

My birth name has been lost to time where not even myself could say for certain what it was. I am known to many by one name and a few by another. I have seen epochs come and go but nothing has changed. I am a cultivator who has seen the limits of all.

All my life I always climbed mountain over mountain even when all those around me believed there to be no higher to climb. Never giving up for any reason has got me to where I am. But now I could see it, feel it, hear it, taste it, smell it, and sense it. The highest peak I could climb.

There was but a single thing in my way but something no matter how strong I become I could never fight. Karma. Only someone with a pure unsoiled line of Karma could climb this mountain. The amount of horrible things in my life that I have committed couldn't be counted. Without those things I wouldn't be where I am or who I am. I refuse to regret my choices for they made me who I am.

But I must know the one thing, the one thing I have always been seeking to know. Is there really a limit to cultivation? I may never be able to see the last mountain but that doesn't mean someone else can't.