a forested region. "Got a job for you here in Willowdale. Something strange happening there recently. Townsfolk disappearing without a trace these last few months. We need to get to the bottom of it."

He circled an area. "No signs of struggle, they just vanish into thin air. And folks living near the woods report odd sightings. Glowing eyes peering from the brush, that sort of thing."

Hal rolled up the map. "Take Seraphina and Josephine and investigate. Get readings on magical energy there, question the residents, search for clues. I suspect fey trickery, or worse. Hopefully you can get to the root and solve this."

Merlin eagerly accepted. A magical mystery was a welcome change from their last few missions tracking down petty criminals. What ancient power dwelled within Willowdale's haunted forest? He could hardly wait to find out.

"One more thing," Hal added ominously. "I hear their village has an abnormal number of cats these days. Suspiciously so. Keep an eye out for anything unusual there. Could be related somehow."

Merlin left the cluttered office brimming with curiosity. Dark magic, disappearing townspeople and an influx of cats...this was sure to be one of their more peculiar cases yet!

Their journey to Willowdale took three days by horseback. Seraphina guided them along the coast, then inland through emerald hills dotted with wildflowers that waved in the salty breeze.

On the first night, they camped in a meadow beside a burbling creek. Josephine amused them with a childhood story involving an entire blueberry pie she accidentally baked caterpillars into, which she attempted serving to the local bishop before realizing her mistake.

Later, around the campfire, Seraphina told a more serious tale. Years ago she had bested an arrogant rival knight in a tournament by secretly training for months in advance while he lazily procrastinated. Her victory taught the value of determination.

Merlin was struck by how sharing stories brought people closer, binding them through laughter and life lessons. He felt lucky to journey alongside such fine friends.

The next day brought fresh adventures. Seraphina showed them hidden grottos carved by the pounding sea. Josephine plucked wild raspberries, savoring their tart sweetness. That night under starry skies, they swapped playful folk songs late into the evening, their voices ringing through the hills.

On the third morning, the dark line of a forest appeared on the horizon. Nestled between the woods and grassy fields sat Willowdale village. Seraphina rode ahead to the inn while Merlin and Josephine went to meet the village elder and investigate the disappearances. What caused the gloom hanging over this otherwise idyllic place?

Approaching villagers eyed the strangers warily. Merlin also noticed an inordinate number of cats roaming the dirt roads. Villagers kept cats perched on their shoulders or sitting nearby watching intently. What was going on here?

The elder, a wizened woman named Elmyra, welcomed them warmly into her cozy cottage. But her smile seemed strained, eyes darting to the cats frequently. Merlin made careful note of this peculiar behavior as Elmyra began recounting the mysterious events plaguing Willowdale. It seemed this sleepy village hid deep secrets within its shadowed woods.

The cheery village of Willowdale felt off-kilter, with villagers darting glances at the cats lounging around the dirt roads. Merlin noticed people concealing the felines when the Peculiar Investigations team passed by. Strange indeed...

They began investigating that first afternoon. At the cozy inn, the keeper seemed anxious for them to try his freshly baked meat pies. "Willowdale is so peaceful," he remarked brightly, though his eyes kept flicking to a tabby cat curled by the fireplace. "Don't know why you're here!"

The pub offered no further insights, though again villagers hid cats under tables and behind chairs when the team entered. Patrons averted their eyes, conversations hushing abruptly.

Outside town, they found a few scattered farmsteads on the village outskirts. A wrinkled farmer squinted at them, then shooed away a cat pawing at his shovel. "No mysteries round here," he mumbled, turning quickly back to his fields.

By a crumbling stone wall at the edge of the woods, Josephine called out. She had discovered a dead cat, its body strangely malformed. Crouching to examine it, Merlin recoiled with a gasp.

Gray, writhing tentacles protruded from the cat's back like grotesque spines. The feline's remaining flesh was withered, as if the alien growths had drained away its life force. Josephine whispered a prayer and bundled the bizarre carcass away to examine later.

"This confirms dark forces are afoot here," said Seraphina grimly. "Let us explore these woods tomorrow. I suspect we may find answers within."

Returning to the village as dusk fell, Merlin spotted a weed-choked path leading toward an ancient crypt built into a rocky outcropping. Shadows covered the entrance, giving the structure a menacing air.

Merlin considered investigating further, but Josephine clasped his arm. "Tomorrow, when we're prepared," she urged gently. Reluctantly he followed his companions back toward the welcoming lights of the village inn.

Over a late supper of savory meat pies, the team discussed their findings and suspicions. The role of the cats in the odd happenings remained unclear, but the tentacled cadaver hinted at dark forces preying upon the village. Exploring the crypt might reveal answers, but also unknown dangers.

Approaching villagers still acted jittery, anxiously concealing their feline companions from the visitors. A gray tabby with cold blue eyes tracked Merlin from atop a fence before slinking into the growing shadows.

Despite the brewing mystery that set his curiosity aflame, Merlin took comfort sharing a hearty meal with his steadfast comrades after a long day's investigations. Tomorrow they would illuminate whatever evil had taken root in this otherwise pastoral haven. But for now, they had earned a chance to laugh and exchange stories over dinner, the candlelight flickering welcomingly within the timber-beamed inn.

Merlin sank into blissful sleep at the village inn, exhausted from a long day investigating Willowdale's mysterious troubles. But suddenly he jolted awake, finding himself on a cold stone floor in total darkness. Rough ropes bound his wrists and ankles. Beside him lay Seraphina and Josephine, also tied up and just rousing.

"Where are we?" Josephine whispered fearfully. Merlin's eyes adjusted to reveal they were trapped in a crypt of some kind, with moss-covered pillars and cobwebs filling the stale air.

A dozen other unknown folk were also bound and scattered about the shadowy chamber. But what drew Merlin's gaze was a humanoid creature hovering in the room's center, illuminated in a shaft of pale moonlight from a crack in the ceiling.

Though he had never seen one in the flesh, Merlin instantly recognized the monster from his studies. A rounded head with writhing facial tentacles, grayish skin, and a lithe but unnaturally sinuous body...this was a mind flayer.

"It's an illithid," Merlin whispered to his companions. "Their very presence bodes ill. We must escape!" Seeing his friends' confusion, he hastily explained.

"Mind flayers seize control of victims' bodies and minds using their tentacles. Over time they transform captives into new illithids, multiplying their numbers. They are evil to the core."

Merlin closely analyzed their strange prison. Glowing runes lined the walls and sealed the lone door - wards meant to contain the monster. He surmised it had been trapped here long ago but was now scheming again. The cats...

"The village cats must have become partially transformed by this creature," Merlin reasoned aloud. "It's using them to do its bidding while trapped here."

Just then, the crypt door creaked open. Willowdale villagers shuffled in carrying more prisoners - innocent travelers like themselves who had stopped at the village, never to leave. Under the sway of the mind flayer, the villagers had provided it new victims to expand its thrall.

Merlin's blood turned to ice as the creature's blank white eyes turned towards them. He had to act fast. As the villagers trudged back out, Merlin whispered an incantation, moving his fingers in precise magical shapes. The ropes around their wrists unraveled.

Before the mind flayer could react, Merlin activated a rune on the wall, disrupting the wards. "Now, we must banish this evil!"

Seraphina leapt to her feet and charged the hissing illithid. Her fist connected with a crunching noise, splattering ichor. Josephine pulled free and helped the other prisoners.

Reciting a banishing spell, Merlin summoned light that scorched the writhing creature. It tried resisting, but combined with Seraphina's unrelenting strikes, the purified energy overwhelmed its dark essence. With an unearthly wail, the mind flayer dissolved into smoke.

The malevolent atmosphere in the crypt instantly lifted. Merlin could sense the spell connecting the cats was also broken. Willowdale was free from the mind flayer's insidious influence.

They freed the remaining prisoners and made their way outside. The villagers who had been under the creature's sway now wandered in confusion, back to normal. Seraphina placed a comforting hand on Merlin's shoulder.

"Your knowledge saved many lives today. Well done." Josephine hugged him tightly in relief.

Though weary from their ordeal, the team returned to the village to rest and recover. Merlin now understood the energy he had sensed simmering under sleepy Willowdale's surface. This chapter of their adventures would make a thrilling tale to recount back at headquarters.